Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb -s] a " in BNC.

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1 But Gallop had doubts , or rather confesses an ambivalence : ‘ But we can not be sure that this radical notion of ‘ heterosexuality' ’ is not just an alibi for the comforting norm' ( pp. 127 — 8 ) .
2 The fact that the research in 18 of the 23 subjects offered for assessment has been rated as reaching a level of national significance or better provides a very satisfactory base on which to building the University 's future as a research university .
3 Everybody has More or less has a paper It 's not like the Scotsman or the News , as regards numbers , but then you 've got all the local news and you got all the local advertisements .
4 We have a Prime Minister with un-Thatcherlike understatement , and wily pragmatism and body language of the friendly bank manager next door , or so says an article in today 's Guardian .
5 Firstly let me say that I do n't climb much these days — about a hundred or so routes a year , mostly soloed and always in trainers .
6 Add the JESUS AND MARY CHAIN masterminded ROLLERCOASTER package takes to the highways and student halls of America , what was once a moulding musical chrysalid on its underpowered UK outing earlier this year has verily pupated into a sun-blocking butterfly of excellence — or so reckons a well and truly won-over ANDREW COLLINS .
7 Therefore , it is fair to ask why we are so keen on public transport if all experience over the past decade or so shows a fall in rail and bus passenger services and traffic in rural areas and in cities .
8 During this time of testing , a sufferer from alcoholism mat say that he or she can not be alcoholic because he or she does not drink in the mornings or is still in regular employment or still has a home and family or perhaps only drinks wine and beer but never spirits or only drinks at the weekends .
9 It should be noted that an employee will be in breach of his duty of good faith owed to his employer while employed by him if he makes , copies or deliberately memorizes a list of his employer 's customers for use after leaving this employment .
10 Ben gets two or more walks a day and plays with a rubber ring .
11 The acid is still potent , and if 1 pint or more hits a living target it inflicts D3 S 6 hits .
12 A step-family is created when two adults form a new household in which one or both brings a child or children from a previous relationship .
13 ( 3 ) Any person who resists or wilfully obstructs a constable in the execution of his duty , or a person assisting a constable in the execution of his duty , shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale or to both . ’
14 This will include : ( i ) the mother ; ( ii ) the father if he was married to the mother when the child was born ; ( iii ) the father , if he was not married to the child 's mother when the child was born but he has since married her or now has a residence order , a court order which gives him parental responsibility or a formal parental responsibility agreement made with the mother in accordance with s4(2) of the Act ; ( iv ) a guardian of the child which in this context means a testamentary guardian appointed in accordance with s5 of the Act ; ( v ) anyone who holds a custody or residence order relating to the child ; ( vi ) a local authority which has a care order in respect of the child ; ( vii ) anyone who has been granted an emergency protection order ; ( viii ) in the case of an adopted child , the adopters in place of the natural parents .
15 Tolerates or even prefers a small amount of salt in the water .
16 The OR then calls a meeting of creditors to decide whether they will make the debtor bankrupt or let him off by accepting an arrangement for less than 100 per cent of their debts to be paid in full and final settlement .
17 This is then built-up to a six-carbon monosaccaride or else enters a series of reactions which result in the regeneration of ribulose diphosphate .
18 The most fundamental issue at stake is whether it represents merely a continuation of the earlier process of suburbanization and metropolitan deconcentration , albeit on a much larger geographical scale , or instead constitutes a fundamental switch away from the urban concentration process associated with industrialization towards a new ‘ post-industrial ’ settlement pattern based on medium-sized and small centres ( Hamnett and Randolph , 1983a ; Robert and Randolph , 1983 ) .
19 A disciple is one who learns from or voluntarily follows a leader .
20 Whether any intelligence does much good or actually enhances a country 's security is doubtful .
21 The problem is that whatever I consume greenly or ungreenly constitutes a bite out of the earth 's resources .
22 The passengers were saddened by the thought that they were unlikely to see their native land again but probably neither before nor since has a group of people set out with more determination to establish a society founded on the highest principles of religion and education .
23 This picture has a more contemporary scenario , and successfully portrays a village at sleep
24 However , the diversity of the range of information and its potentially extensive scope do require consideration of the methods by which the data may be collected and thereby offers an opportunity for the development of more creative ways of defining and discussing with older people these various areas of their lives .
25 Generally any firm receiving government assistance experiences a reduction in its costs which is unavailable to its competitors , and thereby achieves a competitive advantage .
26 I 'd rather take that approach , and what I would suggest is that , wherever possible , teachers should think about involving parents in the kinds of difficulties that the child is having in school , and thereby becomes a team effort rather than parents working one direction and perhaps teachers working in another .
27 Perhaps this is evident to ( at least some ) others and thereby creates a reciprocal intolerance .
28 For that investment the member gets a stake in the club and in the freehold , and thereby has a say in how it is run .
29 It would also have many applications in Third World countries since it uses rubber tyres in both modes and thereby has an incline capability of ⅙ This means that in Third World countries instead of flattening the mountains and filling the valleys to make them level to one could follow the contours of the countryside and enormously reduce civil engineering costs .
30 In many respects the adoption of this approach increases the problems of containment and control and thereby demands a greater degree of commitment .
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