Example sentences of "[coord] not [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only , by the way , I see a large number of Scotts here , uniform with yours & mine , at only 1/ each , yet quite clean & good , & not incomplete like those in bookseller 's row ; of which , would you care for me to buy one or two — Ivanhoe , Nigel & c ?
2 Moreover , while the minus is always identifiable and indisputable , the plus is often not identifiable separately or not identifiable as a consequence of the minus .
3 Some of the er that measure is not actually effective or not possible in the context of of the facility er I think there 's been a search for measures which will be effective and er erm that 's what the efforts gone in to , finding an effective way of preventing it .
4 Loans were felt only to provide a short-term solution while grants were inadequate or not available to those in need .
5 In practice the polytechnics were initially mainly second-choice institutions for students unable to obtain entrance to universities , but as their reputations grew and they launched courses different from or not available at universities , they attracted more able students .
6 In reality , however , the difference between him and a shareholder may not be anything like as clear-cut , for the debenture may give the holder a contractual right : — to appoint a director ; to a share of profits ( whether or not available for dividend ) ; to repayment at a premium ; to attend and vote at general meetings and even to convert his debentures into equity shares .
7 They must now retire and decide whether he was guilty or not guilty of the charge .
8 The excuse shall be made to the Chairman of the meeting , and by him explained to Members who shall decide whether or not guilty by voting aye or no .
9 The Criminal Procedure ( Insanity and Unfitness to Plead ) 1991 was enacted as a result of major dissatisfaction with the way in which those found mentally unfit to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity were dealt with under the Criminal Procedure ( Insanity ) Act 1964 .
10 You could be proud of it or not proud of it .
11 Is that okay , to work that out or not sure about that ?
12 To the extent that a soil fulfils this interdependent function , it is fertile , not so fertile , or not fertile at all .
13 6.1 You warrant that neither the sale nor the use of the goods nor the performance of the work will infringe any British or foreign patent , trademark , registered design , or other industrial or intellectual property rights whether or not similar to any of the foregoing .
14 Any and all patents , registered designs , unregistered designs , copyright , or other intellectual property rights whether or not similar to any of the foregoing in or resulting from any work carried out by the Supplier under or in pursuance of this Agreement shall belong exclusively , throughout the world , to the Supplier .
15 A.3.1 The Vendor will forthwith notify in writing to the Purchaser any matter or thing which may arise or become known to any of them after the date of this Agreement ( whether or not prior to Completion ) which is inconsistent with any of the Warranties or which is or may reasonably be anticipated to be material to be known by a Purchaser for value of the Business .
16 In the absence of some specification which states how long a product should last under normal use without manifesting defects ( whether or not due to normal wear and tear ) , the parties have to resort to the express or implied warranties of merchantable quality , or the express or implied rights of rejection .
17 On the basis of these observations , it is not possible to say whether or not one of these tests provides a more useful assessment tool than the other .
18 Believe it or not one of these is the dirty one one is the not very dirty one and one is the clean one .
19 Or not all of it , because of course I would love to do that .
20 My ankles and knees and spine and neck no longer hurt all the time — or not all at once , anyway .
21 Of course , the motivation for playing this game is all the stronger when we have reason to resent the ‘ out group ’ for being more powerful or better resourced than we are , or not subject to the strains , pressures and tensions we face ( of course , because they are an ‘ out group ’ we know little about the problems that they have and we do not ) .
22 I have n't read the book , or not much of it , that I remember .
23 no I think it 's the speciality is that , in him and how he reacts with people , it is n't you know just what he 's good at or not good at
24 Ruling out scales designed for use with non-elderly people , for inpatient populations , for administration by clinicians , for information gathering from close relatives , and any not previously validated or not sensitive to changes over time , two scales were selected from the Comprehensive Assessment and Referral Examination ( CARE ) Schedule ( Gurland et al , 1977 ) namely the Organic Brain Syndrome ( OBS ) scale and the Depression scale , the former a ten point and the latter a 30 point scale .
25 The essentially political nature of this issue is rarely addressed publicly and explicitly , but sooner or later a decision will have to be made over whether or not those in possession of the rural landscape should be forced to cede some of their control .
26 Are you — very happy , fairly happy , not very happy , or not happy at all ?
27 There is even authority that those employing an agent to conduct a transaction in a certain market implicitly assent to any reasonable usages of that market whether or not aware of them .
28 Alan what I I do n't know the answer to what you 're proposing I really do n't know the answer and er I mean I can only go on the , my , my experiences and my experiences are I 've never ever consciously or not aware of ever having bought any as a result of
29 The Sale of Goods Act 1979 only gives you an entitlement to money back if the goods are faulty , misdescribed or not fit for the purpose you requested them to perform .
30 When I became chairman of Hepworths , it had its own clothing plant and it either produced too much or not enough of the right quality at the right price at the right time .
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