Example sentences of "[coord] go [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You see the way his eyes are red or going pretty dull he needs wormed .
2 had to go to a breakdown , the poor bloke did n't know whether he was coming or going so one of these situations that stress stress arrives .
3 II.C. ’ , and then look at the descendants of that category ; or go still higher to ‘ 2 .
4 Our slimmer is never above 9 st 4 lb ( 59.0 kg ) , spends most days at 9 st 3 lb ( 58.5 kg ) , and goes as low as 9 st O lb ( 57.2 kg ) .
5 It 'd be nice to be waiting here for a train and then getting on it and going somewhere nice .
6 JACOB 'S MOUSE ARE C—S ! ’ and going completely mental .
7 Their Vicar rocked to and fro , laughing uproariously and going very red .
8 She is now 24 years old and going as strong as ever .
9 They do it for to keep him going and then they 'll say he says you know I 'm used to getting up at half four and going so many miles every morning for a big jog .
10 coming down and going about sixty , shows you there , single carriageways sixty
11 And going ever smaller , can you get from neutrinors to smaller particles ?
12 And that part of my mind seemed to whine faintly and go very cold and still .
13 Continue on to Eastington Farm and follow the Priest 's Way east to South Barn and go just past farm buildings .
14 Amy Brennan 's seen cleaning methods come and go over thirty years of service
15 ‘ First gear , ’ she bellowed , ‘ and go forward verrrry slowly . ’
16 Fork down to the right after 3.5 miles and go approx 50 yds to the river .
17 Damien sums it up , really : ‘ People come to our shows , get their kicks and go away desperate to frig themselves off . ’
18 turn right there and go about half half a mile , three quarters of a mile down , you got The Yacht pub
19 ‘ The gigs we enjoy best are when the audience are willing to make total assholes of themselves and go really goofy .
20 ‘ The gigs we enjoy best are when the audience are willing to make total assholes of themselves and go really goofy .
21 His warnings were private to the industry and went largely unheeded .
22 yes that was at quarter past eight Saturday morning and at ten to eight my aunty came at night and went fucking mad she said I want a dressing and I want it now , twelve hours ago I asked for that dressing and were n't done then came
23 ‘ Angry with you , aching for you — ’ his voice dropped and went wholly intense ‘ — in love with you . ’
24 After a long exciting time we caught the train and went home tired but happy .
25 I grabbed at him and went totally berserk .
26 Clifford told police : ‘ I picked the gun up and went totally berserk and shot him . ’
27 ‘ Well , he doubled up and went quite green .
28 She shook herself inwardly , said severely , Control yourself , Sally-Anne Tunstall ; remember what happened when you had such soft thoughts about a man before , and the sudden dreadful memory this evoked hit her so hard that she stopped dead in her tracks , gave a stifled wail , and went so white that Dr Neil , hearing her , and looking at her , saw that her pallor was so extreme that he thought her on the verge of fainting .
29 Derek cracked up , but I was dumbstruck — super embarrassed — for about thirty seconds , and went as red as a radish .
30 ‘ She began to make weird , inhuman sounds and went as stiff as a board .
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