Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] are some " in BNC.

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1 If there is no improvement after a few days then it is either not the appropriate remedy or there are some environmental maintaining causes blocking the remedy action §252 .
2 Lager beer is the traditional beer style of many countries ( see fact sheet on beer styles ) and there are some superb beers in such great brewing countries as West Germany and Czechoslovakia .
3 ‘ Quite a few of our customers have dogs and there are some large ones among them , although most of the ones who come in here are small .
4 It is a well-researched book — it lists hundreds of sources ( including Air Mail ! ) at the back , and there are some interesting appendices .
5 Lean minced beef is on offer this week in most areas and there are some good buys to be had with topside , silverside and rump .
6 There are emotional types and there are some who are matter-of-fact and fairly cold in their emotional response .
7 One matter which is viewed as significant is a short space of time between the provocation and the killing , and there are some judicial statements which treat this as a matter of law : the loss of self-control must , it is sometimes held , be ‘ sudden and temporary ’ .
8 But if this is true , and there are some signs of stabilisation , the climb back will be slow .
9 A remarkable hydraulic lift still plies the cliff face between the high promenade and the pier , and there are some imposing villas , but the grandest of grand hotels has been turned into flats .
10 The old soldier is best on home ground and there are some vivid illustrations of what to do with muggers ' testicles .
11 Here you can windsurf and waterski , and there are some excellent sailing dinghies , canoes and pedaloes .
12 Bohemian late Gothic forms are included in this Baroque fantasy and there are some good 18C confessionals .
13 He seemed to be saying , ‘ Listen Geoff , there are some things I can do for you and there are some things I ca n't .
14 And there are some wonderfully positive people among those who have permanent disabilities or terminal illnesses so it is not just a case of being one of the ‘ lucky ’ ones .
15 I think the solution is certainly to breed animals in zoos but , if it is done , a great deal of effort must be made to ensure the conditions in which the animals are kept are good , and there are some zoos now which are successful in keeping animals so that their welfare is good .
16 And there are some for your pal upstairs , ’ he added and moved along the wall to my window .
17 The stone font in the church is very old and there are some ancient pieces of Communion silver — a paten dated 1699 and two chalices , dated 1769 and 1791 respectively .
18 He argued that scientists have shown that even in some metals there is a vestige of the spark of life , and there are some metals of which it is difficult to say whether they are alive or not .
19 The UN Environment Programme is gathering information about ozone depleters , and there are some fears that it might add further chlorinated solvents to the list .
20 You 'll like the village , I 'm sure , and there are some awfully decent people scattered about .
21 Even if you do fill your freezer with packaged ready-made meals ( and there are some very good ones now , even if they are a little expensive ) , it at least saves you time and organisation .
22 And there are some more you do n't know about .
23 The Intellifex is fast becoming the industry standard for effects processors and there are some amazing effects to be programmed and recalled ( via MIDI if you 're so inclined ) .
24 ‘ I Was Warned ’ is the new album from Robert Cray , and there are some marked changes in feel and arrangements from the last , ‘ Midnight Stroll ’ , which was a lusher affair , heavily featuring the talents of The Memphis Horns .
25 During the second phase , 1957 to 1960 , Customs came with three humbuckers , and there are some very rare examples with just two humbuckers .
26 To quote a current RNID ) leaflet on the subject : ‘ Tinnitus sufferers are perhaps the least understood group and there are some doctors who consider these patients to be simply neurotic .
27 Though , as I say , this is very much a matter of personal taste and is not a ‘ rule ’ and there are some patterns in the electronic packs which may tempt me to change my preferences .
28 If you only read , say , the Independent and listen to Radio 4 ( and there are some people who do ) , you would think the entire British nation agreed that the National Health Service was Britain 's finest achievement ; was indeed a sacred trust that should not be tampered with in any way , but merely fed with the choicest morsels of public spending and worshipped .
29 And there are some striking similarities .
30 The software already outsells Sage in Australia , and there are some very large organisations using Pastel in the UK . ’
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