Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 If reading Alison 's story sets off alarm bells in your head about whether you too have an exercise obsession , or perhaps have a friend or sister who does , then turn to ‘ Obsessions : Where to get help ’ .
2 Every five years or so have a glorious clear out and throw all the old
3 I demand now in plain terms whether you will or not have the protector for your sovereign . ’
4 Naturally the whole Guitarist team will be there , so come and see us , buy a T-shirt , take out a subscription , get yourself a CD , sort out some back issues or just have a chat .
5 Edit or just have a look at it ?
6 or just have a , you know , start us off because it begin with something , that is
7 After a few laps of the track we could kick a ball about or even have a go at throwing a javelin .
8 If the world never tries to understand that , or even have a dialogue with that , they 'll never solve the problem anyway . ’
9 I would n't expect to take an order or even have a serious enquiry resulting from it .
10 Exceptionally , if a government underestimates the strength of opposition amongst its own backbenchers , or fails to anticipate the extent of opposition in the other House , it may be necessary to modify a bill or even have an amendment forced upon it .
11 You and your companion can learn french , practise yoga — or simply have a coffee and a chat .
12 The workshops will be geared towards all aspects of women 's lives , whether you run a home and look after children , juggle a family and a career or simply have a demanding job .
13 It was a matter of discovering which day centres offered what services — where I could go , for example , to have a shower or clean my clothes , or maybe have a cheap meal .
14 The pump should be sited above the water level , or else have a non-return valve in the airline .
15 Now that the old man knew of his weakness , Vashinov did not want the project to fail and thereby have the finger of incompetence pointed at him .
16 As previously stated , the sole returns to the equity investors are dividend payments ( unless otherwise sold in the market ) , as these securities are assumed to have an infinite life and so have no maturity value .
17 There are some pieces — the most notable is usually known as " On music and words " — which were apparently meant for the book and later rejected , but which fall within the scope of BT , and so have no bearing on the question .
18 This idea or nominal essence will vary from person to person ; goldsmiths know more properties of gold , and so have a different idea of it than does a child .
19 The warhorses pulling the War Wagon wear barding armour and so have a saving throw of 6 on a D6 .
20 However , there seems to be a particularly close relationship between the displaying function and the deductive mode , in that both turn the spotlight on to the speaker 's knowledge , and so have a more ‘ reflexive ’ quality than the other explanations .
21 Cup okay and so have a guess at that one .
22 Sybil had her eye on the main chance , and so have a lot of other women over the years .
23 They were built from the materials closest to hand and so have an utterly distinct regional character .
24 ‘ The Chinese people have incurred great sufferings from Japan 's militarism , and so have the Japanese people , ’ said Jiang , recalling the ‘ severe damage ’ to relations caused by Japan 's occupation of China in the thirties .
25 In order not to miss the fair , he would work the night shift and so have the day tree .
26 For example , the following pair of programs have the same effect on the final state and so have the same normal form : unc There are important distinctions that need to be made between processes at the boundary between ( a ) and ( b ) .
27 Then she went on , with considerable pleasure and anticipation in her voice : ‘ The American rights to the new one have been sold , and so have the English paperback rights — for a very large sum .
28 When they 're doing that others will be collating the information and hopefully er , the television cameras , B B C have expressed an interest in coming down and so have the newspapers to actually do erm some sort of documentary on that , and put a display up in the school and also down at the Royal Quays just linked to us .
29 ‘ Would you like to come back to my cottage with me and clean yourself and perhaps have a drink of lemonade and a biscuit ? ’
30 and then keep them and perhaps have a bit of a fry up
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