Example sentences of "[coord] of [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gillerthwaite - - ‘ was under the influence of a warm and sportive sunshine , which rendering lazy , while it illuminated the lowing herds of cattle , presented , to the mind 's eye , after their viewing such a scene the results of a Cuyp , a Bergham , or a Potter , or of many an English painter of animals . ’
2 And of committee and of sorry a special erm meeting between the four officers that produced minutes to all part and this was one of them about this particular issue , which just just is just to record that Westbourne 's Parish Council 's er views were taken into account .
3 Meg Ryan plays Morrison 's common-law wife , Pamela Courson , and of all the people involved in Stone 's $40 million movie , she seems the one most affected by the story 's dark undertones .
4 I thought of Angela Brickell and of all the afternoons Perkin had spent alone in the house .
5 But we Scots were a bloodthirsty race then , and of all the black deeds that blacken Scottish history , I believe that the hunting of the Rannoch Macgregors was probably one of the most horrendous .
6 And of all the people I met , I have only kept in touch with one or two from Binbrook .
7 It will take time , self-awareness and unselfish giving on the part of the couple themselves , and of all the other parties concerned , if the new relationships are to succeed .
8 And of all the lands of the world , this is a place armies covet . ’
9 Palma , the capital of Majorca and of all the Balearic islands is a bustling and cosmopolitan city .
10 NALGO in particular has adopted very good policies , which makes my own employment more secure , and of all the organisations listed I would suggest that NALGO 's contribution has probably been the greatest .
11 ‘ No , ’ I said , and hated myself for telling the untruth , but I was thinking of my own boat standing propped on the sand of Straker 's Cay , and I thought of all the work I had lavished on Masquerade , and of all the love and care and time I had poured into her , and I tried to imagine her rotting under the tropical sun with her paint peeling , her deck planks opening and her timbers riddled with termites .
12 When I asked him once whether his FI career had really mattered to him that much , he answered characteristically that of course it had , but that he enjoyed racing in any form , and of all the forms of racing he enjoyed winning best : ‘ I win more over here , ’ he said , adding with a characteristic grin , ‘ and it 's easier . ’
13 Gazing straight ahead , only half-aware of a world outside the claustrophobic comfort of the car , of Massingham 's hands stroking the wheel , the almost soundless changing of the gears , the pattern of traffic lights , he deliberately let his mind slip free of the present and of all the conjecture about what lay ahead , and remembered , by an exercise of mental recall , as if something important depended on his getting it right , every moment of that last meeting with the dead man .
14 And of all the single ticks that have come in , there 's bound to have been a decent one among them .
15 ‘ Our resident poet could sing of Stalinvast 's lethal festering jungles which I never saw ; and of viscous scabs blasted in those jungles by a host of weapons ; and of all the reef-cities which I never saw either , infested with their slaving grimy weapons-makers .
16 phrases such as ‘ Korea is a dagger pointed at the heart of Japan ’ were commonly used to denote Korea 's strategic significance , and of all the varying motivations governing Japanese policy in Asia it was the issue of national defence which was most crucial at this time .
17 With all his elaborate political machinery — his control of all the tradesmen in the town and of all the town 's six advowsons , his ownership of some two hundred houses each carrying a vote , his absolute control of the Mayor , the corporation and all the corporation offices — the Marquess of Exeter could not be absolutely certain that the remaining voters would not one day oust his candidates .
18 Variety within a variety ca n't be bad , and of all the Koi currently available , the prize for acceptable variation must go to the Goshiki ( pronounced ‘ Gosh-key ’ ) .
19 ‘ … and of all the jewels — the Diamond Waterfall — it must be seen to be believed … ’
20 Counsel should notify opposing counsel of the main propositions and of all the authorities on which they rely .
21 It sickens me every time I think of all the money Caliban has won ; and of all the other people like him who win money .
22 And of all the Wolfkings and Queens who have made Ireland great ? ’
23 You can be really proud of yourself , and of all the others … and of Dusty . ’
24 When I go to bed at night I think of you , and of all the marvellous fun we had while you were still here .
25 Figures 7.4 and 7.5 show the women and men on each scale as percentages of all the women and of all the men in the teaching profession .
26 This expression is linear in the displacement and takes account of all the components of path ( ρ ) , of all the initial components ( σ ) of the vector , and of all the components showing change ( µ ) .
27 He made transcripts of the fiction , and of all the other major documents .
28 The rejection of " a specific centre of decision-making outside the republic " and of the principles of " democratic centralism " meant , he said , that the LCS — Party of Democratic Renewal would " affirm even more consistently the interests of the Slovene people and of all the citizens of Slovenia " , but would not seek Slovenia 's secession from Yugoslavia .
29 It contained representatives of the three Armed Forces and of all the political currents supporting the Nationalist cause .
30 I 've been particularly impressed today to learn how people come here every year , particularly for this meeting and of all the various ways in which money can be raised .
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