Example sentences of "[coord] have no [adj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 If an individual appears unable to pay his debts or has no reasonable prospect of paying he may also face a bankruptcy petition .
2 A similarly high proportion end in a swift judgment because the defendant is in default or has no real defence .
3 A petition can only be presented in respect of a debt if ( s 267(2) ) : ( i ) the amount of the debt or the aggregate of the debts is equal to or exceeds the bankruptcy level ( defined in 5267(4) as £750 but subject to change by the Secretary of State ) , ( ii ) the debt of each of the debts is for a liquidated sum payable either immediately or at some future time and is unsecured , ( iii ) the debtor appears unable to pay or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay the debt or debts , and ( iv ) there is no outstanding application to set aside a statutory demand served under s 268 ( see section 4 ( c ) below ) .
4 In any case , most laboratory mutations either die out or have no obvious effect , or merely improve the growth and manageability of the strain .
5 Some of the general practitioner contract 's requirements , such as check ups every three years and deprivation payments , either ignore the findings of research or have no supporting evidence .
6 It produces a six-monthly valuation for both types of management and has no annual charge .
7 The first is the established Schwab One account , which can be opened with an initial minimum deposit of $5,000 and has no annual fee .
8 The label is readily incorporated into cleavage-stage cells by the endocytic route , is clearly identifiable in living , fixed and sectioned preparations and has no apparent effect on development .
9 Where a possession order is made in respect of a " regulated tenancy " of residential property in a mandatory case ( Cases 11 – 20 ) , the court is empowered to grant only a maximum of fourteen days and has no other discretion : Rent Act 1977 , Sched 15 , Pt II and s 89 of the Housing Act 1980 .
10 And then there is the international novel , which is particularly easy to translate because it is set in a generalised Nowhere and has no idiosyncratic language to disturb its translators .
11 ‘ It 's not a cohesive group and has no political edge .
12 John is not malicious and has no political leanings .
13 Mr Doe insists that he is no opponent of privatisation as such and has no political axe to grind : ‘ I 'm not concerned who owns BR as such : there could be advantages in taking BR out of the public sector in terms of investment rules ’ , he said .
14 The " watchmaker " that is cumulative natural selection is blind to the future and has no long-term goal .
15 Digital Equipment Corp is now allied with Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA , and has no historic or technical ties with Siemens .
16 ADVANCES in microelectronics are making it possible for countries to switch to a military strategy that is purely for defence and has no offensive capability — if they want to .
17 A third possibility that should not be overlooked is that the stereotype is just a stereotype and has no real correlate in women 's behaviour .
18 The weekly return in Table 1 illustrates the Bank 's assets and liabilities : the division between the Issue Department and Banking Department is largely for historic reasons and has no real economic significance .
19 This is particularly remarkable when it is considered that Roddick has made no acquisitions and has no major plans for diversification .
20 Content then becomes dependent on form ( as the discussion of biography , reality and thought will have shown ) , and has no separate existence in literature .
21 It is free of any political affiliation and has no collective price .
22 That policy was reasonable in a buoyant market , but the directors now feel that even capitalisation should discontinue : ‘ Your company is one of the very few in the sector which does not capitalise any interest or other finance costs and has no off-balance sheet accounting of any kind . ’
23 She lies in the middle of Europe and has no protected borders …
24 One of the smaller pigs , it weighs up to 90kg , is either grey with sparse , bristly hair or hairy and golden or creamy white in colour , and has no facial warts .
25 The pygmy hog weighs no more than 10kg , is about half a metre long , is grey-brown and bristly and has no facial warts .
26 All one can say about the legend of Mu is that it was invented recently and has no scientific backing whatsoever .
27 When Mariner 10 reached Mercury the following data on planetary magnetic fields were to hand : the Earth rotates quickly , almost certainly has a large molten iron core , and has a strong dipole field ; Mars rotates quickly , but probably has no molten iron core , and has no detectable dipole field ; Venus probably has a sizeable molten iron core but rotates slowly , and has no detectable dipole field ( perhaps also because it has no solid inner core — see section 4.2 ) ; the Moon rotates slowly , probably has no liquid iron core , and has no detectable dipole field .
28 When Mariner 10 reached Mercury the following data on planetary magnetic fields were to hand : the Earth rotates quickly , almost certainly has a large molten iron core , and has a strong dipole field ; Mars rotates quickly , but probably has no molten iron core , and has no detectable dipole field ; Venus probably has a sizeable molten iron core but rotates slowly , and has no detectable dipole field ( perhaps also because it has no solid inner core — see section 4.2 ) ; the Moon rotates slowly , probably has no liquid iron core , and has no detectable dipole field .
29 When Mariner 10 reached Mercury the following data on planetary magnetic fields were to hand : the Earth rotates quickly , almost certainly has a large molten iron core , and has a strong dipole field ; Mars rotates quickly , but probably has no molten iron core , and has no detectable dipole field ; Venus probably has a sizeable molten iron core but rotates slowly , and has no detectable dipole field ( perhaps also because it has no solid inner core — see section 4.2 ) ; the Moon rotates slowly , probably has no liquid iron core , and has no detectable dipole field .
30 However , a consequence of so extending the scope of the imperative is that it becomes relevant only to the logic of value judgments , and has no direct bearing on how far a creature adapted to heed only what pleases it can push towards awareness against the grain of organic functioning .
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