Example sentences of "[coord] in [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 I do not want to know what she intends doing in a year 's time or in 10 years ' time , because she will not be in government then .
2 perhaps in six months or in sixty years erm facing the same kind of problem again er I , I can erm I have close experience with a situation on my , on my own patch which rises from time to time an and is most unpleasant for the people in and it goes back if I might say so an and therefore the planning considerations that have been mentioned need to be paid attention to .
3 This was not observed in the younger age group or in previous years .
4 Thus , if the taxpayer can show that in year 1 he had been assessed under s739 on the £100,000 which accrued to the trust then the trustees are able either in that year or in subsequent years to pay the monies out without any tax charge under s742(2) ( c ) .
5 There are others who are doing research which might lead to erm developments in the communications industry in twenty years from now , or in ten years from now .
6 Next lunchtime we rang Conal Gregory , York 's Tory candidate and in nine years as the city 's MP a frequent rail users ' champion .
7 And in twelve years as an experienced shop steward , I can only recall having a full time officer in I think on three occasions .
8 No other party of the right operating within a mass electoral system has equalled this achievement , and in recent years the only institution which has matched the Conservatives in terms of the monotonous regularity of their success is Liverpool Football Club .
9 Although appointed to represent a cross-section of British life — one each from Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland ; at least one academic ; one trade unionist ( almost always from the right-wing of the movement ) ; one with an interest in the arts ; usually a scientist ; a retired diplomat to represent the Foreign Office ; and in recent years one representative from the ethnic minorities — they have their amateurism in common .
10 Many fashions such as the kipper tie and the string tie have come and gone , and in recent years there has been an upsurge in the popularity of vivid colours and flamboyant designs .
11 And in the 70s , we were again working in Appalachia ; and in recent years we have expanded our program to again include the entire south . ’
12 Barber was also concerned with innovative process development in support of a second line of successful research at Dagenham , into new aromatic diamidines , eg propamidine , of value against bacterial infections , and pentamidine , used for treating human sleeping sickness , and in recent years for controlling a symptom of Aids .
13 Ciba-Geigy runs company management courses and in recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of women in these courses .
14 And in recent years it is impossible not to see that Dale Thomas ' name occurs more than others , including being five times the Club Champion — winning on one occasion after a 60-hole match !
15 These fish are native to North America and in recent years have been widely used to stock artificial fisheries throughout Britain .
16 The windsurfing concept is not limited to use on the water and in recent years windsurfing sails have been seen on land , snow and ice .
17 Another region which suffered badly both during the liberation struggle and in recent years is the North-eastern region in the Zambezi valley .
18 Items can be found on every continent and in recent years have become very popular again , especially as collectors pieces .
19 Many insects and their larvae eat the leaves of plants , and in recent years a complex skein of plant-insect interactions have been glimpsed .
20 The acoustics are particularly good , and in recent years the cathedral has played host to International Bach Concerts in June .
21 It is consulted regularly by the Conference of Bishops , and in recent years has made great strides in making the women 's voice heard , and enabling women to play their part in the collaboration at all levels in the Church .
22 But apparently smut has never been far away , and in recent years when some crops have been grown from home saved seed which has had no treatment , after two or three years it has appeared with devastating effect .
23 The magazine is quarterly and in recent years has devoted each issue to a focused topic .
24 Invariant theory continued — albeit at a reduced level of intensity — and in recent years activity has begun to pick up again .
25 The function of research and development was very active , constantly upgrading product quality and in recent years moving into related products .
26 Generations of scholars and local historians have sought to understand the pattern of roads and tracks in England and in recent years the same enthusiasm has been shown for railways and canals .
27 The trouble is that there are just not enough places available at the moment , and in recent years local authorities have been unable to provide more owing to the shortage of funds and the cash limits imposed on local authority expenditure by central government .
28 And in recent years , the bell-founders , still active , have forged an important link of friendship with the people of the United States .
29 The cattle were either ‘ walked ’ down to the marshes direct from market or were brought to the nearest point by train : today they are transported by motor-lorries , and in recent years a rough road has been built right across the marshes to enable lorries to have direct access .
30 The charge made for school meals is a good example , and in recent years the burden has grown as the price of a school meal has increased dramatically .
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