Example sentences of "[coord] at [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Plug it in anywhere in the building , and by pressing buttons you can switch appliances on and on , or dim lights , either immediately or at preset times .
2 During the summer Dad would go to the allotment or at other times of the year start one or other of the jobs which he always seemed to have to do .
3 It can also examine timetables to ensure that bus companies operate not only at peak times but at midday or at other times when people wish to travel to doctors , hospitals or services that may be situated in the centres of population in cities and towns .
4 Another is the use of casuals to supplement the basic staff in a restaurant or bar on busy days or at busy times of the year .
5 Appetite might be poor and food that is eaten will be difficult to digest ; bowel movements will occur at inconvenient times in the night or at unaccustomed times during the day , or the traveller might suffer constipation for a few days .
6 ( You are rarely able to sample rhythms as often as you would like. ) ( a ) Are your 4 hours of observations made in a single session or a number of sessions ? ( b ) If it is a single session , is this at the same time or at different times each day ? ( c ) If it is at different times , then how do you arrange them ? ( d ) If it is a number of sessions , then how many ?
7 This would seem to demonstrate not only that studies in different areas or at different times have produced different results , but that a follow through of the cases prosecuted might have found , for example , that Blacks had a different ( possibly higher ) rate of ‘ not guilty ’ pleas , with acquittal rates which might have justified them in not accepting a caution .
8 I suppose in asking that question I 've got to ask you to rule out er all transactions er which have sort of transacted through New York and London at the same , or , or at different times , because quite clearly the Good Committee would er all their suggestions would fail on that behalf You 've just destroyed the question I was going to ask you really before I got to the question .
9 ‘ You played it for her , you can play it for me ’ : MacWeek expects Apple Computer Inc this month to announce a software only information server code-named Bogart that simplifies and accelerates text search and retrieval ; the thing will use agent technology to enable users to perform English-language queries with Boolean operators and proximity searches of text stored on a central server or on CD-ROMs and will deliver ‘ smart relevance ’ search results , ranked by pertinence to the user 's query ; searches can reportedly occur on demand or at user-specified time intervals .
10 The political moment — that period when moral attitudes are transformed into formally political action — can be of key importance in nuancing the regulation of sexuality , and at crucial times a moral schema has been of prime significance in political propaganda .
11 Her sheer emotional and physical energy nevertheless took its physical toll , and at various times in her life she abused alcohol and drugs as well as notching up a significant number of car accidents of varying degrees of seriousness .
12 ( FCA ) of having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 31 July 1985 and 28 February 1990 audited the accounts of a limited company , a company in which his wife was a shareholder and at various times an office holder , resulting in him not being free of any interest which might detract or be seen to detract from his professional independence and integrity was reprimanded and ordered to pay £600 by way of costs .
13 Priests take an oath of allegiance to the bishop at their induction into their livings and at set times , often on Maundy Thursday , they will renew their vows .
14 You can be perfectly well with HIV and at other times chronic debility makes it hard to do even the basic things .
15 You can be perfectly well with HIV and at other times chronic debility makes it hard to do even the basic things .
16 I also sell vast amounts of Draught Bass , which sometimes comes from Burton-on-Trent and at other times from Tadcaster .
17 Sometimes the word is for us and at other times instead of us ; but whatever the word , the New Testament writers were in no doubt that Jesus was Saviour of the world , and that his death was the crucial victory of God .
18 Sometimes it felt close by and at other times it was only a distant echo .
19 The treatment for both problems is expensive , and has to be repeated constantly , thus rendering the initial investment in drainage quite worthless in some cases , and at other times leading to a downgrading of the agricultural classification of the land .
20 Sometimes the wind swings steadily round over a period of time , and at other times it blows steadily in a curve .
21 Interestingly , despite Bair 's desire to produce a ‘ coherent , cohesive unity ’ , de Beauvoir emerges with contradictions intact — at times an intimidating woman , excessively rational , inflexible and intolerant , and at other times extremely naive and lacking in confidence .
22 At times you can easily ‘ con ’ one into your net , and at other times you find they are less gullible .
23 Many villages , such as Barwick-in-Elmet in Yorkshire , retain the tradition of erecting the pole and dancing round on May Eve and at other times .
24 The play taking place in the Home Corner might at times be imaginative , and at other times imitative .
25 Michael Salata , 38 , who at times claims to be a terrorist and at other times a CIA agent , was last night being held on £150 bail .
26 This occurs because the waves are not quite in step : sometimes they reinforce each other and at other times they cancel each other out — in the same way that 1 + ( -1 ) = 0 .
27 There are thirteen references to me in it , all of them complimentary ; sometimes I appear as ‘ Burton ’ and at other times as ‘ Mr Burton ’ .
28 There is a roof-top restaurant , overlooking the Village , where breakfast and dinner are served mid-June to early Sept , and at other times guests dine at the Castello .
29 Sometimes the object of the panic is quite novel and at other times it is something which has been in existence long enough , but suddenly appears in the limelight .
30 Well , the Purcell Quartet sometimes makes them sound soloistic ( by the characterful playing of Catherine Mackintosh in the Giga of Op. 2 No. 7 , for example ) and at other times orchestral ( as in the finales of Op. 1 No. 10 , with its wonderful echoes , and No. 11 for which Robert Woolley playfully provides a virtuoso obbligato on the organ ) .
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