Example sentences of "[coord] call for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The " battle of the plans " became public and dramatic from mid-June , with Yavlinsky presenting his proposals on June 17 to Gorbachev , to the Russian Republic president Boris Yeltsin and to the Khazakstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev , while on the same day Pavlov in remarks to the USSR Supreme Soviet ridiculed the " grand bargain " and called for wider executive powers for the Soviet Council of Ministers in order to deal with the economic crisis .
2 Caledor raised his own standard and called for all true Elves to join him in defence of the realm .
3 They proposed the withdrawal of ships carrying nuclear arms from the Mediterranean and called for all countries to abstain from deploying such weapons in the territories of non-nuclear Mediterranean countries .
4 Most notably , it insisted on the Ukraine 's right to have " its own armed forces , internal security troops and state security bodies " , and to veto the deployment of Ukrainian citizens outside the republic for military service ( a subsequent resolution , adopted on July 30 , condemned the deployment of Ukrainian conscripts in peacekeeping duties in Transcaucasia and Central Asia , and called for all Ukrainian conscripts serving in other republics to be repatriated by Dec. 1 ) .
5 He also pledged to resist extreme nationalist views and called for strong measures to combat corruption , violence and crime .
6 The successful candidates largely represented business interests and called for closer ties with China .
7 Mandal 's report was tabled in the Indian parliament in early 1982 , and called for 27 per cent reservation in government services and undertakings for some 3,750 castes identified as SEBC .
8 This formed a united Serbian region which announced its acceptance of the Collective State Presidency 's position on a solution to the crisis , and called for general mobilization to " solve the problem of Serbs in Croatia militarily , because all … truces concluded so far have been violated by Croatia " .
9 In a sombre May Day speech , Mengistu admitted that the government had suffered setbacks and called for renewed commitment to the war , saying : " It is no longer a question of national unity , but rather of national survival . "
10 The 10-year agreement eased restrictions on imports and called for greater co-operation .
11 Trade Union officials , including former T N G leader , Jack Jones were at the meeting in Banbury , and called for greater financial and emotional support for retired people .
12 He also promised unilateral Soviet military reductions in the region , and called for other Pacific powers to follow suit .
13 The European Communities ( EC ) expressed concern on Nov. 4 at " irregularities " surrounding the elections and called for peaceful dialogue .
14 The ruling DEMOS coalition dissolved itself at a meeting on Dec. 30 , and called for early elections in April or May 1992 .
15 In 1972 , the Swedish government hosted the United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Environment and called for international action to reduce transboundary movement of air pollution .
16 The 15 nations of the South Pacific Forum have condemned French nuclear testing and called for immediate cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases .
17 Then he picked up the phone and called for additional officers .
18 Local NGOs criticised the tiny proportion of the US$167 million funding going to indigenous people , just 1.8 per cent of the total , and called for stricter controls on the use of the funds by Brazilian government agencies .
19 As a final ironic footnote , in August 1982 , after the showing of a documentary on Yorkshire television on the hazards of asbestos , Liam Beecher of the ITGWU , one of the officials involved in the Raybestos controversy , expressed concern over the effect on the health of the Raybestos workers of their exposure to asbestos in the factory and called for regular monitoring of the health of the 130 people who had worked in the Raybestos Manhattan factory .
20 Together , they have criticised slipshod , ineffective and oppressive rehabilitation methods , and called for higher standards for the education of young people with disabilities .
21 All the slight injuries happened at roundabouts on Northgate , Bondgate , Parkgate and North Road Mr Graham Hamilton , of Darlington Freewheelers , said car drivers were often to blame for bike accidents and called for new measures to raise awareness .
22 Graham Hamilton , of Darlington Freewheelers , said car drivers were often to blame for accidents and called for new measures to raise awareness .
23 After the announcer had introduced the players and called for quiet , Jack Mason did an unusual thing .
24 The Bush administration deemed the bill " totally unacceptable " , and called for sterner punishment as the best antidote for gun crimes , notably an expansion of the death penalty to cover some 50 murder categories including drug-related killings and " drive-by " shootings .
25 They shouted , laughed and cried , ate oranges , and called for more .
26 This motion advocated a revival of nationalist Gaullist traditions to distinguish the RPR electorally from other right-wing parties , and called for more party independence , asserting that in its present state , still demoralized by the defeat of Chirac in the 1988 presidential elections , the RPR was incapable of forming an effective opposition .
27 D'Aubigny waved aside our letter of introduction and called for more refreshments before joining Angus on the other side of the table .
28 I noted that several hon. Members , not only Opposition Members , were highly critical of the CAP and called for urgent reform .
29 He stated that neither Latin American countries nor the UN had sufficient resources to tackle the epidemic and called for urgent international aid .
30 According to the BTA , long delays in the immigration areas of London airports are giving overseas visitors a very poor welcome , BTA chairman , cited undermanning of immigration desks as one cause , and called for urgent action .
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