Example sentences of "[coord] not [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 She felt a twinge of guilt , knowing that she had sometimes wondered whether or not Hilary 's ill-health was an excuse invented by Tamar , because her visits were so infrequent .
2 In the meantime , whether or not Acheson 's alleged insensitivity to the nationalism of China 's leaders could be reckoned to extend southwards to Vietnam and whether or not the evidence suggests European rather than Asian priorities , Truman 's momentous post-war Democratic Administration , and his partnership with Acheson , had taken the US into the tiger 's cage .
3 Now involved in work in PIPE , a proposed Europe-wide trading system , Bennett argues that whether or not Europe 's 12 stock exchanges agree to the controversial idea of a ‘ 13th market ’ where all major stocks can be traded in one big pool , the market players will demand it and , if necessary , create it themselves .
4 The plan that was now beginning to hatch in her mind depended , however , upon whether or not Fred 's parrot was really as good a talker as Fred made out .
5 Whether or not Felcey 's hopes for growth from new applications of new grades of acrylic plastics are fully realized remains to be seen .
6 Even though I use many examples and experiences from my years with that company , the views expressed are mine and if my recollections or impressions vary from others ' that is to my account , and not ICI 's .
7 So from now on , let's forget the concept of fitness , which was Herbert Spencer 's and not Darwin 's .
8 Unfortunately only the letters of the Commission , and not Tyndale 's replies , have survived .
9 Quoting Tony Golgan of the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland , the paper reported : ‘ Most of the radiation to which Irish people are exposed comes from radon seeping out of rocks in the ground — and not Britain 's Sellafield nuclear plant . ’
10 They would then be able to go to the City on their own , and not Thornton 's , terms .
11 He now wants his heirs to be kings as well which goes against the witches prophecy of Banquo 's heirs being kings and not Macbeth 's .
12 If he regards Isaac as his own and not God 's , as the woman and the man in the Garden came to regard that tree as their own and not God 's , then all will be ruined .
13 If he regards Isaac as his own and not God 's , as the woman and the man in the Garden came to regard that tree as their own and not God 's , then all will be ruined .
14 Probably making a mental note of it , already determined to check out that she was who she claimed to be , and not Lotta 's mischievous accomplice .
15 According to Taylor it is the working-class element of the crowd , and not football 's new , middle-class supporters , who have the most developed knowledge of , and commitment to , the club ( i.e. they possess a true ‘ soccer consciousness ’ ) .
16 It seems to be directed at the SIB 's use of the term " indirect customer " ( which applies even where the intermediary is the customer ) and not SFA 's ( which does not ) .
17 Pierre 's hands are there and what they want to do , and the storm , but not Maria 's jealousy .
18 Partisanship was the main influence on Thatcher 's and Kinnock 's scores but not Steel 's or Owen 's ; and even for Thatcher and Kinnock the partisan influence was weaker than on other aspects of their image .
19 The teachers notes suggest discussion themes , such as the ‘ Dominance of Male Artists ’ and ‘ Images of Women in Art ’ , but not women 's images .
20 It says it is difficult to explain why the rising divorce rate seems to have affected men 's suicide rate but not women 's .
21 THE Bass Irish Cup final saga disappointed many people but not Bangor 's Ray McGuinness .
22 But not Connon 's .
23 Who 's small and blonde … but NOT Clint 's sort
24 And when relativity came , Newton 's equations were found wanting but not Maxwell 's ; they needed no relativistic correction .
25 Basal and stimulated platelet activating factor activity of epithelial and lamina propria cells from ulcerative colitis but not Crohn 's disease patients was appreciably higher than that of control .
26 To the core cost , the solicitor 's waiting and travelling time was to be added , but not Counsel 's .
27 North American women 's but not men 's achievement motivation seems to be aroused more by non-competitive , affiliative stimuli , but this is not true in Brazil ( Maccoby and Jacklin 1974 , Gama 1985 ) .
28 Abel 's is accepted , but not Cain 's .
29 Being confused was more It 's line , but not Oz 's eclectic blend mediated through Neville 's editing .
30 Although the government claims to support parents ' ( but not children 's ) freedom to choose , its actions have the opposite effect .
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