Example sentences of "[coord] the [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They were not the only respondent of the survey who identified another clear advantage of headhunting , especially for the most senior positions : that staff who were prepared to move jobs actually prefer to be headhunted , rather than face the time-consuming task of ploughing through advertisements or the slightly demoralising task of putting their names down with agencies .
2 When Peter and Anna had come for interview , Anna had looked at the hills with hunger , and not at the cramped kitchen or the meanly proportioned sitting-room , and had urged Peter to accept .
3 Thomas , whom she met once every week or two , for dinner , or a trip to the theatre , or , if it was the weekend , a forage round the Upper East Side galleries or a visit to the Whitney or the newly opened Guggenheim Museum .
4 Yet many of us do not really know how much we drink or the medically recommended sensible drinking levels .
5 The difficulties they face are just as special as those faced by the emotionally disturbed or the physically handicapped .
6 If in any particular case because of a failure of the court to follow the rules or the well established practice there is a likelihood that injustice may have been done … a case should be relisted for hearing . ’
7 You could n't say the free food and drink or the luxuriously appointed cabins had bought her , but it had affected the tone of her pieces .
8 It would be surprising if Tolkien had not looked at the calm face of Tollund Man , or the hideously frightened one of ‘ Queen Gunhild ’ ( all too obviously still struggling as she was pinned down alive ) , and reflected that these were the true lineaments of his pagan ancestors .
9 Many manufacturers have their own breathable fabrics these days , others use Sympatex or the best known top-of-the-range breathable , Gore-Tex , which is available in a variety of configurations .
10 But the city that goes down , the civilization ‘ run by the few ’ which ‘ fell to the many ’ , is not Ilium but Richmond or Montgomery or Atlanta , any one of the cities of the Confederacy finally sacked by Grant or Sheridan or the specially hated Sherman , generals of the victorious Yankee North .
11 The relative lack of planning , or the relatively planned character of the economy in the transition period originates in the existence of small undertakings , of market connections , that is , of anarchist elements of considerable strength .
12 Traditionalists will appreciate the Old English design in limed oak , or chestnut ( far right ) , or the beautifully crafted Royal Oak or Cottage Oak ranges .
13 It 's lovely to take your nightcap in the bar or the gently lit Quiet Room .
14 And in so doing , we must , of course , be aware of the risk of setting a standard which goes so far that it would mean that others — for example , the senile or the mentally handicapped , whom we would wish to treat if they were ill — were also included by it .
15 Interest groups , such as those consisting of businessmen , trade unionists , citizens who promote the interests of the homeless or the mentally handicapped , may further the views and interests of citizens in policy areas which affect them .
16 Or the suddenly dropped , heavily dropped
17 In some cases , for example the high profile job of a Press Officer or the technically demanding role of Planning Secretary , committee members might want to be sure they are filled by people with the right qualities .
18 I mean I do n't understand why the church or the so called church or whatever you like to call it .
19 He had been a cheerful fellow in those days and life was as inconsequential as a laugh on the wind or the carelessly squandered words of a song .
20 As regards others who are terminally ill and whom the law regards as incompetent — for example , the unconscious , the mentally ill , the mentally handicapped , or the seriously confused — it is not clear that anyone has authority in law to consent to or refuse treatment on their behalf .
21 Khayyam was not one of the greatest Persian poets , nor the best loved in Persia , but Fitzgerald translation made large Western audience aware for the first time of Persian poetry .
22 Relegation followed , and the hopelessly over-stretched club were sliding back towards the Fourth Division when Toshack resigned in 1984 .
23 Even Hitler , whose life and ideology glorified an untrammelled lust for power , surprises by his docility under discipline as a corporal in the first World War , and the little reported about his sexual tastes suggests that they were masochistic .
24 Mr John Prescott , the shadow transport secretary , will today seek to raise the issue in the Commons , while the Fire Brigades Union and the privately funded British Safety Council have appealed to Mrs Thatcher to overturn the decision by the Anglo-French tunnel safety commission .
25 The balance are from Turkish naval and military museums , the Turkish and Islamic Museums of Istanbul and Bursa , the Sadberk Hanim Museum in Istanbul ( the first private museum in Turkey ) , and the privately owned Kuyas Collection , a major lender of Iznik pottery .
26 That , and the narrowly missed encounter with Richard Blake after the intervening four years .
27 A period of prosperity and relatively full employment gave unprecedented bargaining power to the chronically underemployed and brought successful strikes among this previously unorganized lower stratum of workers , including the semi-skilled gas workers , Bryant and May match girls , and the casually employed dockers of London .
28 Derivatives with various brand names are Spectraline , Hot-Line , Speed Line , Spiderline and the separately produced Dyneema by the Dutch State Mines , which is marketed in the UK by the Britannia Braiding Company .
29 The fundamental divide in British politics in the inter-war period proved to be not the differences between the rapidly growing and supposedly socialist Labour party and the long tradition of high politics , encapsulated in the party divisions between the Conservatives and the steadily decaying Liberal party , but between the economic conservatives and economic radicals across the political spectrum .
30 Of far more significance to the war itself , however , was the political price represented by acceptance of Communist leverage within Republican Spain , and all that this proved to carry with it : interference in the composition of cabinets and the formulation of strategy ; the reversal of social revolution ; the persecution of political enemies ; and the steadily declining popular morale .
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