Example sentences of "[coord] in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The hand and the wig are to become identifying features , often used in isolation or in conjunction with elements from other pictures .
2 ‘ Every person who shall by himself or by or in conjunction with any other person , corruptly solicit or receive , for himself , or for any other person , any gift , loan , fee , reward , or advantage whatever as an inducement to , or reward for , or otherwise on account of any member … of a public body … doing or forbearing to do anything in respect of any matter or transaction whatsoever , actual or proposed , in which such public body is concerned shall be guilty of a misdemeanour . ’
3 Very often it is not the toy by itself that will provide a mathematical experience but rather the way in which it is being used either on its own or in conjunction with other things .
4 There is no possibility of creating anything either by oneself or in conjunction with others — or , indeed , in relating with others .
5 The fact that many people were buried without durable dress-fasteners may imply that organic materials were often used , either on their own or in conjunction with metal fasteners ; a few bone buttons are known .
6 Chapters 2 and 7 particularly are intended to provoke discussion and debate , and to provide a basis for independent and group study as seminar or project work before , or in conjunction with , supervised clinical allocations .
7 Control experiments showed that addition of heparan sulphate , alone or in conjunction with other growth factors , BSA alone , or supernatant prepared appropriately from bacterial cells containing only pGEX2T expression vector , had no apparent effect on limb growth .
8 They consist of a series of slightly different palmettes and floral forms , and are found either in an allover format or in conjunction with a central medallion .
9 It forms an excellent accompaniment to string or woodwind solos , either by itself or in conjunction with quiet , held string or wind chords .
10 Independently , or in conjunction with BAIE or IPR or others , I hope to set up a seminar on Ethics in Communications , and wonder whether the PCC could be persuaded to be represented ?
11 Despite its potential , however , currently few women actually use the method , whether on its own or in conjunction with another form of contraception .
12 There are a number of specialised research organisations and centres set up within the Faculty or in conjunction with other organisations , in which advanced research can be conducted with access to very specialised facilities .
13 There were suggestions that the CNAA might — alone or in conjunction with the Open University — be turned into a National University .
14 Altogether 643 ( 30.5% ) of the miners took tobacco in this form either solely or in conjunction with smoking ( see Table IV ) .
15 Patients in the DU trial were randomised to receive one of two treatments for one week : either colloidal bismuth subcitrate ( DeNol tab ) 120 mg four times daily alone , or in conjunction with ampicillin 500 mg four times daily and metronidazole 400 mg three times daily .
16 The Act and the rules as amended permit solicitors , on their own or in conjunction with RFLs , to practise in corporate form in England and Wales provided the practice is recognised by the Law Society as a recognised body ( ‘ RB ’ ) .
17 ( w ) To do all or any of the things aforesaid in any part of the world and either as principals , agents , contractors or otherwise , and by or through agents , brokers , sub-contractors or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others .
18 ( w ) To do all or any of the things aforesaid in any part of the world and either as principals , agents , contractors or otherwise , and by or through agents , brokers , sub-contractors or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others .
19 Taxes Act 1988 , s739(1) states that the section is enacted : … for the purpose of preventing the avoiding by individuals ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom of liability to income tax by means of transfer of assets by virtue or in consequence of which , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , income becomes payable to persons resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom .
20 Section 739(2) reads as follows : Where by virtue or in consequence of any such transfer , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , such an individual has , within the meaning of this section , power to enjoy , whether forthwith or in the future , any income of a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom which , if it were income of that individual received by him in the United Kingdom … would be chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise , that income shall , whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income tax apart from the provisions of this section , be deemed to be income of that individual for all purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
21 " Either alone or in conjunction with associated operations "
22 " Capital sums " — section 739(3) ( 4 ) states : ( 3 ) Where , whether before or after any such transfer , such an individual receives or is entitled to receive any capital sum the payment of which is in any way connected with the transfer or any associated operation , any income which , by virtue or in consequence of the transfer , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , has become the income of a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall , whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income tax apart from the provisions of this section , be deemed to be income of that individual for all purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
23 Taxes Act 1988 , s740 has effect where there is a transfer of assets , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , and income becomes payable to a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom .
24 Unfortunately , it is the infantry which may bear the brunt of those commitments in support of United Nations humanitarian or peace-keeping duties , or in conjunction with other emerging multinational or international force structures .
25 in the pluralist perspective , show itself in economic dependency , lower income , poorer quality of life , social disadvantages or in lack of political influence .
26 In that look she saw her life with him and it was a decent life : the small farm in high northern fell-land , the farm coming in part or in whole to him , several children , heavy days , quiet times , a life she often yearned for — a plain and ordinary life away from this coddled valley , a place in which she could start again .
27 If you want to use dropper bottles they can be obtained singly from dispensing chemists or in quantities of 50 or more from The Homœopathic Supply co. ( tel. 0263 824683 )
28 The Government generally take the view that matters of pay and hours are better left to negotiation between employers and employees , or by their representatives , and that they should certainly not be dealt with in legislation or in codes of practice provided for in statute .
29 However , in new firms , or in firms in which there is not an established union , the union may not form unless it can provide an excludable good or agency service that is increasing in membership .
30 For example , the activity might be the teacher in exposition to the whole class ( E ) , or in exposition to a group of 10 pupils ( E10 ) .
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