Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Constitutional change through the popular will , or even the long wait for a head of state 's death , are not concepts with deep roots in African society .
2 For a mercury crisis is not an immediate or indeed a long term worry .
3 And so the long lease was dreamt up by Grand Metropolitan and taken up with enthusiasm by the rest of the national pub owners and brewers .
4 Latecoming thunder caught us then , in its migraine-vice of sound as it rolled round and down the long Vénéon valley before the rains came .
5 He saw it all reflected in the eyes of those blood-spattered gallopers and bears and lions and tigers and ostriches , all frozen in mid-stride , helpless witnesses of the terror they could not run from , and Preston trying desperately to escape from it , as much in terror of the mutilated corpse of Mary Moxton as he was of her murderer , and running from room to room and pulling open the last door of the last room and out into the night and down the long black tunnel under the railway line getting closer and closer to the grey patch of light at the end until , on the verge of safety , the figure would leap out at him in its bloody clothes with the meat cleaver in its hands …
6 For instance , how to groom a horse , how to harness it and how to walk up and down the long rigs alongside your favourite ploughman , listening to his songs and watching his work with the horses .
7 ‘ You ca n't go out like that , ’ said Wendy to Apricot when she was four , ‘ it 's freezing , ’ and little Apricot , in nothing but vest and pants , ran straight out into the street and down the long suburban road to the small playground which a benign council had made for the children in the sharp triangle of land where the railway line intersected the water-purifying plant .
8 In mid-afternoon the first glints of steel in the spring sunshine began to appear on the high ground of Scremerston Brae , and soon the long hill down to sea-level was covered in a vast tide of men and horses , armour gleaming , banners waving , under a faint haze of steam rising from thousands of beasts long ridden , muting the colours of plumed helmets , heraldic surcoats , painted shields and horse-trappings .
9 The majority of women , however , will probably have left parents and home a long time before , and spent many of their subsequent years caring for children and a partner , running the home and having a job too .
10 I did a combined cycle and hiking day ; rode over the hill to Wainuiomata and down to the Rimutaka Forest Park , then tramped through the bush and up a long ridge to the top of Mount McKerrow .
11 Not that Andrew Orkney will dwell too much this week on leading them into the Canal Turn and over the final six flights and up the long finish and on to the post and becoming the first optician to win and riding into history .
12 As it stands , it is among the best of the poetry of the Oxford Movement , and probably a longer life would have produced the mastery foreseen by Bridges and James .
13 Their course is so far short : the first national Green Party founded in New Zealand as the Value Party in 1972 , the next in the United Kingdom in the following year and then a long gap until Ecolo in Belgium in 1980 heralded a rush either to set up or amalgamate existing groups into parties in the early and mid-1980s .
14 There was an inscription on the stone , and I paused to read it : ‘ Sacred to the memory of John Wetherby Wilson of this Parish ’ , then the date of his birth , and of his death , and then a long empty blank .
15 Later in the week , some of us went for an evening swim at a nearby beach — or rather not so nearby , as it entailed a few miles of driving and then a long walk down a deserted track .
16 He put one hand out , feeling for a table ; he found what felt like one , and then a long cold metal stem .
17 The thunder started as she reached the gate , a great crash and then a long roll of drums .
18 The Russian soldier was just ahead of me. from the road came the sounds of men shouting and then a long burst of machine-gun fire .
19 Gabriel saw bullets sparkle and flash all around the F2B ; and then a longer streak from the British observer 's rearfiring gun .
20 From the Lamb it is on and up again to the Shoulder of Mutton for the last pint , and then the long pull up to the finish at the Dog and Gun .
21 And then the long weeks : the rest of July , half of August .
22 ‘ I 've had a very good life and quite a long one .
23 Here we were sorted our into groups according to the types of honours and quite a long wait ensued .
24 ‘ The journey to the hacienda is difficult by car and quite a long way .
25 But before the decision had been made Wilson was astonished to receive the speediest reply she had ever had from Ellen and quite the longest .
26 New editions will essentially be cumulations and therefore a longer gap will exist between editions .
27 But still a long way to go .
28 They were now running alongside the wall , but still a long way from the crossing stile .
29 not only that , but also a long sheath —
30 The mare plunged gallantly at the hillside , but even the long rest in the dark cool wood had not restored her full strength .
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