Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Toxic algae has previously been confined to lowland shallow lakes surrounded either by an increasing population or intensively farmed land .
2 But it is not so easy for the new or little known candidates .
3 By the middle decades of the century the " old diplomacy " as it had evolved over the last three hundred years , with its easy-going and cosmopolitan atmosphere , its often short hours of work , its extensive use of unpaid or inadequately paid diplomats , its almost complete immunity from effective public scrutiny , was under increasing pressure .
4 On the other hand , if two components are to relate in some way to provide a desired function , it must take place in an intersection zone ( which includes touching areas — zones of zero depth or wholly inserted spaces ) .
5 However , the child may have problems in getting about easily without bumping into things , and stairs or badly lit corridors can be hazardous .
6 Thus the education of a king 's son was supposed to include learning to sleep in a hard or badly made bed to prepare him for the rigours of a life of non-stop , and sometimes unexpected , movement .
7 Every ad is a fresh chance to make a blunder which opponents can seize on ; a badly conceived or badly produced advertisement or party political broadcast can alienate voters .
8 Under the reforms the FDA will continue to use its own inspectors to review innovative or badly needed drugs , but will use outside contractors ( from the pharmaceutical industry ) to review more routine products such as antibiotics .
9 The program can be configured for left or right handed players at the press of key and also provides a tuning facility via the PC speaker .
10 Do you want left handed ones or right handed ones ?
11 Although sequencing errors may occur as a result of either left or right sided lesions ( Kim , Royer , Bonstelle and Boller , 1980 ) it is generally held that left hemisphere damage more frequently leads to impairment .
12 According to Annett ( 1975 ) the incidence of left or right sided speech representation among sinistrals should be considered a function of the proportion of sinistrals in the population at large .
13 In a study of metal development such as this it is essential to examine datable or chronologically ordered artefacts .
14 The $10m trial of the wireless communications system based on very low-power , digital radio communications will involve personal handsets and microcellular technology to enable users to be immediately and constantly accessible — 1,000 trial participants will use the pocket phones to make and receive calls within the coverage area , on both home base stations and 500 or so public base stations in the downtown and other densely-populated or widely visited parts of Boise .
15 The emphasis is placed upon the use of personal and professional skills , and taking all possible steps to protect staff in situations where physical or verbally expressed aggression is likely to arise .
16 Similar studies have also been conducted with children attending pre-school play-groups and nursery schools , where the caretakers have been either voluntary helpers or professionally trained nurses and teachers ( Wells 1981 ; Wood et al .
17 Sometimes the album format can be tiresome but in this case the paperback book has been ideally balanced with previously unpublished or rarely seen pictures and an excellent array of maps and other illustrations .
18 In the past the electorate had had their say by holding accountable , either centrally elected or locally elected officials .
19 Another management system could be to calculate the modest savings achievable by practices or locally based groups of practices and to pay this sum to those who achieve the target .
20 When the complexities of circumstance defeat analysis , and we grope for the best prediction or choice attainable , we do not doubt that there is a better founded prediction or better informed choice which no one perhaps will be lucky enough to hit on .
21 This is a charming small town , or perhaps overgrown village , with just the right kind of simple hotels to tempt you to stop off here .
22 By A.D. 38 , Jesus was being openly proclaimed as the Messiah — not the Son of God but simply the rightful and anointed king — by Nazarean refugees , or perhaps established communities , as far away as Antioch .
23 Then John had more or less made fun of him .
24 Scottish litigation is undertaken in the Sheriff Court and there are two separate procedures : one for debts over £1000 called ordinary causes and one for debts of £1000 or less called summary causes .
25 I think that 's what more or less decided Geoff that , yeah , he would take it .
26 Pasture , especially natural or long established pasture , acts like a biological sponge , holding large amounts of nitrate .
27 While temples built in the later eighteenth century may have stood in a naturalistic landscape inspired by the paintings of Claude , earlier garden buildings almost certainly stood in more formal settings , and fragments of avenues or long overgrown yew and beech hedges may remain .
28 The use of a scheme in centrally or cooperatively produced catalogue records can also be important in establishing its future .
29 Renew contacts with old friends Saturday or drop in on a parent or much loved relative .
30 Of more immediate concern to governments and , it seemed , likely to produce much quicker and more clearly identifiable results , were the growing efforts which many of them were now making to use for their own purposes the new or greatly strengthened force of the newspaper press .
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