Example sentences of "[coord] take to the " in BNC.

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1 The laughter filled the room , it filled the shop , it even penetrated the wall into the tobacconist 's shop and made Arthur Conway wonder if the three old girls next door had gone barmy or taken to the bottle early in the day , for it was said that they took wine with their dinner .
2 The ORS packets produced in the production units were either placed in storage or taken to the Upazila Health Complexes .
3 Normally to be seen driving around in a funereal Daimler — dwarfing the island 's other cars ( including the BMW of Premier Sir John Swan ) — the Governor also dons his uniform and takes to the streets in a horse-drawn landau several times a year .
4 A man climbs into a machine and takes to the air and crosses the English Channel .
5 On this trip she hires a 12-gear , 48-foot long vehicle — twice the length of her own — and takes to the highways and interstates of southern California .
6 They took to each new form of transport enthusiastically , motoring across Europe and the States in the twenties and taking to the air in the thirties .
7 Flying was thrilling and romantic and taking to the air was for women of spirit while those who stayed on the ground had feet of clay .
8 Democratic contender Paul Tsongas added fitness to his campaign and took to the swimming pool to improve his image .
9 A few sprouted wings and took to the air , without bothering to become birds first .
10 In November 1983 , for example , Michael Hickey pulled on five jumpers , five pairs of trousers , four pairs of socks , several bin liners and a blanket , too a sheet on which he had written ‘ We are innocent ’ and took to the roof of Gartree maximum security prison .
11 They 'd already split their team to cover both the gym and some other place , and then split it again to follow you , so Blagg only got the leftovers , spotted them , and took to the hills . ’
12 Investing in a jump suit and hard hat Della turned up at the aerodrome and took to the skies in a plane
13 I joined the feathered legions and took to the air .
14 Er took it up the field and took to the school then we got at it and it and bath full of feathers .
15 In the Wintertime they had a boat they called the Redloch and she went to Stramness and took sillocks from Stramness and took to the gut factory here in the Wintertime .
16 Owen bellowed orders , and the bushes threshed as the Welsh circled their enemies and took to the thickest of the woodland on their way to the river valley .
17 She was helped from her seat and taken to the rear of the cinema .
18 Chief Supt Terry Tasker stressed there was no crowd fighting , adding : ‘ Some Leeds supporters bought tickets for other parts of the ground and they were flushed out and taken to the enclosure set aside for them . ’
19 Chief Supt Terry Tasker stressed there was no crowd fighting , adding : ‘ Some Leeds supporters bought tickets for other parts of the ground and they were flushed out and taken to the enclosure set aside for them . ’
20 In the last days , with the Red Army approaching , groups of Budapest Jews had been rounded up , more or less at random , and taken to the embankment of the Danube where they were shot .
21 Someone came to tell her that her twelve-year-old son Paul had been knocked down by a car on the way home from a friend 's house and taken to the local hospital .
22 Anna had also been arrested in her nightclothes and taken to the station .
23 ‘ A great crowd assembled , ’ runs the report in The Sexual Life of Our Time , ’ from the midst of which the unfortunate couple were removed in a closed carriage , and taken to the hospital , and not until chloroform had been administered to the girl did the spasm pass off and free the man . ’
24 Eventually the attaché case and the slip of paper were retrieved from Colonel Bowers and taken to the rear seat of one of the cars .
25 and the form of writ itself ( obtainable from law stationers ) should be completed and taken to the central office or to the district registry where judgment was entered , together with a sealed copy of the judgment and a fee of £6 .
26 6.45PM I hear on the radio that business owners in nearby Koreatown , one of the areas hardest hit , have armed themselves and taken to the roofs .
27 I assumed there would be a massive outcry , they 'd ban the record and I 'd be arrested and taken to the Tower or something … ’
28 The child is woken every hour and taken to the lavatory .
29 At Heathrow he was met by son Karl , and taken to the family home in Ashford , Kent .
30 He told the officer he would assault him to make sure he was arrested and taken to the cells .
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