Example sentences of "[coord] it [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In South Antrim , the constituency of the present writer , no satisfaction was received on the matter until an exasperated meeting of my own constituency party presented the Westite Official Unionists with an ultimatum that either ‘ UUUC ’ appear on the literature and posters of their candidate or it would present its own rival one .
2 Now although the law may be extremely complex it also aims for clarity in its pronouncements or it would fail to work .
3 It had to keep accelerating or it would drop out of the sky .
4 With a few possible exceptions , it is not worthwhile stocking up with other components in large numbers because it would either be too costly , or it would take years to use them all up .
5 She had known their affair had to end or it would destroy them both , but now that it was about to do so , she was terrified of a future in which there would be no Luke , not even Luke causing her unhappiness .
6 Still , 209 all out seemed a fair performance by England , or it would have done had more of their batsmen scored some runs .
7 Erm the caravan sites act nineteen sixty eight er , paragraph fifteen did actually , I think address the provision government sites quite well , or it would have if it had actually been properly implemented in that there was a carrot and stick , there was stick or requirement
8 Artai could not have declared any public intent to marry Jehana , Alexei realised , or it would have been the talk of Kinsai. probably there were rumours — nothing was ever entirely a secret at court — and he glanced again at the women who clustered at the other end of the pool .
9 It can not occur through any systematic movement or it would have been predicted .
10 The Government obviously do not have such a plan , or it would have been mentioned today .
11 She 'd have to give this … person … something or it would spoil Sam 's holiday — which was like saying it would spoil his entire year .
12 She knew she must get out of the car quickly , or it would get stuck behind the steering wheel .
13 It would either fall apart or it would collapse to form a black hole .
14 They believe that reality ‘ points beyond itself ’ in the sort of way that the pile of books points beyond itself , in that we know something must be holding it up or it would fall .
15 Above all territory must be effectively occupied or it would fall to the partisans ; this kept French troops from the battlefield .
16 It would either stay constant , in which case there would be no well-defined thermodynamic arrow of time , or it would decrease , in which case the thermodynamic arrow of time would point in the opposite direction to the cosmological arrow .
17 If such a claim is made , the Commission may decide that there is no such distinct market ( in which case the member state concerned can appeal to the Court of First Instance ) or it may continue to deal with the merger itself , with particular reference to competition in the market concerned .
18 It may involve three or more subjects studied separately but in parallel , as in the Scottish general degree or some polytechnic/college ‘ combined studies ’ degrees ; or it may integrate several subjects in relation to some area , period , theme or problem , in which case it may be called interdisciplinary ; or it may consist of a more open , modular system of requirements and options .
19 A market may consist of a mere handful of people ( eg specialist collectors of a certain type of antique porcelain ) , or it may consist of millions ( eg consumers of breakfast cereals ) .
20 A molecule may be monatomic — as in the case of noble gases — or it may consist of two or more atoms .
21 Strange as it may seem , some people have more difficulty in handling or expressing warm , loving feelings than negative , angry ones ; or it may feel as if they have to keep a tighter reign on the loving feelings , which they perceive as making them more vulnerable to rejection and disappointment .
22 This may be a simple oversight on the part of the authors of the pamphlet , or it may reflect the thought that since those who attend these colleges would have committed themselves to staying at them until they were 18 ( and such a commitment would be a condition of entry ) , there would be no need for them to take a ‘ school-leaving ’ examination at 16+ .
23 The final separation may mean an agony of divided loyalty for the children of the marriage or it may spell relief from intolerable tensions which have developed over a long period .
24 Outings can be for just one or two residents to go somewhere they want to , or it may involve the whole staff and all the residents .
25 This action may take the form of letters and visits to MPs , ministers or newspapers , or it may involve going to meetings and speaking .
26 This may require the parents being given some special activities to be carried out each day , or it may involve more general and less highly structured activities , such as looking at books or playing with toys .
27 The principle of salvation may be theological , as in the case of religious fundamentalism ; or it may be purely secular , as with ethnic nationalism ; or it may involve some combination of the two .
28 Show your strengths to capitalise on , what you 're good at , O K , but that 's normally by the sort of products you 're selling , or it may identify to your manager , why you 're just selling Covermaster , has living insurance gone out of fashion where you are ?
29 Or it may show its need to excel by jumping obstacles better than other horses , or doing the perfect workout in the show ring or dressage arena , producing the most fantastic extended trot when shown in hand , or behaving perfectly with a beginner rider on its back .
30 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
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