Example sentences of "[coord] give the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Buckley LJ in the Court of Appeal provided some useful guidance as to precisely what rights or powers the individual must have before he can be said to have transferred or given the opportunity to another person so that the other person can make the gain .
2 Now Walls have told the owners they 've either got to stop stocking Mars products in it , or give the freezer back .
3 Sometimes a teacher may play devil 's advocate , or give the class some dilemma that they have to solve or explain : Why did the Romans decide to invade the island of Britain ?
4 Questioned by Mr Macfadyen , he said that at no time had Mackie used the phrase profit warning or give the impression such an announcement was about to be made .
5 China itself was riven with rebellion , and the ruling Qing dynasty was in decline , unable to withstand the depredations of Western traders and governments or to give the leadership it had been able to offer in former times .
6 If the death penalty were abolished it would be possible either to substitute a fixed penalty of imprisonment for life or to give the Judge discretion to pass sentence of any term up to imprisonment for life .
7 The tenant is not obliged to ensure that the landlord is aware of the defects in the premises or to give the landlord an opportunity to remedy the defects before commencing legal proceedings .
8 You should be sure of why you are using quotations ; they should not be used to show off your reading or to give the impression of knowing more than you do .
9 Yet the judge left as alternative verdicts open to the jury , guilty of causing grievous bodily harm , contrary to section 20 or guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm , contrary to section 47 , without indicating to counsel his intention of doing so or giving the defence the opportunity to deal with such alternatives .
10 At this present time there is no need to worry about the UNFORMAT information DOS will place on your disk as it formats , or giving the disk a LABEL — this latter being a personal title you may wish to code each disk with .
11 rejected the allegation that the wife 's agreement to the opening of the account had been procured by undue influence on the part of her husband , but dealt with ‘ the suggestion that the bank are disentitled to enforce the mandate because they sent or gave the document to Mr. Shephard and did not themselves obtain the defendant 's signature ’ by holding [ 1988 ] 3 All E.R.
12 Tug skippers , who had never before acknowledged the presence of the moored barges , called out , or gave the danger signal — live rapid blasts in succession .
13 ( 3 ) A notice under this subsection shall give such information identifying or assisting in the identification of the person who committed the act or default or gave the information as is in the possession of the person serving the notice at the time he serves it .
14 Such wishes are carefully expressed in a manner that neither leaves a permanent record for posterity nor gives the impression that illegality was ever suggested .
15 It is a curving half-mile of cottages and assorted buildings lining a single street and facing a loch that has carved a channel inland from the open sea and given the village its name .
16 Only so will children be sure to get a proper grounding in science , mathematics and music ; only so will children with special educational needs be identified and given the help they must have .
17 It provides a rather more formal learning structure , and given the price of beer over a session can probably be had at a similar cost .
18 Thankfully , this time they 'll be headlining in their own right and given the success of their current single ‘ Do The Right Thing ’ they should be assured of a half-decent crowd .
19 This was supposed to be a ‘ sensitive ’ job and if I came out I would automatically be adjudged a danger to the patients and given the elbow .
20 Because we are dealing with what purport to be exceptions to a general principle , it is sometimes argued that there is no single legal principle of justification , merely a number of disparate responses to the specific factual and legal details of a particular case.13 Alternatively , a general principle of justification is advanced and given the name of ‘ necessity ’ or ‘ privilege ’ or some kind of ‘ comprehensive justification in relation to medical procedures ’ .
21 And given the diversity both of contemporary philosophy and of contemporary feminism ( Delmar , 1986 ) , how could a feminist perspective in philosophy be recognised ?
22 Given the responsibilities the CNAA shouldered by virtue of its Charter , given its anxiety to ensure that its procedures safeguarded standards as fully as possible , and given the diversity of the institutions with which it had to deal , the CNAA moved cautiously in its discussions about relinquishing or reducing control over any aspects of the work its procedures were designed to monitor .
23 Edmondson , meanwhile , has bought himself an adjustable music stool with some of his £100 , and given the rest to charity .
24 Here he was carefully debriefed and given the codename Sniper , while MI5 codenamed him Lavinia .
25 I then carry on working , knowing that later that day Skipper will be brought in , checked over and given the feed I prepared earlier .
26 We are now in a position to set up a computerised database of these groups , but before proceeding any further and given the time-lapse since the original proposal to establish such a facility , I wonder if you could confirm that this would still be a useful tool and that it is within the original thinking .
27 In an uncertain market and given the water flotation is already something of a lottery , that is a dangerous attitude to take .
28 It is all very well to talk in ideals , the question is how can this enhanced human experience be worked at and given the tenderness of feeling which such a closeness of relationship implies ?
29 However , given that our interviews with users have uncovered an increasing disillusionment of heroin users with GPs , and vice versa , and given the overlap between users known to GPs and the Home Office , it is possible that , even in the case of GPs , the number of problem drug users ‘ missed ’ is not that large .
30 The stolen car would be stripped of identifying marks such as its chassis number and number plates and given the write-off 's markings a process known as ‘ ringing ’ .
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