Example sentences of "[coord] it [verb] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 A just cause and it promises later electoral success , provided everything is thrown at the enemy and his swift defeat is assured .
2 And it made better grass .
3 Its essence stayed the same but now there was something new in its texture , and it became clearer as it approached .
4 After that many Republican law-makers felt compelled to go along with it — and it became harder for critics to attack the reforms as ‘ socialised medicine ’ .
5 I spent every last penny of my hoarded misery that night , blew eighteen years ' worth on one split second , and it felt better than anyone who is not a fan can ever be expected to understand .
6 My foot was giving me murder , and it got worse during the next few days , but I still had to go out and fodder the cattle .
7 And it got worse when I realised I did n't know where they were going for their lune de miel .
8 And it got worse as the day wore on , especially since it began to rain .
9 It happened like this : last Saturday , after the farewell party at Nanking University , I came back to the hotel , and packed my things ready to leave for Shanghai , then about 10.30 I started to feel sick , and it got worse and worse and went on and on until I had to wake up Comrade Wu at about 3.30 and ask her to get a doctor .
10 Those disciples , they had the storm stilled for them and it got easier sailing .
11 And you 're sat there and you 're like kicking it away and it goes worse .
12 Poor land means less reward for more work , more risk of disappointment and failure , and it requires greater skill .
13 When , for example , a previously repressed anger comes back into consciousness and it becomes safer for a person to acknowledge his hostility , desire is also freed .
14 And then , almost imperceptibly , the calm surface become ruffled and the clear images blurred , and it becomes colder .
15 Once vice-chancellors start to think the unthinkable , then the issue becomes part of the agenda and it becomes harder to retreat .
16 And they told me about Azul , in Jersey , and before that I think it was before that they showed me the forensic photographs of all of them : Bissett skewered on the railings , grotesque and spread and limp ; the blood-smeared vibrator used on the retired judge , Jamieson ; the drained shapeless white body of Persimmon , tied to his grid above a pool of blood , then nothing when there should have been something ; then what was left of Sir Rufus Carter , blackened bones , distorted and bent , the black skull 's jaw hinged down in a blind scream but the flesh all gone very much a dental-records job and it was all black , the nails , the wood and the bones too but it 's their mouths their jaws I remember , their silent screams , hanging slack or jammed open and it gets worse because they show me the fucking video they show me the video they think I made or that I think they think I made but I did n't ; they make me watch it and it 's horrific ; there 's a man and he 's dressed in black or dark blue and he has a gorilla mask on and he keeps sucking on this little bottle he 's carrying which must be helium because it gives him that baby voice disguising his own voice and he has this fat little guy strapped to a chrome seat , his mouth taped , one arm tied down onto the arm of the chair , shirt rolled up and the little guy 's shrieking as hard as he can but it sounds quiet because the noise is having to come down his nose while the man in the gorilla mask looks from the camera to the guy in the seat and holds up this huge fucking syringe like something from a nightmare from an old movie from a horror film and I can feel my heart beating wildly because that 's what this is .
17 And it gets worse .
18 You have a track record and you build up this understanding and you acquire the skills , and it gets easier and easier .
19 " You were upset and it seemed simpler to see you both together , but I will now give you information about all the bequests and tell you what I have arranged about probate and death duties . "
20 Finally , it became clear that no preliminary conference would be possible without widening the discussions unduly , and it seemed best to hold bilateral discussions first .
21 There were cross-bunkers to get past as well , and it seemed best to hit it in front of them and then take another wedge to the green .
22 Despite some significant developments by BBC and Marconi engineers , the system still did not give better quality than 78rpm discs ; it only succeeded because it gave longer running-time , and it had lower running-costs because the tape could be magnetically erased and reused .
23 Nonetheless the principle of retirement pension was accepted from this point onwards , and it enabled older people to maintain their position as active partners in structures of kin support , at least in financial terms .
24 If you can find some moss and dig it up and it lasts longer .
25 It is sometimes argued that direct persuasion applied by A to B not to perform his contract is itself the procurement of breach by unlawful means , but the argument is circular and it seems better simply to say that in this form of the tort no use of unlawful means is required .
26 It is difficult to accept this interpretation because there is no evidence to imply that the site was ever promoted to the rank of civitas capital , and it seems simplest to assume that it fulfilled some other official function .
27 But that would be inconsistent with his other errors , and it seems likelier to be a slip .
28 That 's not to say that it 's not worth listening to : it clearly is , and it grows larger the more you hear it .
29 ‘ It is tiny , only about two inches , and very narrow , and it parasitises larger fish by entering through their gill openings , or through their cloacas .
30 Few companies receive ISO9002 at the first attempt , particularly over such a short period , and it reflects further major business progress .
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