Example sentences of "[coord] was not to " in BNC.

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1 He turned to his sons demanding to know whether there was or was not to be a baptism party that night , and whether or not I would be the only white present .
2 It helped the whole congregation realise the affection of their heavenly Father in a fresh way for that day : as such it was encouraging , strengthening and was not to be despised !
3 When Cooper lobbied government to get rid of him it persuaded M.P.s that Cooper just had a bee in bonnet and was not to be taken seriously .
4 But that development involved the solution of theoretical problems and was not to be achieved without considerable theoretical labour .
5 Each of the alchemists , he claimed , was in his way an incarnation of Mercurius — the ever-ambiguous tutelary spirit of the Art who promised much and was not to be had for the asking .
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