Example sentences of "[coord] as he do " in BNC.

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1 Salim gets out of Africa , and as he does so , there seem to be allusions to the journey upriver in Conrad 's Heart of Darkness , which also ends ( though by no means hopefully ) with an Intended .
2 He flicked back the cuff of his jacket to glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone 's hat .
3 The cripple turned to make off into the undergrowth and as he did so there was a twang from Marian 's bow and one of his crutches spun from under him and he was down one-sidedly .
4 He swore and peered out of the window , and as he did so the gun in his left hand wavered .
5 He concluded the dance with a double spin , springing sideways in the air and kicking his feet sharply together and as he did so he landed in a heap on the bed .
6 Martin strode quickly towards him , picked up the phone , said , ‘ Yes ? ’ then listened ; and as he did so his head began to move in small jerks as he looked from side to side .
7 He put his hand in his jacket pocket , searching for his wallet , and as he did , Doug , serious now , yanked Harry towards him and whispered in tones from which all traces of his cockney accent were now absent .
8 Fergal started to stand , pushing back his chair , and as he did so , Ellie made a bolt for the door .
9 Hazel interrupted him and as he did so Fiver started .
10 Hugh gave her its regular after-lunch kiss , and as he did so he saw , out of the corner of his wary eye , the extremely unwelcome figure of his father-in-law coming down Chancery Lane , carrying a walking-stick and an armful of newspapers .
11 Writing when he did , and as he did , to justify an actual rebellion , it is perhaps not strange that he was thinking primarily of politics rather than of law , that the ‘ rights ’ he had in mind were the rights of man rather than the rights of the citizen , or that the sanction for these rights should be extralegal action rather than any constitutional check .
12 Nathaniel Sherman removed his helmet to mop his streaming face and as he did so a movement caught his eye in the tangled undergrowth .
13 And as he did so he continued to speak , letting his voice rise and fall like a flowing stream , lulling the sleeping child .
14 To get to the Fish Co-operative he had to pass Riddle 's yard and as he did so Matthew was getting into one of the firm 's vans ; he carried a clip-board and a surveying tape .
15 And as he did not answer , she said again ,
16 and as he did so his bow tie lit up ; the small red stones were really lights .
17 Toby ran to the sobbing boy and took the flannel , and as he did so a naked razor blade fluttered down and tinkled on to the floor .
18 Grant leapt back behind the cover of the metal sheathed door and as he did so , pulled the trigger of the shotgun , blasting off a wild shot up the length of the corridor .
19 Frantically he rolled clear of any follow-up attack , and as he did so he felt something hard and bulky dig painfully into the small of his back .
20 Thomson invites Ormanroyd to move forward and he drives it on and as he did so presume the referee has whistled for a free kick for the challenge by Gemmell , yes he has .
21 He groped vaguely with his right hand as though reaching for a brush and as he did so he experienced an intolerable contraction in his chest , a paralysing pain , and with a cry of anguish he fell , taking the stool with him .
22 As they walked on , he started to talk about her future contract , and as he did so he put his arm about her shoulders and held her close .
23 The man obeyed , somewhat nervously , and as he did so , the Judge entered , wheezing a little as he trudged up the steps .
24 one of them said , you know , he said how , how the hell how the hell can they say which directions the fire 's coming from ? but they , I mean some of them were saying like this mate he run out , he was going across this patch of open space and the soldier obviously saw a soldier and as he did that apparently he got shot through there and out the other side of him .
25 Endill tried to sit up to get a better look but as he did so , knocked over a book and it thumped onto the shelf .
26 But as he did the wind caught at him even more mightily than before ; there was the sense of commotion and movement in the air and out of the darkness behind him came a terrible crack , a heave and a bang and whoosh such as he had never heard in his life .
27 But as he did he saw two hooded crows scutter along the cliff face and sneak down upon her , calling threateningly , and as she turned to them he was astonished to see that she moved clumsily , uncertainly , not as an adult eagle should .
28 Rubbing his palm across her skin , he slipped his thumb under the top of her brief bikini panties , but as he did so , he made that same quick exclamation of surprise and moved away from her slightly , looking at her with his dark brows drawn sharply together .
29 Where he received his training is not known — an apprenticeship in a professional architect 's office away from Kendal seems likely — but as he did not attend the Royal Academy Schools it was probably elsewhere in the north rather than in London .
30 As Negus , Tafari now felt powerful enough to press ahead with the reforms he had set his heart on ; but as he did so opposition intensified .
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