Example sentences of "[coord] as [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bernstein argues that some school subjects have very tight definitions of knowledge , and clear boundary lines marking what is considered relevant ‘ knowledge ’ and what is either considered not relevant or as belonging to another subject .
2 In addition to salads use them as starters with avocados or as dips with your hors d'oeuvres .
3 But they see policy-level bureaucrats as either directly controlled by an external business elite or as acting in an implicitly biased way to defend the social interests of people with similar backgrounds , incomes and interests to themselves .
4 The core of the double-entry system is the ledger , in which all the transactions of the business must ultimately appear , either individually or as totals from subsidiary books , as shown by Fig. 5.1 .
5 3.7.2 in accordance with the Plans approved by the Landlord pursuant to clause 3.3 Add the following words to clause 3.7.2 : or as amended with the approval of the Landlord ( such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed )
6 Because of maintaining an apparently different brand of theism , Hinduism is often viewed by those whose main contact is with the Near Eastern religions either as atheist or as believing in a different god or gods .
7 Children with low comprehension scores but high expressive scores are seen as having possible emotional problems , or as suffering from echolalia .
8 Practical experience is gained during the week end exercises or as shown in the photograph , when bridge building in Edinburgh .
9 You must attend your place of work regularly and punctually , at the times agreed in your letter of appointment , or as directed by your manager .
10 The Secretary to the Tribunal shall be the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee , or as supplied by the HCIMA secretariat .
11 These apparent exceptions can be justified as involving the exercise of a legal right , in the case of chastisement or correction , or as needed in the public interest , in the other cases .
12 There are other contexts however , to which I shall come , in which the English courts have adopted as part of English law the maxim of the civil law that an unborn child shall be deemed to be born whenever its interests require it — or as put by Lord Westbury L.C. in Blasson v. Blasson ( 1864 ) 2 De.G .
13 On a grand scale they can be used instead of aqueducts or as approaches to them .
14 No hyperplasia strictly corresponding to the micronodular definition or as described in atrophic gastritis was observed .
15 The council may , with the consent of the Home Secretary make an order in the terms applied for or as modified by the Secretary of State .
16 ‘ Each nation in its natural state , ’ wrote a widely read commentator in the 1740s , ‘ must be considered as the enemy of all others ; or as disposed to be such . ’
17 From this progression it becomes possible to consider chronic diseases either as acute illnesses from which we have not been able to recover fully or as arising from the individual having insufficient ‘ energy ’ , for whatever reason , to develop an acute illness and be done with it !
18 They will also clarify whether such difficulties are best seen as an exaggerated form of more normal occurrences , or as arising in a different way from the mistakes made by normal people .
19 Creditors holding priority claims , such as pre-petition wage claims , some customer claims , set-off claims and secured claims will be paid in full or as agreed upon by the parties , or otherwise remain outstanding ; it appears that the shares now traded on the American Stock Exchange will be essentially worthless .
20 Creditors holding priority claims , such as pre-petition wage claims , some customer claims , set-off claims and secured claims will be paid in full or as agreed upon by the parties , or otherwise remain outstanding ; it appears that the shares now traded on the American Stock Exchange will be essentially worthless .
21 THE ACARD report on computer-aided design and manufacture gives two definitions of CAD : Computer-aided draughting : ‘ The use of a computer-based system for translating concepts or sketches into drawings suitable for use in manufacture , or for storing drawings or parts of drawings in a data bank to be available on call for modification , incorporating into a revised drawing , or as input to a subsequent manufacturing process . ’
22 To most of the questions the Head of Department answered ‘ Yes ’ or ‘ No ’ , with an occasional phrase or short sentence either offered in amplification , or as demanded by the question .
23 The Germanic tribe is therefore based on shared locality rather than kinship , but it consists of a collection of kinship units each with access to a territory , thus ‘ individual landed property ( of the different families ) does not appear as a contradictory form of communal landed property , nor as mediated by the community but the other way round .
24 Our discussion in the previous four chapters has focused in turn on the substance and implementation of each of the aims of the Primary Needs Programme as set out by Leeds LEA in 1985 and as reinforced in numerous contexts subsequently .
25 The department has major research activities in the pathological sciences and has closely co-ordinated research interests in Immunology , Molecular Biology , Virology and Microbiology , both in veterinary species ( especially the sheep , pig , cat and dog ) and as applied to human medicine .
26 The meaning of this term is cold or extinguished fire and as applied to the instance just given would signify that the rights of the claimants had gone cold and their claims extinguished .
27 He seems to intimate that the contract is not as solid and as biased toward the group as they believe .
28 ‘ You see ? ’ he said , thrusting skeletal hands forward and Nuadu flinched , for the hands were as ravaged and as eaten as the Robemaker 's face ; the nails hung by shreds , and the remaining skin was matted and crusted .
29 3–11–1898 The Moderator read the following extract minute of Presbytery ; " The presbytery took up the report of the committee on union with the United Presbyterian Church as sent down by last General Assembly , and as Instructed by the Assembly , agreed to transmit the said report to the Kirk Session within their bounds for their information . "
30 He regarded the Old Testament text as an accurate historical record , as authoritative in matters of doctrine and ethics , and as inspired of God .
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