Example sentences of "[coord] become a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , their concern was to prevent elected representatives from acquiring too much independent power or becoming a permanent self-perpetuating oligarchy .
2 It can also be danced sur les pointes or become a spacious preparation into some grand assemblé or saut de basque en tournant as in many Petipa solos .
3 You would not say that it was a part of anything around you — it does not attach itself to things or become a particular quality that they have .
4 There 's an ecumenical consensus nowadays surely that it is by faith and baptism that one is made a Christian or becomes a Christian and we 've also inherited , many of us , another rite , with its origins in the New Testament , valuable in the making of a christian and the three strands in confirmation set out in the report before us would certainly be owned by all of us .
5 The question of whether a statement made during the course of negotiations remains a mere representation or becomes a contractual term , turns on the intention of the parties .
6 Will Hay created the role of the seedy , blustering , and ineffectual teacher to such effect that his name remains a byword for the caricatured schoolmaster , and , usually with a small company of two or three ‘ boys ’ , he topped variety bills across the country , made successful trips overseas , and became a noted radio performer .
7 It passed out of the family 's hands and became a mental hospital in 1935 .
8 Brazil achieved independence from Portugal in 1822 and became a federal republic in 1889 .
9 France imported considerable numbers in the 1850s and 1860s and became a useful reservoir of lines which were later extinct in England .
10 You made a lot of money and became a powerful man , did n't you , Adolph ?
11 The youngest of the family , John , was quite unlike his brothers and became a Spanish Merchant .
12 ‘ The first Congress of People 's Deputies was held and became a political sensation .
13 Disgusted by the reaction to his last few films , Dustin locked himself in his New York home and became a virtual recluse .
14 Mazzolla 's infant son , Allesandro , was raised by his mother and became a prominent Italian internationalist in the '60s , scoring Milan 's only goal against Celtic in the European Cup Final in 1967 .
15 Bobby rejoined his former Swindon boss , Bert head , at Selhurst Park and became a prominent member of Palace 's sides in the late 1960s .
16 For a while the breed flourished and became a regular winner of dairy-class prizes , but the Second World War saw the start of a decline , though the breed society was revitalised in 1948 .
17 He had asked John Prior Estlin for letters of introduction to the Unitarian ministers at Bridgwater and Taunton , and became a regular preacher in both towns for as long as he remained at Stowey .
18 It emerged from the First Annual Conference on Library Orientation for Academic Libraries in the USA in 1971 , and became a working reality as Project LOEX in 1972 .
19 During the following years , the mill lost its agricultural links and became a substantial iron and wire works .
20 Then there was a change , like a snap in her mind , as everything turned quiet and became a dark , easy drifting .
21 In 1980 , 1981 , and 1985 major riots in Bristol , London , Liverpool , and Birmingham commanded the headlines and became a key theme in policy debates about the future of the inner cities .
22 Ian was a bright young striker who , after helping the Palace Juniors win the FA Youth Cup in 1977 , forced his way into the League side and became a key member of our 1979 2nd Division Championship line-ups , scoring several invaluable goals , including the first one in the decisive victory over Burnley which clinched the title in the final game of the season .
23 In 1898 he began observing the habits of wild birds in earnest , making detailed notes on the spot , and became a key pioneer ( as observer and interpreter ) in the ethological study of bird behaviour , introducing the words ‘ bird-watcher ’ and ‘ bird-watching ’ into the language and producing a large output of influential scientific papers and books — the latter including Bird Watching ( 1901 ) , The Bird Watcher in the Shetlands ( 1905 ) , Bird Life Glimpses ( 1905 ) , Realities of Bird Life ( 1927 ) , Thought-transference — or What ? — in Birds ( 1931 ) , and Evolution of Habit in Birds ( 1933 ) — as well as many essays ( mostly in the Saturday Review ) and several other books on popular natural history and for children .
24 She led the YORKSHIRE branch of the Medau Society when it was formed in 1956 and became a key figure in the area .
25 The Turks and Caicos Islands were a Jamaican dependency from 1859 to 1959 , and became a separate United Kingdom Dependent Territory in 1962 after Jamaican independence .
26 It was set up in 1981 and became a limited company in 1990 .
27 He was educated at New College , Oxford , as one of a small band of mature students sponsored in 1937 by the Oxford Delegacy for Extra-mural Studies , got a soccer Blue , and became a lifelong worker for the WEA .
28 His father having died in 1216 , Peter spent many years as William 's ward , and became a lifelong friend of his son , Walter de Cantilupe [ q.v. ] , bishop of Worcester from 1238 to 1265 .
29 In the North , in the Democratic Republic , the army shed all guerrilla characteristics and became a professional force .
30 By 1933 he was in Jerusalem , and became a Palestinian citizen in 1936 .
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