Example sentences of "[coord] were [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or were given permission to go in .
2 During the elimination period the patients consumed a tolerated formula ( soy or protein hydrolysate ) or were given calcium supplementation .
3 Of the 41 Local Authority libraries that replied , 24 had automated or were considering automation ; the majority had implemented automation of accessions , cataloguing and circulation , but only 2 had introduced automated systems for ILL .
4 State agencies other then the Ministry of Internal Affairs , furthermore , either had become convinced that the government would run more risks by abandoning reform than it would by continuing with it , or were acquiring ministers whose commitment to change was actually greater than that of their predecessors .
5 Some 30 per cent of the population had attended or were attending literacy courses , almost 16 per cent had primary education and 4.5 per cent secondary education .
6 Those , like Lashley , who were developing specialized test procedures for use with animals were either using them to explore general psychological capacities like ‘ intelligence ’ or were testing predictions from learning theories .
7 Now on this occasion after " last orders " when Joe had got rid of everyone , save the remnants of my party , we went downstairs into the cellar and were enjoying pints drawn off by Mrs Joe when there was a great thundering on the door .
8 The food followed quickly , and they both ate the delicious fresh fish with relish , and were enjoying coffee and coconut-cream pie when Stephen was called to the telephone .
9 Though he has yet to finish on a winning side — Great Britain lost both tests and were defeated 8-O at Leigh — & name is confident the side will come up with the goods this time .
10 They could see absolutely nothing and were wasting time and fuel .
11 William and Dorothy Wordsworth arrived at Racedown Lodge one midnight near the end of September 1795 , and were to remain tenants there for almost two years .
12 The teams were to be specialist in focus and expert in approach and were to serve areas of 80–100,000 population .
13 After the Lateran Council all men over fifteen and women over twelve were to confess annually to their own priest ( permission was needed for confession to another ) and were to take communion each Easter .
14 They used to replace pepper when its price was high , and were called Guinea pepper because they are from West Africa .
15 But there the county equivalents covered very large areas and were called regions rather than counties .
16 The twins were pretty young — I never was much good with babies — and were called Anastasia and Lucifer — yes , Lucifer .
17 A more revolutionary proposal of his was that England players should train together regularly , an idea derived from his visit to Holland , where the national players came together for coaching once a week , and were given lectures and ‘ homework ’ exercises .
18 A further eight patients with villous adenomas but no evidence of malignant change were deemed unsuitable for the study and were given laser treatment only .
19 The private ones , being exclusive , aroused bad feelings , but to the public ones people came from miles around and were given things to eat : distant relations , old friends , old acquaintances , old enemies , but no outsiders , no aliens .
20 In 1987 there were 236,000 enquiries in England and Wales from people claiming to be homeless ; 62,000 were found not to be homeless within the definition used in the legislation and 57,000 were found not to be in priority need and were given advice and assistance only .
21 At the very successful Potential Teachers ' Day in July , 29 students were introduced to Medau at training level and were given background information about the syllabus and course structure .
22 Neville and his co-defendants James Anderson and Felix Dennis , were found guilty in 1971 of publishing an obscene article , namely OZ 28 , otherwise known as Schoolkids ' OZ , and were given prison sentences ranging from nine to fifteen months .
23 A total of 38 rebels were reported to have been extradited to Vietnam on Jan. 14 , 1990 , and were given prison sentences ranging from six to 15 years .
24 Mary Woodend , Margaret Tindal , June Smith and Hannah Hodgson were probably older girls and were getting 1½d. a barrow load ; they were probably breaking lumps or cobbling , though the last two earned only 1/9 each in July of 1843 .
25 The trade unions were growing in militancy , especially during the years after 1890 , and were displaying powers which dismayed a large part of middle-class society .
26 The Public Prosecutor 's office said that neither brother was on the list of those who had been detained and were facing charges .
27 Over the previous three years perestroika had become a reality ; the Soviet people themselves had changed , and were facing facts that had earlier been obscured from them .
28 They had negotiated the roundabout for Lutterworth and the A427 to Coventry and were proceeding north on the A5 when Mr Woodward 's attention was suddenly drawn to what he first thought were three buses stood nose to tail .
29 On 30 March 1992 the local authority sought and were granted leave under section 100 of the Children Act 1989 to invoke the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court to ‘ determine whether artificial ventilation and/or other life-saving measures should be given to the minor if he suffers a life-threatening event . ’
30 Two locals , one aged 19 , the other in his early 20s , were arrested and were helping inquiries last night .
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