Example sentences of "[coord] he very [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I here were fans suspended from the ceilings in each of the rooms but in Owen 's view all they did was to move hot air from one place to another and he very rarely switched his on .
2 The Lowther mines round Workington had made their owner the ‘ richest commoner in England ’ ; and Appleby School was so good that George Washington 's brothers were sent there from Virginia to be educated , and he very nearly followed them himself .
3 He was close behind her as they rounded the L-bend of the restaurant — and he very nearly cannoned into her when she suddenly stopped dead .
4 And he very kindly shows Howard all over the house and garden .
5 As a child Vidor had hated the Military Academy at San Antonio and he very much wanted to make ‘ an honest war picture ’ that would correct the excessive jingoism of the normal Hollywood war film .
6 He had n't yet been appointed as Home Office Pathologist in succession to old Dr. Stoddard and he very much wanted to be .
7 If you have a bad game he 'll leave you in no doubt about what he thinks , but he very rarely loses his temper .
8 Jack might be jolly enough and a fine fellow when spending his hard-earned cash ashore , but he very quickly became " Poor Jack " when , after months cooped up at sea , he found himself fleeced by prostitutes , brothel keepers , slop-sellers and crimps for no better reason than exploitation of his hunger for female company and his desire for entertainment and refreshment .
9 ‘ He seemed quiet and rather withdrawn that morning , but he very often was so I did n't take too much notice .
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