Example sentences of "[coord] turn a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is like supplying a circuit for electricity , or turning a liquid into a solid .
2 If you are satisfied that you have spirited away all possible clutter and still do not have adequate preparation space you could cover a sink with a portable chopping board , or turn a drawer into an extra work surface by fitting runners to a block of wood the same width as the drawer , so that it will glide in and out of the unit , resting on the top of the drawer when it is pulled out .
3 It was roughening the surface of the river and turning a row of feluccas moored along the bank .
4 Peggy Rockcliffe has worked hard to achieve its present high degree of comfort , adding bathrooms , a dining room and turning a barn into a spacious sitting room .
5 From Trantridge she walked up a hill , and turning a corner , saw the house .
6 But , although in its twisting and turning a line may circumscribe an area and even a volume , it is not a description or an experience of them .
7 ‘ Tossed and turned a bit . ’
8 Or — and something came apart in his stomach and turned a revolution and plummeted downwards — were they all politely and patiently waiting with well-controlled longing because it would not be too long now before they could get home and carry on with the lives they preferred without him ?
9 In two strides the Trunchbull was beside him , and by some amazing gymnastic trick , it may have been judo or karate , she flipped the back of Wilfred 's legs with one of her feet so that the boy shot up off the ground and turned a somersault in the air .
10 The man stepped in and turned a key in a slot marked ‘ Security ’ , then pressed a button .
11 They passed a bicycle shop and a cobbler 's and turned a corner into the main street .
12 I walked along the passage and turned a corner .
13 Both remained state-owned , but SJ slashed staff and turned a loss on service provision into profit .
14 The young man suddenly seemed to shrink into himself , and turned a face imprinted with fear towards Montgomery .
15 Richard cleared his throat dryly and turned a page of his novel .
16 Now , ’ Hassan licked a forefinger and turned a page of his notebook , ‘ you are no doubt aware that Madame Lavender has shown considerable hostility towards Monsieur Erdle on a number of occasions ? ’
17 He sighed and turned a page .
18 Doing things this way round certainly ensures the maximum individuality of each channel in the amplifier , without you having to resort to tap dancing lessons in order to switch channels and turn a couple of effects on or off simultaneously .
19 But he can cut up rough and turn a bit nasty if he 's got a mind to .
20 Dive down through the pellucid water and turn a boulder .
21 Could you reach through a cat-flap to withdraw the door bolts and turn a key left in the lock ?
22 But turn a corner and there the resort is , one of a number which have been built in the Pyrenees since the start of the 1960s at greater altitudes than the old , so as to lengthen what would otherwise be a brief and uneconomic skiing season .
23 But turn a corner , walk a few yards , and suddenly you have stepped back centuries , to the old town , a place where it is sleepy quiet and easy to believe all they say about Aarau 's eventful past .
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