Example sentences of "[coord] put [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 encouraged or put under pressure erm , I would think that with a lot more talking we might actually be able to work out something between surrogate mothers and nurturing mothers , they can do it with open adoption , other countries were learning how to do it .
2 But if a judge errs the other way and fines a rapist a few hundred pounds , or puts on probation a bank robber with previous convictions who clearly ought to go directly to jail , nothing happens .
3 An important feature is that once bonuses are given , they can not later be withdrawn or put at risk due to some speculative investment .
4 The DTI is currently proceeding with the 14th Round of Oil/Gas Licensing through which it is selling oil companies the permission to explore many blocks of seabed which the Government 's official advisers on nature conservation have said should not be disturbed or put at risk in this way .
5 Outmoded this view might be , but most of us would still prefer to try on new clothes , wax hair off our legs , perform our ablutions or put on make-up in private .
6 Furthermore , of those convicted of lesser offences than rape many were fined ( £30 was the highest fine ) or put on probation for a year or two .
7 Many men wore cushions under their shirts or put on grass skirts and false breasts , whether in emulation or mockery of the gentler sex .
8 Newspapers are tied up in bundles , or put into plastic bags .
9 From the machining room the sails go through to the packaging department where they are folded , inserted in sail bags and sent either to the despatch department or put into stock .
10 ‘ Some people kept little trees in secret courtyards , and flowers in their houses , but they were n't supposed to , and if their neighbours reported them to the police the people would have their trees chopped down and the flowers taken away and they would be fined or put in prison , where they had to work very hard , rubbing out writing on bits of paper so they could be used again . ’
11 It is the way in which ahi sā is implemented or put in action ; it is the technique of non-violence .
12 And next year 's student , or even next term 's , perhaps , depending on how quick you do it , your conversations , what you 're doing now , once they 're transcribed and put onto disk would be very interesting , because we 'll have a disk from our St Mary 's students , transcribed , because Steve promised he would get them all transcribed .
13 environmental constraints if the organization is big enough to qualify as strategic , and I am really concerned about the planning er application in which I know that Da Professor Lock is interested that I think developments of that scale have nothing to do with the employment needs of the district , that they would in fact involve bringing in large numbers of people from other areas who as I have said before , might appreciate jobs nearer their present places of employment , and it would also unbalance the Harrogate housing market and put on pressure for more land to be taken in and around Harrogate for housing for the people who 'd come to that development .
14 In autumn when the plants have begun to die down naturally the perennials should have their flowered stems cut off at ground level , if not already done , and annuals should be dug up and put for compost .
15 So if you bagged it up and put for sale on it , fifty pence .
16 one of the criticisms that has come out on this one book was that because the , these child adults are skilled and put into education , they maybe still illiterate , but they are street wise , they are literate of the street
17 Tomorrow we 've got quite a lively day ahead of us erm by the time we do our group work tomorrow first thing in the morning , and also tomorrow after that you 'll be doing a role play as well using the things that you 've picked up today and seeing how many of them you can practice and put into action what you talked about .
18 It eventually got that they were typed and put into cellophane covers which made it a lot easier .
19 Two draws are made Draw one , a bead is taken from bag A and put in bag B.
20 It is necessary to draw up a projected examination schedule and to put on storage at each test condition more than sufficient samples to meet that schedule .
21 But some irresistible compulsion drove him on to hazard again the life he relished so much , and to put at risk my happiness as well .
22 Baldwin contemplated all this at Aix , and made up his mind both to go for protection and to put at risk the first independent Conservative majority for two decades .
23 At Hastings and at Southport in 1934 , controversy centred around the issue of " Emergency Powers " , i.e. the granting to a future Labour government of " authority to take over or regulate the financial machine , and to put into force any measures that the situation may require for the immediate control or socialization of industry " .
24 It was in many ways a logical consequence of de Gaulle 's seeking to impose upon his partners and neighbours , and to put into practice , his vision of the future Europe , a vision which contrasted sharply with that of the pioneers of the Six .
25 It must also be pointed out that the Sub-Group is a sub-group of Management Group , and its functions are to advise Management and to put into effect Management policy on computing issues .
26 Since then I have found other uses for it in my knitting room such as to anchor down that very important latch tool and to put in place the little basin on the weighing machine which tends to flop off when I go to weigh a heavy jumper .
27 Its aim is to introduce people who are 50 or over to a whole new range of activities and opportunities so they can realise and put into practice their own particular talents .
28 Sometimes visits will be on a regular daily basis , especially when a person is very disabled and assistance is needed in getting up and putting to bed .
29 Currently supporting over 400 companies in the UK , FCS has been designing and putting into operation distribution systems for over 12 years .
30 which would be capable of sweeping away the Kuomintang and putting into power the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party .
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