Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am reminded of another Irishman — or rather an Englishman born in Ireland — renowned for his healing hands : Valentine Great-rakes , known as ‘ the stroker ’ .
2 This is clearly a literary phenomenon , or rather an example of literacy at work in place of the semi-literacy that might naively be associated with the film industry ; people who had read one book by the author then sought out his earlier book , putting it too on the best-seller list .
3 ‘ Tired by a long and laborious day 's walk under a burning sun , I frequently encamped for the night by the side of a river , a natural pond , or a water-hole , and before retiring to rest not unfrequently stretched my weary body on the river 's bank ; while thus reposing , the surface of the water was often disturbed by the little concentric circles formed by the Ornithorhynchus [ duck-billed platypus ] , or perhaps an Echnidna [ anteater ] came trotting up towards me .
4 Despite the tears , Athelstan still wondered if her adultery made her an assassin or perhaps an accomplice to murder .
5 Most classes last for an hour or perhaps an hour and a half .
6 The idea is to note the activity ( which is planned by the classteacher alongside other teachers ) very briefly , to describe whether it was for a whole class , a group , or perhaps an individual .
7 The loss may be an object or person , or perhaps an aspiration which held some considerable positive value to the person .
8 First , the restitutionary remedy is expressed to be available not only against ‘ that person , ’ i.e. the contravener of section 3 or perhaps an associate of the contravener , but also against ‘ any other person … knowingly concerned in the contravention . ’
9 Not surprisingly this can lead to a great deal of guilt and remorse at the thought of things left unsaid , or perhaps an argument that had taken place just before the person left the house , never to return .
10 An IBM PC probably , or perhaps an Amiga .
11 Not only are they usually paid below the legal minimum — a study in 1984 showed three quarters of homeworkers in Britain were earning 1 or less an hour — but they also have to carry the overheads of heating and lighting .
12 The move is more or less an insurance policy that Apple will at least have a place as a client in the enterprise .
13 The move is more or less an insurance policy that Apple will at least have a place as a client in the enterprise .
14 He was more or less an alcoholic before he was 20 .
15 ‘ I knew that Alan liked the odd drink but it was n't until we were living together that I realised her was more or less an alcoholic , and violent with it . ’
16 ‘ And then we have an old lady , more or less an invalid so she never goes out , who thinks she saw someone climbing over the garden fence one night .
17 Inch loss from others varied according to their size but those with a 34–36 inch bust measurement either lost nothing at all or only an inch or an inch and a half .
18 One BCS initiative has started to produce a ‘ hybrid ’ — a computer-person who understands the outside world , or conversely an outsider who understands computers .
19 ( 2 ) The adequacy of pension funding Whether or not an insurer will wish to exclude warranties relating to funding adequacy will depend on whether a recent valuation is available from the managers of the fund and whether the vendor can claim against the valuation if the funding is shown subsequently to be inadequate .
20 In a company of five surveyors , all of whom hold shares and are also directors , the question of whether or not an individual may allege ‘ prejudicial ’ conduct by the others will depend on whether the plaintiff has suffered harm as a member .
21 The Council may provide that the provisions of any Codes of Practice promulgated by it shall be available to and shall be taken into account by the investigating and disciplinary bodies and , if appropriate , the appeals committee in determining whether or not an individual on the Register has failed to comply with the Rules of Conduct or is otherwise liable to disciplinary action pursuant to the Charter .
22 If the defendant succeeds on either of these issues , there would , strictly , be an issue as to whether or not an order for rectification of the register , as against the building society , ought to be made .
23 The question of criteria of objectivity is a complex one , and it is not easy to decide what criteria are valid in what context.5 But if it was only I myself and no one else who could decide whether or not an error has been committed in a given instance , then the distinction between " subjective " and " objective " order would have no meaning .
24 Clearly it will be of crucial importance in any er court proceedings because the court will have to decide whether or not an auditor was in breech of his or her duty having regard to what is on the face of the statute .
25 We do not ask whether or not an axiom is " true " — just as we do n't ask if the rules of chess are " true " .
26 If , in a given species , animals at a particular stage of their lives habitually live with relatives , then selection will favour altruistic acts that cause a net increase in the number of the relevant genes , whether or not an animal can recognize its own relatives .
27 Forged vouchers were sometimes detected , but usually there was no way for the slaughterhouse manager to know whether or not an animal was stolen .
28 This will apply whether or not an election to waive the exemption from charging VAT is in place on the property at the date the lease is granted .
29 Despite reservations about comparatively small numbers of patients , we can say that by the trial criteria , the diet did not prevent or reduce gall stone recurrence — whether or not an adjustment is made for the stone free interval .
30 Answer guide : Fixed costs in the majority of cases will be unavoidable ; that is they will be incurred whether or not an opportunity is accepted or rejected .
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