Example sentences of "[coord] had [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Summer ‘ 91 , I had just retired and I was so looking forward to it when , one week ‘ into it ’ , told us that she & had parted company .
2 Customers were asked to fill in a brief form stating whether they knew or had seen Mr McEvoy .
3 I 'd learned their names only to the extent that they owned horses in the horse car or had touched bases with Filmer , which came to only about half .
4 They claimed that he had made and taken away copies or had memorised extracts from a book of secret formulae .
5 Had he imagined it , or had Chung Hu-yan come to him only an hour back with news of another attack ?
6 None had symptoms or a history of gastrointestinal disease or surgery or had received antibiotics in the two months before the study .
7 Some of these were enshrined in local guidelines , such as whether a person was deemed ‘ vulnerable ’ , or if they lived alone or had repeated admissions to hospital .
8 ‘ But , inasmuch as before the search began the defendant told the plaintiff 's clerk that the charge would be the same whether he made extracts or had certified copies , and under that pressure the extracts were obtained , and it would have been most dishonourable for the party , after having got the extracts , to refuse to pay , the money so obtained may be recovered back .
9 During their stay on the plantation more than a hundred coolies in Village Number Three had died of fever and malnutrition , or had committed suicide but there had never been a death among their immediate neighbours .
10 They were worried about her being alone in the fiat and had wondered whether she was pregnant or had taken drugs .
11 As a private registry it was available only to the trading partners , and not to third parties interested in knowing whether a given shipment was sold , pledged , or had taken place .
12 None had any complicating medical condition or previous history of gastric surgery , or had taken antibiotics or bismuth preparations in the previous six months .
13 None was receiving antibiotics or had taken acid inhibitory agents within the previous week .
14 The remainder were either on Youth Opportunity schemes , the dole , or had re-entered education .
15 I had or had had cancer — a most serious disease — yet I had been talking as if it was all a joke .
16 As approved , the bill would give Soviet citizens the automatic right to obtain a passport within one month of application , unless the applicant was involved in criminal proceedings , was liable for military service , or had had access to state secrets in the previous five years .
17 Or maybe you did n't work hard enough , or had chosen subjects you really did n't enjoy , or you just were n't up to it .
18 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
19 Having concentrated so far on administration and CIA involvement , Walsh declared that the final stages of his investigation would focus on other agencies which either collaborated in , or had detailed knowledge of , the Reagan administration 's secret arms sales to Iran or its covert resupply network for the contras .
20 In one study of a small group of wrist-slashers it was found that more than half were well , or had shown improvement , 5–6 years later ( Nelson and Grunebaum 1971 ) .
21 At least 82 Assembly members , most from the NLD , had died , been imprisoned or had fled Myanma since the May 1989 election .
22 In 1983–4 , 33 per cent of young workers told interviewers from the GHS that they were unemployed or had experienced unemployment during the previous twelve months .
23 Most other independent radio stations had either had their equipment destroyed or had broadcast music programmes and other safe material .
24 Rostov saw that none of the leaves which had fallen were withered or had changed colour , and the ground below every tree was covered by a soft carpet which was perhaps a metre thick .
25 Those who had known Michael Holly at his home in the south-east of England , or had shared office and canteen space with him at the factory on the Kent fringes of London , might not now have recognized their man .
26 A report released in late March by a UN relief team which had recently visited Iraq stated that the bombing had caused " near-apocalyptic results " and had relegated Iraq to a " pre-industrial age " .
27 For one thing , she knew very little of the Empress 's plans and had sensed Ypres 's disappointment in her replies .
28 Unfortunately , one of the Sheriff 's impromptu posse had earlier been drinking with the brothers and had noticed George 's notorious mutilated thumb .
29 Last year 's fantasy was that Mossad , the Israeli secret service , had sent prostitutes to Egypt to spread AIDS , and had contaminated fruit and vegetables with the AIDS virus .
30 She had a divinity degree from London University and had completed part of a law course at Lagos University when she was admitted to the faculty in 1983 as an entrant preparing to sit her bar exams .
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