Example sentences of "[coord] as he have " in BNC.

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1 30 " He was dead when he went in , and as he 'd been dead only for about six to seven hours , it could n't have been longer than that .
2 The strong-bodied American , with his rugged features , had spoken with a quiet simplicity ; and as he 'd watched him and heard him , Morse thought he could well have enjoyed a pint with the fellow .
3 Gregory converted the try and as he had also kicked a penalty goal early in the match Nottingham were on their way .
4 Her eldest son , Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , was fifty-nine years of age , and as he had travelled extensively , as the Prince of Wales , in Europe , Canada , U.S.A. and India , also Palestine , Turkey , Egypt and Russia , he was much practised in the matters of state , His wife , Alexandra , was of considerable help to him and during his reign as King there sprang up , in 1904 , the ‘ Entente Cordiale ’ between Britain and France , probably arising from his visit to Paris in May 1903 .
5 Eventually he told them he could not serve two masters and as he had , by then , proved himself to Tiller , he was given complete financial control .
6 And as he had said , no-one was in a better position to do a photo story like that than she was .
7 He let himself think , as he had not done for many years , of Célestine , of their year together in London , and as he had known it would , the memory made him deeply unhappy .
8 From his window at the Queen 's Head , and as he had sauntered around Keswick , he had become affectionately disposed to the amiably brackened rumps of the Skiddaw range : here in Borrowdale were the volcanic rocks .
9 He did and as he had some slight training in it he survived in one of the camps that after the war no one remembered .
10 Anne managed to get a few days off work during his ten-day leave , and as he had few relatives to visit , they were able to spend blissful hours alone .
11 And as he had her , he emitted grunts which he hoped were in character for the director of a man-made fibres company .
12 Perhaps it was because she went to an early Mass to have breakfast ready for them when they returned ; but she did n't like lying in bed in the mornings anyway , and as he had said many times ( admittedly without great enthusiasm ) they could quite easily go to Mass together , and wait a lit–de longer for breakfast .
13 And as he had n't at first referred to the wedding-dress , last night or until they 'd reached the spinney that morning , so he did n't refer now to the fantasies of Timothy Gedge that were turning out not to be fantasies at all .
14 The manuscript had just been discovered in the uncatalogued recesses of the British Museum ; it was exciting work , said the doctor , but difficult : the manuscript was badly damaged and as he had not the money to go to London he was having to work from a smudged xerox copy .
15 She was glad to dive into her own room and as he had promised her little balcony faced the Sierra Nevada .
16 He believed that a place which respected horseflesh would not be wholly comfortless and as he had horses this applied to him .
17 The plane would certainly not be shot down , and as he had not alerted the Observer Corps , there was a good chance that it would get close to its destination — Dungavel , his family home — before being spotted .
18 One of our favourite shipmates was Sub Lieutenant Cherry Yankee RN , as he called himself , and as he has called his autobiography .
19 ‘ Spock is the only other credible choice and as he has no discernible personality , it has to be Kirk .
20 Mr Beltrami would tell the jury that on several occasions during the past four years McGuinness had spoken to him in detail about his part in the Ayr murder ; and as he has a commanding presence and deep , authoritative voice , his evidence would have gone far to confirm in the minds of the jury what they had already heard from Mrs McGuinness .
21 He gets a lot of comfort from the breastfeed , and as he has never had a bottle , and does n't drink milk from a cup , I feel it gives him some nourishment , too .
22 Before the Secretary of State rattles on yet again about European figures , our minimum wage policy and our alleged doom and gloom , and as he has proved himself completely unable to say anything constructive , will he today at least ask the Prime Minister to chuck it in now , call an election and let us get on with the job ?
23 As the right hon. Gentleman is talking about matters in which there may be joint agreement , and as he has visited Langbaurgh and Hemsworth in recent days , will he comment on the fact that both the Labour party candidates for those constituencies have invested in newly privatised industries ?
24 That 's the theory which Neil Prosser follows , anyway , and as he 's got 16 years of successful retailing behind him , it 's hard to argue with the strategy .
25 But it was a fairly common way of getting people who perhaps was n't up to standard or whatever , other recruits would grab them , and as he 's described take them into the bathroom ,
26 Mr you see various people are giving evidence , and Mr wants to ask the right person , certain questions , namely the person who er devised those words and er you are er somebody in a very important position er and er he 's trying to get it from you , and as he 's pointed out to you a company ca n't sit down and produce in some corporate way a phrase someone or two human beings or more have got to do it and he wants to know if you can help us er who , who that was , that 's , that 's all you see , he does n't want to ask you about it , no doubt er , er in the same way as he 'd want to ask a person that actually devised a word , d' ya see ?
27 And as he 's driven up at the back then he looked up and he said you ca you could see daylight through it so it was , was n't blocked by anything .
28 and as he 's done that the mates behind him have shot him with a real gun , his gone , his gone
29 Carson had only just put the phone down after trying to get Alison 's number from Enquiries , but as he 'd waited for his call to be taken he 'd thought of her , perhaps contemptuous of his anxiety and annoyed by his persistence , and he 'd hung up without even making his request .
30 ‘ Partridge , who acts as guide , as boots , postilion , and boatman , at the Salutation Inn , might have brought us down an easier descent ; but as he had been out with a chaise all night , he was perhaps induced , from fatigue , to take us the nearest way .
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