Example sentences of "[coord] its [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But here , luckily , you will be spared the difficulty that can arise through not having " seen " that murder since in all probability you will have begun your story by describing , in as much vivid and convincing detail as you can manage , the killing itself or its immediate circumstances as they affect the perpetrator .
2 Now in terms of whether it should be five thousand plus , that of course is a matter of whether there is demand , now my my conclusion , from my fairly extensive knowledge of Greater York , is that you just could not fit a new settlement that size satisfactorily into the settlement and landscape pattern of Greater York , or its immediate surrounds , I just can not identify a location where that could be where where the roads , the public transport , the landscape , or indeed the agricultural land quality , from now onto five an area , suitably large for that type of what would be a a new town .
3 The answer is that it is simply the degree of an experience 's pleasantness or painfulness taken at a moment , or its average pleasantness or painfulness over a period .
4 The best of deciding to be ordained is the knowledge that you dimly see your future and have the courage to embark on an irreversible way and feel that at least you commit yourself to help humanity in its suffering or its moral predicament .
5 advising a country or its monetary authorities
6 Functionalist Marxists continue to insist that rational comprehensive planning is only possible under socialism , despite a complete lack of evidence for this judgement in the operation of planning in the Soviet Union or its allied states ( Nove , 1983 ) .
7 Still prominent in art , folklore and literature , the live snake or its ubiquitous image influences millions of people in that country .
8 Williams has referred to ‘ a conception of literature as a series of authors to whom there must , must be ‘ personal evaluative response' ’ or its available facsimile . ’
9 Furthermore , when dates are suggested for changes in these forms , they are usually given , without comment , as the dates at which the changes took place in this standard variety or its unilinear precursor , and not the dates at which they might have taken place in some other variety .
10 Passengers were on holiday ; they did n't want to be reminded too much of illness or its associated formalities .
11 At a deeper level , it is apparent that not all observers share Scarman 's analysis of the problem or its associated policy response , and it is possible to identify stances both to the right and left of this central reformist tradition .
12 Customers have been far sharper than IBM when it comes to game theory or its real world equivalent , common sense .
13 " This beauty here or its 375 twin will be firing hard-nosed bullets at any Annamese buffalo who comes within sniffing range of the Sherman family . "
14 the Centre or any part of the Centre or its essential accesses or services are damaged or destroyed [ by any of the Insured Risks ] [ or otherwise ] so as to render the Premises or any part of them unfit for occupation or use and
15 the Centre or any part thereof or its essential accesses or services are damaged or destroyed by any of the Insured Risks and
16 We might think of this full information value of output , , as the value of output which government policy is trying to achieve even though there is not full information ; or , more loosely , one might think of it or its aggregate equivalent as the natural level of output .
17 An important question is whether the offeror or its financial adviser should make purchases and this is discussed in para 7.5 below .
18 Shrewsbury had never until then sensed the bitterness of this recoil , or its galling comedy .
19 A pub , like any other old building , is far more than just its principle facade , or its four walls .
20 But here also we can not predict how the couplet will proceed ; not only do we not yet know the grammatical or syntactic pattern of the next line , or its lexical contents , but , more importantly , we do not know what kind of a relationship what we have read will bear to what we have yet to read .
21 However , as the real appeal of DTP is in its ability to manipulate pages it 's likely that we are looking for a page makeup product such as PageMaker or its many rivals .
22 The Pakistan government denied Afghan accusations that it , or its Inter-Services Intelligence Agency ( ISI ) , had been involved in the coup attempt .
23 Now , the term compadre , or its abbreviated form pare , is normally used in address to indicate intimacy and equality .
24 Hajdu refused to disclose the amount of the firm 's debts , its revenues , or its current staff count , saying only that it was ‘ in the middle of a re-organisation . ’
25 The asset sale may need the prior approval of shareholders of a relevant company if the vendor is a director or a person connected ( as defined in CA 1985 , s346 ) with a director of the purchaser or its holding company or the purchaser is a director or a person connected with a director of the vendor or its holding company ( see CA 1985 , s320 ) .
26 The asset sale may need the prior approval of shareholders of a relevant company if the vendor is a director or a person connected ( as defined in CA 1985 , s346 ) with a director of the purchaser or its holding company or the purchaser is a director or a person connected with a director of the vendor or its holding company ( see CA 1985 , s320 ) .
27 It is when that figure falls below one-quarter that people begin to use the term ‘ modular ’ , ‘ unit-credit ’ , or its colloquial equivalents such as building-block , cafeteria , pick n'mix ( or worse ) .
28 The following paragraph will be added after paragraph 1 : " ( 2 ) Paragraph 1 above shall be applied to liabilities of the GDR or its legal entities as well as to liabilities of the Federation or other corporate bodies and institutions under public law which are connected with the transfer of properties of the GDR to the federation , Länder and communes ( Gemeinden ) , and to liabilities arising from measures taken by the GDR or its legal entities . "
29 The following paragraph will be added after paragraph 1 : " ( 2 ) Paragraph 1 above shall be applied to liabilities of the GDR or its legal entities as well as to liabilities of the Federation or other corporate bodies and institutions under public law which are connected with the transfer of properties of the GDR to the federation , Länder and communes ( Gemeinden ) , and to liabilities arising from measures taken by the GDR or its legal entities . "
30 8.5 The Company or its appointed representative shall have the right to inspect such books or accounts and records relating to this Agreement upon reasonable notice and during normal office hours but not more than once in any calendar year .
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