Example sentences of "[coord] have [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In writing this book we have assumed that the reader either owns or has access to copies of both Warhammer and Warhammer Battle Magic .
2 Any company that has plans for international marketing must build up or have access to marketing information about a large number of different countries .
3 If you happen to own or have access to an Acorn A5000 computer , then you can run Designaknit providing you have at least 2 megabytes of RAM and version 1.7 of the PC Emulator .
4 In the case of the large professional partnership , Fama and Jensen argue that the shareholders in such a firm have enough knowledge about its activities to be able to protect their interests , without either the need to all be on the board , or to have recourse to external representatives .
5 Latinamerica Press has reported that nearly 200 of the 550 members of Congress and the Senate are owners of or have ties to some media outlet .
6 For PR departments which have invested in , or have access to , a word processor or small computer , the problem is solved .
7 Claims with an anticipated value of between £1500 and £3000 may still be handled by branch staff , either by telephone or visit , if they have or have access to the appropriate expertise .
8 Twenty copies were issued to the school and all staff were to have a copy or have access to a copy .
9 Do you need to be or have access to the railway station or to the main roads or anything like that ?
10 She also swims , plays ping pong and has ambitions to ‘ do a lot of travelling ’ .
11 Forte already holds 68.36% of the equity and has rights to 42.12% of the group 's total votes .
12 he is in a professional or business relationship with that company or a related company and has access to unpublished price sensitive information which ought not reasonably to be disclosed except for the proper performance of his duties
13 Student Services is a user and a provider of lodgings and accommodation data about all students , including those on the Modular Course , and has access to the student management system for this purpose .
14 The Department has subscribed to the CIPFA/ADSS Financial Management and has access to the material produced which is designed to assist Local Authorities in preparing for the changes to be implemented on 1 April this year .
15 The Centre has its own library and conference rooms and has access to services for oligonucleotide and peptide synthesis and microsequencing as well as to powerful computer and database services .
16 The Institute possesses a wide range of data logging , micro- and mini-computing equipment and has access to the computing facilities of the Edinburgh University Computing Service and to national and international networks .
17 He was also made an honorary villager of Guilin , one of the main centres for child artists and his status in China means that he can now travel freely and have access to areas of Chinese life which are not generally open to foreign visitors .
18 The subsequent analysis enabled certain conclusions to be drawn about the importance of knowing about , and having access to , current information ; the availability of material ; the low utilisation of the CSSU Registry ; and the need for alternative methods for organising and locating information .
19 One further dimension to such a system is the possibility of " networking " a number of micros This involves the interconnecting of micros which retain their full power as independent computers but gain the additional ability of communicating with other computers in the network and having access to common files The result is analogous to a minicomputer with a number of terminals but with the big difference that each of the micros has its own processing power instead of sharing that of the mini .
20 Among the 22 factors listed were : the right technical skills to the job ; good understanding of the client 's business ; being proactive ; being able to introduce business leads and having access to international resources .
21 top management need to devote a minimum of four full days a year to preparing data personally and having face to face meetings with one or more levels of employees to communicate crucial messages .
22 On a consideration of all the evidence and having regard to the matters to which section 10(9) enjoins us to have particular regard , I am fully satisfied that this is a case where we should exercise our discretion so as to refuse leave .
23 She is here again because I , with a claim of my own to advance , and having regard to yet another claim , with strict fairness , brought her back to Shrewsbury , from which she began her controversial odyssey , so that she herself might choose where she wished to rest .
24 The C. and A.G. , after satisfying himself that the vouchers have been examined and certified as correct by the accounting department , may , in his discretion and having regard to the character of the departmental examination , in any particular case admit the sum so certified without further evidence of payment in support of the charges to which they relate … ‘
25 Throughout life , a capacity to play , to symbolize , and to have access to the world of fantasy can assist people to come to terms with life .
26 Authority The right to control finance , information , people , equipment , materials etc. in organizations and to have access to important decision-making processes .
27 The seventh principle relates to a data subject 's right to know ‘ at reasonable intervals ’ if personal data is held on him and to have access to such data .
28 Many of your listeners will know the Malvern Hills , and had resort to them And the fact that they can come and enjoy them today is through the dedication of board members over a hundred and ten years . ’
29 Mrs Cass , who was in a wheelchair in court and had breaks to be given oxygen , said she had suffered four heart attacks since the RSPCA became involved with her dogs .
30 I am in the possession of a number of splendid suits , kindly passed on to me over the years by Lord Darlington himself , and by various guests who have stayed in this house and had reason to be pleased with the standard of service here .
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