Example sentences of "[coord] she have a " in BNC.

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1 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
2 Before the provision contained in rule 3(7) was enacted , the law governing standing to apply for prerogative orders was , in simplified terms , as follows : a person could apply for certiorari or prohibition provided he or she had a genuine grievance or , in other words , provided the applicant was a person aggrieved by the challenged decision .
3 A duty solicitor had an obligation to provide advice to persons in custody and , if desired , to make a bail application ; he or she had a discretion to provide advice and representation to defendants , whether or not in custody , in cases involving imprisonable offences , and even in connection with non-imprisonable offences in exceptional cases .
4 His Offensive Weapons ( Scotland ) Bill would put the onus on the person carrying a knife to prove he or she had a valid reason for doing so .
5 Does he or she have a significant past medical history which will influence good wound healing ?
6 Your plugger should contact all the DJs with whom he or she has a good relationship , trying to persuade them to play your record .
7 They could sell the shares to a stranger — who might decide he or she has a lot to contribute to the business .
8 What are some things you could do or habits you could develop which would make your partner feel glad he or she has a relationship with you ?
9 He or she has a number of non-teaching hours for work with young people and their families after they leave school .
10 That is to say , if the child is black ( reality ) , he or she must first recognise and accept that he or she has a black psychic image .
11 Section 5 of the Business Names Act 1985 provides that where a person fails to comply with the requirement set out in s. 5 and thereafter seeks to enforce a business contract with a party in default by means of a court action , ( a ) if the person in default can establish that he or she has a claim against the proprietor , which due to the proprietor 's failure to comply with s. 5 he or she has been unable to pursue , or ( b ) if a breach by the proprietor of s. 5 has caused the person in default some financial loss , the proprietor 's claim shall be dismissed , unless it is ‘ just and equitable ’ that the proprietor should be allowed to continue the action .
12 We ourselves suggested that , notwithstanding our data , any patient who believes that he or she has a problem with human insulin should resume animal insulin , which we certainly would not wish to see withdrawn .
13 Denial is a psychological defence mechanism by which the sufferer simply does not believe that he or she has a problem , despite all the evidence .
14 If the researcher is interested in discussions of government finance in the Treasury , he or she has a potential problem of informational over-kill .
15 Roughly , unilateralism provides that the plaintiff must win if he or she has a right to win established in the explicit extension of some legal convention , but that otherwise the defendant must win .
16 The second must be that he or she has a long life .
17 Her parents would as lief have me as Humphrey , and she 'd a good deal rather . ’
18 She was an heiress and she had a hundred thousand pounds and Mr Vigo wanted money to collect that Chinese stuff .
19 ‘ A friend of mine who 's a florist got married the other day and she had a really lovely do and it cost almost nothing .
20 She 'd be good to be seen with and she had a sense of humour .
21 Gloria 's lipstick was brighter than ever , and she had a fitted red two-piece with Essoldo embroidered in cream on the top pocket .
22 And she had a way of conjuring up places , in terms of their dimensions , that led those same children to explore their houses and fields blindfold ; the dark world that they discovered with their fingertips was new to them — but not frightening as they had supposed it to be .
23 Her fiancé seemed to be on a Cook 's tour of the Middle East , and she had a touching faith in my opinion as to his current safety .
24 I told my Mum what had happened and she had a word with this teacher .
25 She occupied a tiny apartment hidden away beneath Betty 's house , and she had a habit of materializing unexpectedly as if she 'd sprung up through a trapdoor .
26 but Pam was a wonderful hostess , and she had a great secret : she exuded love without noticing it .
27 She was also prone to frequent and severe migraine headaches , and she had a wheezy chest which had led to her first asthma attack which worried her greatly .
28 He was smiling as if he recognized her , and she had a queer , uncanny feeling that she knew him very well …
29 Now , however , she had leisure to take in her surroundings , and she had a good look at an enormous house that she had barely glanced at before .
30 But all that was some months ago and she had a cold front since for her hefty swinging colleague .
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