Example sentences of "[coord] at [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I would be treading a tightrope — or at the least could be accused of insensitivity — were I to speak more of this particular sister-in-law .
2 For young women the disease sanctions were even stronger and tended to be linked with childbearing threats , with the possibility opened up of cancer , insanity and TB , or at the least frigidity or nymphomania .
3 Almost half of Shrewsbury has Welsh blood , or at the least friends in Wales .
4 The words in square brackets should , however , be deleted , or at the least the provisions should be amended to " best endeavours " to place a more stringent obligation on the landlord .
5 Moreover , the two aspects of the debate were not always synchronised in the same people or at the same time .
6 It is vital for the young cuckoo to hatch either before , or at the same time as , its nest mates .
7 She is looking for applicants who have some experience in child care and can be contacted today at Belfast 629274 , or at the same number from May 29 to June 1 .
8 Thus a man who could have done all sorts of good things is rendered useless ; and the same sort of outcome could follow in a case involving not one but two men , or a hundred or more , or even a whole branch of a family ( progenies ) or at the same time a whole province — if you 're not very careful ! " ( c. 31 )
9 The list of honorary and corresponding members included gentlemen living in 30 English counties , and at a few places in Scotland and Wales .
10 Only in towns and at a few other places could trains going in opposite directions pass .
11 In some regions , the cable is split into several parallel strands , and at a few points around the margin ( typically two or three ) the continuity of the cable is broken , the actin distribution appears disorderly , and the wound front is irregular rather than smoothly curved ; some of these discontinuities may represent sites of stronger attachment to the substratum .
12 Oh I think so , I mean I , again I hope there are n't any Catholics in the audience who are offended by my remarks , but it 's just my personal opinion , that yeah , th th you know , th th that is the case and at the least I mean whatever judgment one makes about this thing , I , I repeat what I said earlier about you got ta be terribly careful when using the word natural .
13 And at the more maths you know , I think , the easier it is perhaps to get a job , and perhaps to be able to choose an interesting field .
14 The catalogue as a whole is thus a document in the history of taste , a historical account , and at the same time contains some art criticism , not always explicit in evaluating the works shown .
15 Zuckerman is seeking to deny the traditional connection between illness and psychic division which is reaffirmed in the novel as a whole , and which is also reaffirmed in The Facts , and at the same time to deny that there is a traditional belief in division or multiplicity , a long-standing sense of selfhood as a chimera .
16 The point of preparation is to be well tuned and at the same time flexible to new interpretations and ideas .
17 Not all the clergy and all the religious orders have been actively engaged in the pursuit of this ideal , but one or two orders have been ; for example , the Christian Brothers are devoted to the ideals of a Christian and catholic education , and supporters of the concept of a nation dedicated to God and at the same time distinctly Irish .
18 as if my whole life , he wrote , had been spent working at the glass and at the same time had been spent doing nothing at all .
19 Nevertheless I feel that I have a responsibility to the public and to the world of art both to present your unpublished writings in as comprehensible a form as possible , and at the same time to correct some of the misleading impressions these might give , not of course about yourself , but about others , casually mentioned here and there in the course of your jottings .
20 ‘ His books taught me that poetry can be pure and profound , and at the same time popular . ’
21 He selected the simplest steps and poses of classical dance with its perfectly balanced form and at the same time gave it straighter , longer lines to draw attention to the more athletic qualities of Greek dance and to the clear , austere sounds of Satie 's modern music .
22 To start the saw , the starting lock at the top of the handle has to be pressed forwards and at the same time the trigger switch is squeezed .
23 Raskolnikov is young , preoccupied and merely puzzled — ‘ young , abstract and therefore cruel ’ , the severe voice of the novel descries him elsewhere — but the reader attends in tragic wonder , for he understands that Marmeladov has indeed nowhere to go , a nowhere which is the finality of his loose end , at once in character , at once personal to the selfish selfless rationale of one man 's marriage and his other circumstances , personal to his ‘ destitution ’ or ‘ extremity ’ or ‘ misère ’ ( nishcheta , which he is careful to distinguish from his poverty ) , and at the same time an objective and transpersonal theme running through all Dostoevsky 's work .
24 Many a reader of The Possessed will have smiled at Von Lemke 's paper cut-outs — the conductor waving his baton , the bustling railway porter , the hell-fire gesticulating preacher — and at the same time he will have wondered why the microcosmic animated toys feel so supremely right for this novel .
25 A rift has opened between realism and something beyond , and at the same time a link has been forged between Dostoevsky 's favourite phrase , the deeper realism , and my own apocalyptic naturalism .
26 And at the same time , since Svidrigailov too has been brushed against in this reaching back which is also a reaching forward , the incident of the governor 's ear can be understood in all its matchless comedy as a desperate man 's recourse against boredom .
27 You have to train people to become doctors or engineers or professors , and at the same time to train them in questioning all that — not only in a critical way , but I would say in a deconstructive way .
28 In my own teaching , in my own responsibilities , I think I have to make two gestures simultaneously : to train people , to teach them , to give them a content , to be a good pedagogue , to train teachers , to give them a profession ; and at the same time to make them as conscious as possible of the problems of professionalization .
29 ‘ It is ridiculous that somebody should talk to a party and at the same time dictate to that party who should be heading it , ’ he said in an interview with The Independent .
30 His manner of playing the piano has something so basically individual about it , and at the same time so masterly , that he may really be described as the perfect virtuoso . ’
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