Example sentences of "[coord] for [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Dorian Gray describes moments when ‘ the passion for sin , or for what the world calls sin ’ is utterly overwhelming
2 However , some forms of analysis — those carried out infrequently or for which the determinand is especially complex or poorly defined — are not amenable to conventional approaches to analytical quality control ( AQC ) .
3 though the contract is not in itself unlawful , the purpose for which it is made or for which the subject matter is to be applied is unlawful or the intended method of performance is unlawful ; or
4 There is often a fast turnover of patients especially if the surgical ward is one which deals with a large number of minor procedures , which involve only one night in hospital or for which the patient is admitted as a " day case " .
5 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
6 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
7 But the alias he preferred , and for which the State Department gave him his false passport , was William P. Goode .
8 Begun in the 1250s , it was several times remodelled and in the 1470s King Matthias added a fine tower which still stands and for which the Church has been named since .
9 However , these congruences are in different planes from the congruences on which the two wave components propagate , and for which the contraction and shear clearly become unbounded as .
10 Nevertheless , it is unrealistic to expect clients always to seek advice on these matters from sources other than the building designer , and a basic knowledge of planning law , compensation and the individual vagaries in attitudes of planning authorities is often the basis of releasing latent development value which is of tangible benefit and for which the client is prepared to pay high rewards .
11 First , there is the conversion of a sol ( a colloidal solution ) to a gel ( or an infinitely connected network of polymer chains ) , which is approximately described as formally similar to a critical phenomenon , and for which the formalism of scaling theories is applicable and secondly , the conversion of the gel to a much less compliant , rigid glass , which is governed by diffusion processes .
12 ( For some peculiar reason the Boeing company speak of the ‘ chord ’ when referring to what is known in Britain as a ‘ spar boom ’ and for which the standard American expression is ‘ spar cap . ’
13 According to one of my sources , it is the origin of the American term ‘ railroading ’ , which has long been used as a slang term throughout the USA to mean compelling somebody to do something they do not want to do , and for which the legal or other administrative justification is marginal or dubious .
14 Supplementary financing Providing about 8 per cent of funds , this facility , established in 1977 , is intended to assist countries with longer-term problems in their balance of payments , and for which the normal facilities of the Fund are not adequate .
15 It is a heartening sight , evocative of all the sun and bright colours of Provence ; it is economical because it is one of those composite dishes which you gradually build up , to which you can make additions or subtractions and for which the planning of the colours , flavours , extra salads , vegetables , sauces , becomes perfectly intoxicating — but steady , keep a hold , or you 'll find you 've made enough food for thirty , and you 'll have to order another case of wine and invite twenty more guests …
16 If the action continued , he argues , damage would result to his business or personal interests which would be irreparable and for which the subsequent payment of compensation would be an inadequate remedy .
17 The 40 remaining patients had proved hypoxaemic events — that is , a fall in skin po 2 and Sao 2 , or both — with no evidence of epilepsy or suffocation and for which the precise mechanism remains undetermined but was probably respiratory in origin .
18 But the independence being sought for in higher education , and for which the rights to learn are necessary conditions , is an independence of thought which is exercised within a dialogue with others .
19 ‘ How ’ , he asked , ‘ can Mussolini send the boys to fight in a country where the winters are so incredibly cold and for which the Italian Army , even the Alpini , are so badly equipped ?
20 The pollution problems created in 1991 by the burning oil wells in Kuwait indicate the need for the United Nations to make deliberate large-scale devastation of the environment a ‘ war crime ’ for which victims could subsequently seek compensation and for which the perpetrators could be punished in the future .
21 The requirement will be smaller if the only decision is assigning each student to a set ( variously called a group , laboratory class , split , etc. ) for which the timetabled hours and rooms are already determined , and for which the teacher will be ( or be provided by ) the module leader .
22 This then is a brief résuméof the problems which must be recognized by any indexer and for which the index must allow .
23 Agreement between ( the Insurers ) and ( the Society ) in relation to policies of insurance issued by the Insurers in the joint names of the Society and any of its borrowers on properties mortgaged to the Society and for which the Society does not act as the Insurers ' agent for the collection of premiums .
24 In fact there are very few goods that are pure public goods ; that is , goods that yield benefits from which nobody can be excluded and for which the amount the individual can consume does not diminish as the number of consumers increases .
25 Other member states bypassed us on the single currency by giving us an opt-out , for which the Prime Minister had to pay at Maastricht — and for which the British people will have to pay even more in the months ahead — and they bypassed us on the social chapter by simply going ahead without us .
26 The Vendor in relation to the Business is not and has not since the Balance sheet Date been engaged in any legal proceedings ( civil or criminal ) or arbitration as plaintiff , defendant or otherwise howsoever ( except as plaintiff in normal debt collection and in respect of which the aggregate amount of debts due to the Vendor and for which the Vendor is engaged or likely to become engaged in proceedings prior to Completion does not exceed £500 ) and there are no circumstances likely to lead to any legal proceedings or arbitration ( whether against the Vendor or by the Vendor any third party ) .
27 This included sophisticated equipment and " fly-by-wire " technology to allow India to build the light combat aircraft ( LCA ) planned as the principal fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force in the late 1990s , and for which the US administration had already granted use of the F-404 engine from General Electric .
28 The ways in which heads reported to governors before the 1980 Education Act , when there was less community representation , and after the 1986 Act which required governors to report to annual parent meetings ( and for which the reports were largely written by heads ) , differ from the task after the Education Reform Act .
29 For a public good-the consumption of which is defined over geographic subsets of the total population and for which the costs of providing each level of output of the good in each jurisdiction are the same for the central government or the respective local government — it will always be more efficient or at least as efficient for local government to provide the Pareto-efficient levels of output for their respective jurisdictions than for central government to provide any specified and uniform level of output across all jurisdictions .
30 And for me the beginning was when I was young ; before the Soviets , before the Nazis .
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