Example sentences of "[coord] go for a " in BNC.

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1 Today by some bonus of chance they were being left there to enjoy it and had not been interrupted with a call for tea or to go for a swim with Dad who had just come home .
2 ‘ Really , there are only three options — to let the company wither and die , to find a successor , or to go for a flotation .
3 In theory it 's a lovely idea , a whole day just relaxing and listening to God etc , but actually Dad was rather ‘ down ’ this morning before they left — I think he was worried he 'd have more of the Virgin Mary rammed down his throat , and , quite frankly , would rather be playing golf with Mark , or going for a gentle walk with all of us .
4 Erm , it was not possible to get your views in , as it were , personnel terms rather than financial terms on that er report , but er as it were on your behalf , we supported the Treasurer 's er recommendation for reasons set out in paragraph one four , and if I can er explain that for you a little little more , de-regulation could mean , that each employing authority has it 's own scheme of superannuation , or not , and if not would simply leave employees in a position of taking them off the state scheme S E R P S or going for a personal pension .
5 Pristine to the last , he would wear a tie and a suit , whether just pacing the house or going for an evening out .
6 Or going for an interview .
7 She chose to read or follow a hobby or go for a walk or just relax in the bath .
8 Add a sparkle to your hairstyle with a beautiful accessory or go for a touch of luxury with a velvet band or bow .
9 Green did not go to church every Sunday — sometimes he walked around the house and idled , or went for a walk in the hills ; but he notes his attendance at church , in Ambleside , Grasmere or Keswick and the preacher he has heard .
10 Another case in 1883 revealed that a marque of Veuve Clicquot-Ponsardine was being sold , but with the insertion of an extra ‘ o ’ in the label , reading ‘ Veuve Cliocquot-Ponsardin' and going for a ridiculously low price .
11 The star of Antiques Roadshow and Going For A Song died in 1985 and now his widow Irene has decided to sell .
12 I pointed to the bathing lockers where we could leave our things and go for a swim .
13 Anyone who thinks owning a diesel spells the end of driving fun , should park their backside in the AX 's comfortable , supportive driver 's seat and go for a quick ride .
14 I try to sleep , but can not , and go for a walk along the shore and on to a ridge from where Sør-Fugløya is thrown into relief by the blinding sun .
15 There are lots of planting opportunities left for the season : I would like to try a little herbary , for example , and go for a bigger emphasis on autumn colour .
16 It is acidic , hence the rhododendron ; gardeners with limy or heavy clay soil could substitute yellow-flowered Mahonia japonica , and go for a lively contrast .
17 If I 've a complicated feature to write , or a problem to solve , I usually duck out and go for a run .
18 Now he plans to put nearly 10 years of dedicated training to the test and go for a medal in the forthcoming World Championships .
19 Spring is here so it 's time to wave goodbye to winter and go for a splash of colour .
20 At this point it is likely that we may make a second mistake and go for a purely positivist view of law , the view that the nature of law can be appreciated purely by reciting the elements of positing and applying law without reference to its objectives or functions , so that we have a legal system as long as there are institutionalised ways of selecting mandatory rules and some arrangement for an authoritative application of those rules to particular situations .
21 You 'll appreciate that it 's years back , that boys come and go for a schoolmaster , they 're a bit phantom .
22 Sunday he can lie in bed till twelve , get up , get dressed and go for a drink , but my job never changes .
23 For example , you may like to swim on Mondays and Fridays , play squash on Wednesdays , and go for a long brisk walk or jog on Saturdays and Sundays .
24 ‘ We 're going down to Redland Bay to have dinner on his boat and go for a sail , ’ she invented fluently .
25 ‘ If you stay here she 'll probably call for a dozen more rehearsals of that damn kiss — so why do n't we cut out of here for a while and go for a coffee ?
26 An old gentleman from Stowmarket , his name 's Mr I 'm sure it was because er , you see , my father and I used to go up Stowmarket Road sometimes after church or chapel and er and go for a walk up there and used to meet this Mr who played the organ Stowmarket and very course but erm but I had a wonderful life really
27 By the middle of the following week , however , she was really missing her trips to the pool and she decided that on Wednesday afternoon , which was one of the afternoons when David was n't at the factory , she would take a chance and go for a swim .
28 Ooh I 'll carry on watching this and go for a bloody shower !
29 Quarter to eleven , pick up the chaps and go for a smoke .
30 Please support this motion , and go for a better life for all .
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