Example sentences of "[coord] have been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Whether the cube has already been jumbled or has been carefully preserved , we will realise by now that one way to restore the cube is ‘ just ’ to reverse the moves we made .
2 Of the early basilicas , built in the second-fourth centuries A.D. none exists entirely unaltered , but sufficient survives or has been carefully rebuilt to the original pattern to give a clear idea of what such churches were like .
3 The issue is then referred to an independent tribunal for a binding decision as to whether the claimant is entitled to the benefit or has been unfairly dismissed .
4 For twenty years , while he turned the porn shop of sports into international theatre , attention was paid in a way it never was before or has been since .
5 Everyone I know at home is either here , or has been here .
6 Now I would say to sa say that that is almost a bit like the story of the boy crying that he did n't have many holidays because he did n't go to school and that because Harrogate 's er unemployment is so low or has been historically so low compared with other areas , a relatively small increase in the number of unemployment has an enormous increase as compared with what it 's been in the past and so the same number of people living in Harrogate who lose their jobs has an impact on the unemployment figures as perceived locally greater than a similar number of people losing their jobs in Leeds or Selby or somewhere else , and so I think to some extent this the rhetoric has outrun the reality on that point .
7 ‘ without due care and attention ’ Due care and attention is normally used when the defendant has been careless or has been momentarily inattentive .
8 Failure on such a scale can be attributable only to some major underlying cause , which has stubbornly defied discovery , or has been equally stubbornly kept hidden by those who , whilst being aware of it , are interested only in its continued existence .
9 The beginning of a sentence generally introduces what it is " about " , often an item of given information ( i.e. something which has already been mentioned or has been directly implied ) .
10 ‘ From what I can see , Katie , this man is either very careful or has been very lucky .
11 He was perfectly happy that way , or had been up to now , but it was n't a body to put to competition .
12 I decided that there might well be a few odd cancer cells lurking about that my immune system had n't spotted or had been too demoralized to deal with — and anyway , was n't I , like everyone else , making thousands of cancer cells every day ?
13 If I had been counting , or had been more familiar with the aircraft or the sequence , I might have been ready for him .
14 The vociferous one had a cape and a velvet waistcoat and was either more than a little tipsy , or had been so so often he could behave no other way .
15 Many teachers , whose schools had been early in the reporting cycle , also said that they had considerable difficulty in remembering their review and its outcome or had been so little involved that they felt unable to say much about it .
16 At least half are documented in the Beazley Archive of black- and red- figure vases in Oxford 's Ashmolean Museum , or have been previously published , including examples by the Affecter painter , the Acheloos Painter , the Theseus Painter , Epiktetos , the Berlin Painter , the Brygos Painter , the Pan Painter and the Niobid Painter .
17 Even if you are working or have been away from the University for more than two years you can still have Current Vacancies mailed to you for a small charge .
18 erm most of the sites , and there are quite a large number of sites in Oxfordshire , are privately owned or have been privately subscribed .
19 In the last resort achievement will be dependent on the community 's willingness to accept an increased responsibility for those of its members who are or have been mentally ill … time is needed to prepare the way and to accustom the community to these added responsibilities .
20 ( 2 ) On a taxation on the indemnity basis all costs shall be allowed except in so far as they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred and any doubts which the taxing officer may have as to whether the costs were reasonably incurred or were reasonable in amount shall be resolved in favour of the receiving party ; and in these rules the term ‘ the indemnity basis ' in relation to the taxation of costs shall be construed accordingly .
21 We do not think the criterion can be put any better or more clearly than it is put in R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) and would hold that , on the true construction of the 18 February 1985 mortgage , the defendants are entitled to be paid or to retain out of the mortgaged property all their actual costs , charges and expenses ( including the receivers ' remuneration ) except in so far they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred and with any doubts as to whether the costs have been reasonably incurred or are reasonable in amount being resolved in favour of the defendants .
22 Indemnity basis , where ‘ all costs … except insofar as they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred ’ will be allowed .
23 Erm , but he also thought it was quite nice that they were , and good that they were , as generous , or have been as generous as they have .
24 If you have not kept up with the nursing journals or have been out of practice for a long time then you will have to trust to luck or the recommendations of others as to the relevance and value of any course you choose to attend .
25 Most roofs exceed these minimum requirements , but if they are inadequate or have been seriously affected by bad workmanship , poor quality timber , woodworm , dry rot , wet rot , and so on , the eventual result is seen in sagging roofs , displaced or split timbers , twisted and open joints — and visible movement of walls at eaves level .
26 This car has been in use since Easter and has been enthusiastically praised by the people , mainly volunteers , who have been staffing it .
27 ‘ Oh , Mr Porter ! ’ ( 1937 ) , with Will Hay the stationmaster of Buggleskelly , is regarded as both the popular and critical pick of the genre , and has been favourably compared with the work of the Marx Brothers .
28 Sexual experiment , now or in earlier life , is and has been markedly less than with younger people .
29 This is a significant area of importance in the Catholic school and has been clearly expressed in several documents but attention is drawn to Position Paper 4 ( Catholic Education Commission ) .
30 The latest implementation , X Window Version 11 Release 3 , emerged a year ago , and has been widely adopted by Unix suppliers and by DEC , with Unix ( Ultrix ) and VAX VMS versions .
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