Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] from the " in BNC.

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1 She may have had problems over a similar product , or one from the same manufacturer , before .
2 And a short while before that , while one of them was getting some tools or something from the van , a car drove past quite slowly as if the driver was looking for somewhere .
3 You know they , they ran , they took the nurses , because the nurses home was a mile or , was it a mile or a mile and a half or something from the hospital , they had this , they took them in the morning and then they took them at lunchtime and then all the different shifts coming on and off they took them , and they had the schools run as well .
4 Tough love requires that the family member " lets go " of the primary sufferer and seeks help for himself or herself from the appropriate Family Fellowship , concentrating primarily on his or her own recovery from the addictive urge to fix or control the lives of others .
5 An unmarried partner may agree with the surviving relatives that provision will be made for him or her from the estate , but this is not always possible .
6 Well I mean , , school does n't lay on buses or anything from the station Think they do have buses come up from places like Bletchingly and erm , Godstone .
7 There was even a freedrone or two , I do n't know how they got in , and everyone from the hiring hall , it looked like .
8 This of " course would cause frictions and everyone from the municipality would be called to an assembly to explain why the distribution was necessary and just .
9 Here they were , a tiny outpost in the Diaspora , and someone from the very heart of Jewry had come to address them , someone so important that his coming all that way proved they were important , too .
10 I firmly believe that if we study animals as animals including their struggles with their internal and external environments , we can liberate them and ourselves from the obfuscation of terms such as pain and turn instead to definable values .
11 Several of the groups working on PETRA have detected three-jet ‘ events ’ in their apparatus , but now one of these groups has worked out how to tell which jets come from the quark and antiquark and which from the gluons .
12 1 Common parts The right for the Tenant and all persons expressly or by implication authorised by the Tenant ( in common with the Landlord and all other persons having a like right ) to use the Common Parts for all proper purposes in connection with the use and enjoyment of the Premises provided that the Landlord shall not be obliged to keep the malls and other pedestrian ways open [ to the general public ] earlier than [ one hour ] before the Shop Opening Hours or later than [ one hour ] after the Shop Opening Hours It will be for the landlord and the tenant to negotiate shop opening hours at the commencement of the term and which from the tenant 's point of view should be sufficient for the tenant to carry on its normal trade and business .
13 According to Catherine Johns , at least four parallels are known from Britain , and none from the Continent .
14 Those fairy stories prompted me to read a couple of the latest guidebooks , one Welsh and one from the Lake District , plus a recent history of Lakeland rock climbing .
15 We deployed on to the cold , deserted streets , two teams from the back gate and one from the front .
16 There would be an MP from each of the three parties , a token Welsh and Scottish member , an employers ' representative and one from the trade unions , an economist , a social worker ( ‘ preferably a woman ’ ) , a local authority representative and two members nominated by the Commonwealth and colonial secretaries .
17 Of the workers ' representatives , three were elected from the shop floor , one from the administrative workers and one from the technicians , engineers and graduate staff .
18 It usually includes three items from the Commons and one from the Lords , with at least one interview or discussion .
19 The two samples of European eagle owl mentioned in Chapter 1 ( Table 1.2 ) show little difference between what is clearly a fledgling pellet collection and one from the adults .
20 Both English samples came from Somerset in the vicinity of Westbury-sub-Mendip , one from a patch of woodland and one from the bottom of a cliff on which the kestrel was roosting .
21 Scat collections from two larger species of fox have been analysed , two assemblages from the red fox in England and one from the arctic fox in Canada ( Table 2.5 ) .
22 Female mammals have two X chromosomes , one from the mother and one from the father , while males have an X from the mother and a Y from the father .
23 On 11 March 1772 , two weeks after the society had its first meeting on 23 February , they reported discharging five debtors from the Marshalsea Prison in Southwark — the biggest debt was £2 5s 8d — two from the Poultry Compter ( biggest debt £6 18s 5d ) ; one from the Kings Bench Prison ; five from the Borough Compter ; four from the Wood Street Compter ; three from Whitechapel Prison ; five from Newgate Prison ; and one from the New Gaol in Whitecross Street , Southwark .
24 They each led a procession , one from the church and one from the school , but with the demise of the iron company and its band these two joined together in one procession .
25 Five of the initial appointees were from supply companies , five from public electricity authorities , while one was from the engineering industry , two from the trade unions and one from the civil service .
26 M. Haran has listed twelve such instances , six from the OT , 26 five from Ben Sira , and one from the Babylonian Talmud citing Ben Sira .
27 The new Burma Army would have a British Inspector-General and two Deputies , one from the PBF and one from the ethnic minorities who had made such an important contribution to harassing the Japanese .
28 One from the ordnance factory and one from the Army .
29 The lower tier would be known as the Board for Local Authority Higher Education , its membership consisting of Christopher Ball as Chairman ; six representatives of local authorities ; six from the DES ; six from institutions , made up of two from the Committee of Directors of Polytechnics , two from the National Association of Teachers of Further and Higher Education , one from the Association of Principals of Colleges , and one from the Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes of Higher Education ; and three others , consisting of one from the Trades Union Congress , one from the Council of National Academic Awards , and one jointly from the Business and Technician Education Councils .
30 During his stay in Istanbul he was treated with the greatest respect by his former students , among whom are mentioned three important muderrises of the city , two from the Sahn and one from the Murad Pasa medrese .
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