Example sentences of "[coord] have [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 First , however , it needs to be ascertained whether this land is still owned by you , or has become the property of the airport authorities .
2 It suggests that your vehicle was once petrol engined or has had the wrong springs fitted at some point .
3 Up to a quarter of the population has either been displaced or has left the country since 1980 .
4 It is true that many experienced abseilers will tackle the steepest descents without any protection or having tied the hanging rope ends together .
5 The fines , donations of money , packets of crisps , biscuits and home-made cakes , were imposed for ludicrous offences : not having clipped the hedge , or having clipped the hedge ; leaving a gate open ; having , or not having , curtains across the windows .
6 Dr Arnold lauded the Reference team as much as he did his favourite orchestra , who sat down and played his works without any rehearsals or having read the music .
7 We concluded that women who are successful in political careers tend to come from middle- and upper-class backgrounds and from professional occupations ; they have either been able to rely on the resources and support of their families or to have minimised the handicaps deriving from women 's status within the family by remaining unmarried or childless or by entering public life later on when their familial obligations have , to a larger degree , been completed .
8 If , therefore , the King had turned to Henderson after MacDonald had proffered his resignation , or had sought the views of Labour Privy Counsellors as suggested by Herbert Morrison , he could have been accused of wasting valuable time .
9 Although the proceedings reinforced Castro 's dominance of the PCC , some decisions ratified by the congress , in particular accepting direct election of all delegates to the National Assembly of People 's Powers , were interpreted as signs that he had either made tactical concessions or had recognized the need for gradual change .
10 He emphatically denied that he had acted improperly or had manipulated the system to his advantage .
11 Once , there must have been a single core-vessel which had lost its way or had lost the use of its warp-vanes so that it could no longer jump back into truespace .
12 In 1881 , the leader of the Blue Ribbon Mission came to town and it was estimated that a quarter of the 32,000 population were ‘ blue-ribboners ’ , or had taken the pledge .
13 It appeared from the poor showing of the pro-CPSU communists in the elections that a surprisingly large number of Russians had voted for Sajudis-backed candidates , or had boycotted the voting in overwhelmingly Russian-populated constituencies where only a pro-CPSU communist was standing .
14 No pupils refused to participate in the study , and as pupils were not warned about the administration of the survey we assumed that those registered pupils who did not complete the survey were either absent or had left the school .
15 Under the amended election law the president was provided with the power to appoint new deputies to replace those who had died or had left the Assembly since the last elections in 1972 .
16 As of July 1991 over 80 Assembly members , mostly from the NLD , had died , been imprisoned or had fled the country .
17 Foreign aid is so important in conservation policy-making in lesser developed countries because , with a few exceptions , most newly independent lesser developed countries had either no official conservation organisation whatsoever ( as in Latin America with the exception of a couple of Southern Brazilian states ) or had experienced the colonial model mentioned above , principally in Africa , South and South-east Asia .
18 They were also content to leave the whole affair as far as they knew it , understood it or had allocated the blame for it .
19 In 1904 he wrote to the poet and critic Arthur Symons : ‘ I have , however , of late years , lapsed so deeply into my early weakness for verse , & have found the condensed expression that it affords so much more consonant to my natural way of thinking & feeling that I have almost forgotten the prose effusions for the time . ’
20 For example , the speaker might make explicit assumptions which had been left implicit in the original , or have contrasted the lecturer 's position with one with which the hearer is more familiar .
21 ( s ) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object and to support and subscribe to any institution , society , or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its Directors or employees , or may be connected with any town or place where the Company carried on business ; to give or award pensions , annuities , gratuities , and superannuation or other allowances or benefits or charitable aid and generally to provide advantages , facilities and services for any persons who are or have been Directors of , or who are or have been employed by , or who are serving or have served the Company , or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or the holding company of the Company or a fellow subsidiary of the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary , holding or fellow subsidiary company and to the wives , widows , children and other relatives and dependants of such persons ; to make payments towards insurance ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain superannuation and other fund or schemes ( whether contributory or non-contributory ) for the benefit of any such persons and of their wives , widows , children and their relatives and dependants ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain profit sharing schemes for the benefit of any of the employees of the Company or share purchase schemes for the benefit of any of the solicitor or registered foreign lawyer employees of the Company and to lend money to any such employees or to trustees on their behalf to enable any such purchase schemes to be established or maintained .
22 ( s ) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object and to support and subscribe to any institution , society , or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its Directors or employees , or may be connected with any town or place where the Company carried on business ; to give or award pensions , annuities , gratuities , and superannuation or other allowances or benefits or charitable aid and generally to provide advantages , facilities and services for any persons who are or have been Directors of , or who are or have been employed by , or who are serving or have served the Company , or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or the holding company of the Company or a fellow subsidiary of the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary , holding or fellow subsidiary company and to the wives , widows , children and other relatives and dependants of such persons ; to make payments towards insurance ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain superannuation and other fund or schemes ( whether contributory or non-contributory ) for the benefit of any such persons and of their wives , widows , children and their relatives and dependants ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain profit sharing schemes for the benefit of any of the employees of the Company or share purchase schemes for the benefit of any of the solicitor or registered foreign lawyer employees of the Company and to lend money to any such employees or to trustees on their behalf to enable any such purchase schemes to be established or maintained .
23 As walnut was both an exceedingly expensive and difficult wood to work , few if any coffin-makers would have kept it in stock or have possessed the expertise to fashion it .
24 You do n't need to have taken in the fact , planted early on , that Joe keeps a gun , or have noticed the required sign in the foyer warning that shots will be fired ( ca n't the nanny state keep its paws off anything ? ) to know that retribution is coming , and on elephant feet .
25 Or have gained the appropriate number of points through the licentiate assessment scheme .
26 However , on balance a majority of UK economists have appeared to favour the discretionary cost-benefit approach or have thought the rules approach too dogmatic ( see e.g. Sutherland 1970 , Howe 1972 , Utton 1975 , Fleming and Swann 1989 , and George 1989 ) , and have tended to argue for a continuance of the present investigatory policy with some considerable strengthening of procedures .
27 By contrast , more discriminating observers have often found room for praise ; and Englishmen themselves , especially those who have not dwelt for long elsewhere , or have resisted the seductions of lands nearer the equator , are evidently very proud of their climate .
28 To qualify , you must be paying , or have told the DHSS you intend to pay , national insurance contributions at the full rate .
29 There is also a system of ‘ networking ’ where women are put in touch with others who are having or have had the same experience .
30 If it is less than a hundred-per cent change , ignore it ; you are studying the wrong system or have designed the wrong experiment , he insisted .
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