Example sentences of "[coord] not [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Loans were felt only to provide a short-term solution while grants were inadequate or not available to those in need .
2 6.1 You warrant that neither the sale nor the use of the goods nor the performance of the work will infringe any British or foreign patent , trademark , registered design , or other industrial or intellectual property rights whether or not similar to any of the foregoing .
3 Any and all patents , registered designs , unregistered designs , copyright , or other intellectual property rights whether or not similar to any of the foregoing in or resulting from any work carried out by the Supplier under or in pursuance of this Agreement shall belong exclusively , throughout the world , to the Supplier .
4 A.3.1 The Vendor will forthwith notify in writing to the Purchaser any matter or thing which may arise or become known to any of them after the date of this Agreement ( whether or not prior to Completion ) which is inconsistent with any of the Warranties or which is or may reasonably be anticipated to be material to be known by a Purchaser for value of the Business .
5 In the absence of some specification which states how long a product should last under normal use without manifesting defects ( whether or not due to normal wear and tear ) , the parties have to resort to the express or implied warranties of merchantable quality , or the express or implied rights of rejection .
6 Of course , the motivation for playing this game is all the stronger when we have reason to resent the ‘ out group ’ for being more powerful or better resourced than we are , or not subject to the strains , pressures and tensions we face ( of course , because they are an ‘ out group ’ we know little about the problems that they have and we do not ) .
7 Ruling out scales designed for use with non-elderly people , for inpatient populations , for administration by clinicians , for information gathering from close relatives , and any not previously validated or not sensitive to changes over time , two scales were selected from the Comprehensive Assessment and Referral Examination ( CARE ) Schedule ( Gurland et al , 1977 ) namely the Organic Brain Syndrome ( OBS ) scale and the Depression scale , the former a ten point and the latter a 30 point scale .
8 Antiques they may be , but one good reason for choosing a record deck so late in the day is that , unlike CD , the technology is tried and tested and not susceptible to the great leap forward , leaving you with an obsolete model .
9 I could then conveniently sum up by pointing out that these various non-educational theorists in introducing concepts such as representation , distillation and repeatability reinforce the importance of the distinction I have drawn throughout the book , for clearly dramatic playing is expressive ( in Tormey 's usage ) , spontaneous and not amenable to repetition .
10 They are passive in the sense that the social structure is seen and experienced as being outside of them and not amenable to questioning , only acceptance .
11 In short , Britain has a political system that is malfunctional and not amenable to radical reform .
12 ‘ These have been extremely helpful in determining the shape of the epidemic and not subject to any criticism , ’ she said .
13 Perception of reality is a matter of having ‘ ideas of sense ’ , which have the characteristics of being involuntary and not subject to our control , of being strong and lively , and of having a coherence and order .
14 The common view was that the futures of severely handicapped babies should be determined by parents and doctors , and not subject to legal intervention .
15 Many of the Site Classe areas are small and not subject to change , e. g. small lakes , wetlands or high pasture .
16 It is interesting to make the obvious observation that , while the first and last named are fanatical behaviourists , believing that everything is subject to unlimited moulding and rearrangement through a process of reward and punishment , the three in the middle are fanatical instinctivists , insisting that virtually everything and anything is inherited , a gift ( or a grief ) of the genes and not subject to the environment .
17 He is very clear that the orientation of the human mind to the natural world is consistent and not subject to social determination ( Stark 1958 : 166 ) .
18 By an ‘ ethical a priori ’ position I mean to indicate that certain principles are held to be an a priori and not subject to qualification .
19 Moreover , the precise way of indicating respect for face may be culture specific , and not subject to direct translation .
20 This section is not concerned with privilege but with the admissibility of evidence , and in our judgment its terms are clear , unambiguous , unequivocal and not subject to any exceptions .
21 of voting age and not subject to any legal incapacity to vote .
22 Division four is devoted to ‘ Interpretative principles Derived from Legal policy ’ which are , for example , that law should serve the public interest , and that law should be just and not subject to casual change .
23 While remaining head of state , he resigned forthwith as head of the MPR , declaring that henceforth he would be above party politics and not subject to political or legislative control , but would act as " arbiter and final judge " on important matters .
24 On March 11 it voted to proclaim itself a sovereign body whose decisions would be binding and not subject to government authority .
25 The decision of the Arbitrators is final and not subject to ratification by Council .
26 Conversely , it was argued in R v Kidderminster District Valuer , ex p Powell ( 1991 ) The Times , 23 July , that a valuation made by a district valuer was a matter of private law and not subject to judicial review under RSC Ord 53 .
27 If the taxpayer whilst not resident and not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom disposes of the UK shares and buys s6(2) gilts , the assets will be regarded as excluded property and not subject to IHT even if the taxpayer dies within the three year deemed domicile period .
28 A horse in good condition should have a flat back , even a ‘ double spine ’ or ‘ tiger spine ’ ( where the Mesh and muscle is raised on each side of the spine in two ridges ) ; the rump should be rounded ; and the ribs well-covered and not visible to the eye .
29 1982 ) ; to describe the Quileute demonstratives one needs to make a distinction between objects visible and not visible to the speaker ( Anderson & Keenan , in press ) ; and so on .
30 Like many I have supported this union 's policy my C L P , but also like many I have been hurt and angered by the attempts of some of the Party , both nationally and locally to deride and belittle the unions as a thing of the past and not relevant to the Party 's new media image and that working class issues were not worth presenting at elections because they are unpopular with the tabloids .
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