Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] very [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There had in fact been nearly sixty witnesses , all giving varying times of sightings of Drew or somebody very much like him .
2 There are many alternative types of holiday on offer and even within the package sector the provision of a financial bond by firms and other guarantees give particular holiday-makers a relatively firm assurance that they will get the holiday they want or one very nearly like it .
3 He was talking in his sleep , or something very near it .
4 By making an elliptical hole very long and narrow we get a crack , or something very like it .
5 Team teaching , or something very like it , is an important element in the continuing professional development of the teacher .
6 Nevertheless , equation ( 3.29 ) ( or something very like it ) has formed the basis of a large number of tests of rational expectations in the foreign exchange market .
7 Babies probably start by seeing everyone as an aspect of their mother and call them ‘ Mama ’ or something very like it .
8 This principle , or something very much like it , is the basic principle on which science is founded , if the naive inductivist position is accepted .
9 We know that the Trojan War , you know erm , what 's described in the Iliad and the Odyssey to the kiddies and er all these Greek and Greek heroes , we know that war actually happened , but it happened an awful long time before these poems were written and er Freud 's view is that what happens in a culture is there 's some initial traumatic event like the French Revolution or Trojan War , there 's a period of latency during which it seems to be forgotten about and nothing very much happens anyway , and then at a later stage it comes back again , there 's a return of a repressed and er Freud erm Freud quotes one or two other examples , er of the same kind of thing and Mike 's example is a very good one albeit er perhaps it 's good because it 's so recent , so the point you 're making Mike is that are you saying that Freud 's analogy is , is credible where French history and even industrial relations is concerned that there was a trauma , the Revolution of seventeen eighty nine , there were latency periods and then this kept coming back from the repressed time and time again ?
10 Having said that , one friend is staying over until Boxing Day , and I very nearly lied to her .
11 Resented by the air crews as well as the travelling public , it was not a good atmosphere in which to work , and I very soon decided it was not for me .
12 you see and ther I su I suppose there was about ten or a dozen girls behind the counter because it was early and late turn for them because you see we were open , you see , until ten o'clock at night , you see , and er then , well , anyway , after that erm I heard about this job going as Assistant Manageress at Cambridge and er so I applied and the Manager said to me , I thought well I 'll be here ten years , erm I can be here until I 'm you know , donkeys years and er so he said well look you may not get a job because he said that another girl coming from Norwich to go to Cambridge to see the Manager as well as you and so you might not get it , she might get it , and , however , I went and er I , I met the Manager and the Manageress in the front office , the Manager 's office and we all had a chat but I did n't see the girl from Norwich , she must have gone some other day and anyway I got the job , you see , and er , and so I went to Cambridge as Assistant Manageress and I very well and I got to know all kinds of people , all nationalities being a university city .
13 When giving instruction in thermal soaring , I try to insist that students go on attempting to find lift until about 5–600 feet , and I very often explain my own thoughts and precautions as they do the flying .
14 MH : And I very often have several paintings on the go , particularly oils .
15 Erm , I think probably I would support the recommendation as it stands because I do think that we need to have a trial to see if the end performance , and I very very much support the idea of the end performance , er in district .
16 Immediately after the 1983 general election the CPRS was disbanded and I very much doubt it will ever be resurrected .
17 Up to that time I had very limited opportunities to conduct and I very much wanted to direct a real concert .
18 Leslie and I very much enjoyed the situation , though I felt just a little guilty at flaunting a privilege denied to my friends .
19 And I very much hope you do .
20 You have n't ‘ become a poor correspondent ’ at all , and I very much enjoyed your last letter , thankyou .
21 Time out now cos daddy 's having his coffee and its very very very hot .
22 Maggie fastened her eyes on him and tried to get control of her temper and her very stupidly lingering disappointment .
23 Right I 'm convinced such a good breed and you very kindly rigged this Topper up for me so well you wo n't mind if I take it for a spin will you ?
24 Like everything else in the States the helpings are larger than life and you very soon learn to resist the temptation to start the meal with an appetiser .
25 erm a great deal is talked about democracy in schools and you very often have all kinds of organisations allegedly which take democratic decisions .
26 And you very cleverly , very cleverly and I , this is where I congratulate you , built this in to your proposals tonight .
27 But they would , we had Olar who was very good and who very rapidly was was earning his keep , and he did n't even stay here , so , you know , if you make the right appointment , it 's always dodgy that , you know .
28 And she very rarely does that .
29 So here Belinda was , with that naked feeling she always got when she looked at her wet hair and towel-draped neck under the bright lights of a salon , and she very much hoped that Faye was right about the end result looking ‘ fabulous ’ , because she was determined to show everyone at drinks this evening that she was just as soignée , just as at ease in a smart social gathering as they were .
30 The important debate in my opinion that we shall have this Committee stage and it is for that reason and also because for four-and-a-half years which I think is regarded as a very long time , I was answerable for police affairs er with the Home Secretary in another place , as the Noble Lord , Lord Callaghan will remember , many years ago , it goes back to January nineteen fifty-eight when I became Under Secretary and he was political advisor to the Police Federation and we very rarely disagreed I 'm happy to say .
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