Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 And journeys in Indonesia , India , America and Hell — or rather the Costa del Sol .
2 Also ships carrying dangerous cargoes in sensitive waters , for example an area similar to where the went ashore or perhaps the Dover Straits where cargo collisions have been reduced by eighty percent since radar surveillance was introduced .
3 Or perhaps the DTI anticipated their wrong-doing and so planted a bug to record the conversation at which the agreement was struck .
4 ‘ Tired by a long and laborious day 's walk under a burning sun , I frequently encamped for the night by the side of a river , a natural pond , or a water-hole , and before retiring to rest not unfrequently stretched my weary body on the river 's bank ; while thus reposing , the surface of the water was often disturbed by the little concentric circles formed by the Ornithorhynchus [ duck-billed platypus ] , or perhaps an Echnidna [ anteater ] came trotting up towards me .
5 An IBM PC probably , or perhaps an Amiga .
6 ‘ The thing is her song is more or less the Dublin anthem , she is a link to the past , to our parents and our grandparents . ’
7 For six years or so the CNAA had moved with caution — indeed , only one of its officers , Francis Hanrott , had any previous experience involving contact with teacher education , and he was given responsibility for the various levels of negotiation .
8 Traditional events such as the May Morning breakfast and the M.C.R. At Home organised for the S.C.R. were greatly enjoyed by all ( or so the S.C.R. assured us ! ) .
9 This was the skinhead outercoat ( along with the sheepskins ) & not the Crombie .
10 Another subject on which intense confusion remains is whether or not the US was ever offered a chance to apprehend General Noriega ( wanted in Florida on drugs charges ) .
11 Looks like there could be an antitrust action against Microsoft Corp whether or not the US Federal Trade Commission , still plodding along with its investigation of the company albeit in ever widening circles , decides to take Bill Gates to court .
12 Whether or not the Scholastics misinterpreted the Ancients on this point , their insistence on separating the " existential " from the " copulative " sense of to be , a reductivist might argue , has had large and undesirable philosophical repercussions , in particular by encouraging treatment of existence as a property of objects , or a " first-level predicate " , and by inspiring faulty metaphysical arguments for the existence of God .
13 Additionally , the aforementioned bank of LEDs indicates which mode is selected , whether or not the TriAxis 's effects loop is engaged and which of the preamp 's outboard switches is activated .
14 Approval will partly depend on whether or not the UK Department of Trade & Industry opens up the market for international simple resale to the US .
15 With this definition of deindustrialization a range of indicators can be used to assess whether or not the UK economy is deindustrializing .
16 While endless argument could be engaged upon on the question whether or not the United Kingdom has a constitution , perhaps a more profitable issue for consideration is whether the system of government in the United Kingdom displays congruence with certain values , principles and concepts associated with constitutional government in a liberal democratic state .
17 Rangers ' meeting with Marseille on 7 April in France will go a long way to deciding whether or not the Ibrox club should pencil in a Spring trip to Bavaria .
18 Rangers ' meeting with Marseille on 7 April in France will go a long way to deciding whether or not the Ibrox club should pencil in a Spring trip to Bavaria .
19 Whether or not the Camelford aluminium case is ever proved to have led to long-term damage to the health of people living in the area , it was certainly a major pollution incident .
20 It looks as though the agreement of March 1186 had failed to make it clear beyond all possibility of argument whether or not the Angevins could keep the Vexin if Alice remained unmarried .
21 Whether or not the Haydock crowd witnesses the next Gold Cup winner , there are many astute racereaders who consider there is a future Gold Cup winner on view today in the shape of Blazing Walker , who contests the Arlington Premier Chase Qualifier .
22 Whether or not the Haydock crowd witnesses the next Gold Cup winner , there are many astute racereaders who consider there is a future Gold Cup winner on view today in the shape of Blazing Walker , who contests the Arlington Premier Chase Qualifier .
23 On Monday the Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd , said that the treaty would be ratified whether or not the Commons passed the amendment .
24 But we are stuck with it until it is won in a manner suitable to Bush , whether or not the UN conditions have been met .
25 But there was a great thing about the Prince Albert — whether or not the Prince Albert would let people in who were punks .
26 Whether or not the NATO powers are able to subscribe to a formal doctrine of ‘ no first use ’ , there is little doubt that they urgently need to get away from their present highly questionable doctrine of heavy reliance on first use .
27 Whether or not the USSR will increase oil exports and whether it can do so have long been areas of heated debate .
28 People who are at risk from HIV by having ‘ unsafe sex ’ , should have a check-up for other sexually transmitted diseases whether or not an HIV antibody test is requested .
29 In Japan , we must be getting to a time when equities are worth buying , so , on a five-year basis , I would choose the Schroder Japan Smaller Companies which has a good reputation , or possibly the Schroder Tokyo fund .
30 Sooner or later every Stevenson bill came to him for discount ; and every foreign transaction went via him .
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