Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pers pn] take " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps I took up my Arabic textbook .
2 Or perhaps she took a swig of sherry .
3 In the twenty minutes or so it took them to reach the outskirts of Mariánské Láznë , Fabia basked in the warmth of her happy memories of her splendid morning .
4 It is therefore a matter which lies within my discretion as to whether or not I take it as a late objection .
5 Modern scientists tell us that Bartley could not have survived more than a few minutes in the whale 's belly , let alone the half-day or more it took the unwitting sailors on the mother ship to release this modern Jonah .
6 ‘ … I became fretful , & timorous , & a tell-tale — & the School-boys drove me from play , & were always tormenting me — & hence I took no pleasure in boyish sports . ’
7 You mean , during the day or well it took about an hour say .
8 Was it because I was out of reach of the prying eyes of the men in my family and their questions about my comings and goings , and far from my mother 's interrogations about why I slept on my stomach , or why I took so long in the bathroom ?
9 Hers was on the floor by the bedside table — she 'd probably knocked it off when she had a glass of water , or when she took the veronal . ’
10 Er , and eventually they took that tune from a melody from a Haydn 's string quartet .
11 But he did n't live at that address and eventually he took me to his own home .
12 We were waiting for Alfred to drop he gun , I do n't know how we knew he had one but we knew , and slowly he took it out of his waist and dropped it .
13 And slowly he took her hand and drew her to the window and there , pointing , said , ‘ Look at that !
14 I opened the desk and slowly I took out the box and opened it .
15 And suddenly he took the rumours and put them on like a coat .
16 And so we took advantage of the tender and the contractor being in th in the area , to extend the water pipeline from its current location at the football stadi erm er pavilion , through to the cemetery .
17 Nex anyway it 's quite near Portsmouth and we heard that the first Queen Elizabeth ship , they do n't say it 's the first but they call this one the Q E Two but there was a Q E One , you see at one time and so we took a coach from there to Southampton because we heard that she was in dock there and so we went and there were crowds of people and all in a queue waiting to go in .
18 And so we took a piece off and had it analysed , we have a little laboratory which we use to analyse things like that , and it turned out to be what we expected , the most common colour of medieval furniture was red .
19 This policeman was having to give evidence and he 'd come to talk , oh I see you 've had the baby , cos he was talking to me it had happened I said , oh what did you have blah blah blah , blah blah blah , but the little devil went in the witness box , he denied about not being there on duty about putting his mac on , ooh and he 'd never clapped eyes on barrister or a solicitor and they said he 'll meet you before the case , so we had to go extra early meet this barrister and he never came and so they took us in this little room in all his wig and his gown , we got , oh what happened ?
20 It 's like this people th they 're deep sea divers and they discover , they 're stuck in the crevice , a big erm nuclear submarine and what it 's for is an experiment that 's gone wrong and it it 's to make and instead they make an abomination you know , incredibly powerful and intelligent but really nasty you know , murderous and killer and so they take they take him to these people .
21 New things had happened , the spread of the scientific temper , erm reasonably effective and cheap methods of contraception , the emancipation of women due to the development of industry , the decay of Christianity , all these various factors made the old conception of marriage out of date , and so he takes it in hand , he pillories it , and he suggests new possibilities , of which one seems to be nowadays obtaining favour , that 's trial marriage , i.e. that people should experiment with living together erm so long as they do n't intend at that stage to have children , before they finally decide to marry and settle down .
22 After a week in the country , Baxter 's health greatly improved and so he took the opportunity to preach in some of the needy country churches in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire .
23 And so he took her arm and pulled her into the street again and , still holding her arm , he said , ‘ And what do you think I feel like when I do n't see you and knowing you 're away dancing with that John Bennett or that Sweetman fellow ? ’
24 And so he took his shears and walked quietly away .
25 This therefore will be my last Sunday with you and so I take this opportunity to thank you again for all your kindnesses to me and for the way you made me welcome when I arrived 5 years ago ( does n't time fly ! ) .
26 ‘ Then I went to the States to record and tour with another band and , when I returned , a bassist friend had left Cozy Powell 's ‘ Hammer ’ band when Cozy was charting regularly , and so I took over from him .
27 ‘ But when I got behind the typewriter I thought , ‘ That ai n't gon na make a very good piece ’ and so I took the piss out of her something rotten .
28 And so I took the opportunity to describe in some detail conditions in the attic .
29 And so I took with I say with her blessing , took a er a picture of it for posterity .
30 The only evening dress she had brought with her was the colour of well-polished copper , which added a little colour to her pale complexion , but it was not going to be warm enough and so she took the mink that had been part of her trousseau from the wardrobe and slung it around her shoulders .
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