Example sentences of "[coord] do the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Good heavens , how , what happens then , do you have it to pay or do the insurance pay ?
2 Or to do the projects you 're looking up things .
3 Granny said it gave her someone to talk to when she was baking or doing the housework and Grandad liked to take Morag to the farm next door to show her the hens and pigs and the other animals who lived there .
4 She had a neat , methodical mind and it pleased her to hunt around for an odd half-hour or so to fill with planting lettuces or doing the mending .
5 ‘ However , if the circumstances arose , we would change our roles and my husband is completely competent at sewing things on or doing the ironing .
6 I do n't think I could have done that if I had still been drinking or doing the things I was doing about ten years ago .
7 The simplest form of analogy is to change the historical setting for the event , for instance , attempting to place The Good Samaritan in a contemporary setting , or doing the reverse of this — taking some contemporary problem such as racism and setting it in past times , in a context between , say , the Jews and the Samaritans or the Greeks and the Romans .
8 Could we go back and perhaps you tell me , erm what it felt like , for example cooking a meal or doing the washing in a Nissan hut and the difference of when you came in to Chipping Field
9 Fixed policy & did the sums ,
10 Or do the institutions of retirement , the social norms of limited activity and poverty , and expectations of ill-health and disability suggest to ageing people that they are expected to do so ?
11 After that , while never again did she stay long enough to have supper — or do the washing-up — Rosemary , still popping across to Leith 's and Sebastian 's flat at any time , accepted about two invitations in particular each week for coffee .
12 But … do The Smiths move the mind or do The Smiths move the body ?
13 Or do the work and write a patent and proposal ?
14 I think some people on the list have access to news agency files , can someone maybe dig out the actual conversation/interview and put it into context … or do the news agencies just hold quotes like this ? ?
15 It ca n't be all fun being Princess Diana , but at least she does n't have to do the ironing , clean the bathroom , cut the grass or do the supper .
16 Also , those most likely not to complete the questionnaire or do the interview are most likely to be delinquent ; and one can not force people to fill in questionnaires correctly .
17 " Perhaps someone there might remember something … or do the staff at these establishments change quickly ? " she wondered .
18 Or do the words mean that judges can be dismissed by the Crown either if they have not behaved themselves ( e.g. been convicted of crime ) or on an Address of both Houses ?
19 Or do the police think Harry did it ? ’
20 Or do the copy department deal with it the copy department ?
21 Or do the advocates of the STV imagine that each candidate would write his own ?
22 To the enigmatic question : ‘ Is your organisation shaping local politics — or do the politics shape the organisation ? ’ , we answered : ‘ Pass . ’
23 Do you think I ought to finish the ship first of all or do the oil painting ?
24 I could call it Do The Right Emo or Do The Emo Thing .
25 Or did the church actively create the canon in response to Marcion and other sectarian leaders whose ‘ inspired ’ writings were either more or less than the church accepted ?
26 Or did the Prince expect something in return ?
27 Or did the storm wake you up ? ’
28 Did he buy it or did the agents ?
29 Had labour suddenly become a local authority , or did the S S A simply fail as an accurate way of assessing our spending needs ?
30 Lilly Foley wondered would he fall in love easily , or did the rugby take so much time that he would just be satisfied with the distant adulation of the girls who watched and cheered the games .
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