Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [noun] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 We can contortionism or my legs up behind my neck .
2 Manifestations can vary enormously from one individual to another ; a sufferer may — or may not — forget how to wash , dress , eat , go to the lavatory , get up or go to bed ; be disorientated in time and place ( for example , may get up in the middle of the night , or may wander away from home and be unable to find his or her way back ) ; forget the social conventions of politeness , and may therefore become aggressive or rude ( or over-friendly ) ; forget how to communicate , and even his or her own or other people 's identity .
3 If he or she undertakes to make a part of his or her income over to a charity for four years or more , the tax the individual pays on that income is given by the tax authorities to the charity concerned .
4 Consequently , conversation analysis limits the external analyst 's interpretational leeway because it relates his or her interpretations back to the members ' mutual understanding of their utterances as manifest in their behaviour .
5 This can have a rather unsettling effect over a long period — the family man can not promise to take his children to the seaside or his wife out to dinner more than a week ahead without the chance that he might be in India , California or Scotland at the time he promised .
6 In short , we promise you growth … or your money back !
7 In this event , providing the deposit paid is n't over 25% , you are guaranteed to get your chosen kitchen at the agreed price , or your deposit back in full .
8 You lie on your front and we actually take , ask you to take either your dress or your blouse off and we put towels over you .
9 Pipe dots around the hubs of the wheels , the words SCHOOL BUS on to the front and back , and the name of the child and/or their age on to the front and back bumpers .
10 You know very often , in fact usually the best way of working things out is to go right back to the beginning is n't it , it , to start off at square one and the trouble is sometimes we want to start in the middle , we want to pick it up where we think we can come in and it does n't work that way , we 've got to go right back to the beginning , and what is it at the beginning , well we look to see how God , what God 's plan and his purpose for us is , how God made us , it tells us there in the book of Genesis in the first chapter in verse twenty seven , that God created us to be like himself and you 've got to look in the mirror and I 've got to look in the mirror , not just the glass mirror on the wall , but into the mirror of ourselves and realise we do n't have to be intellectuals , we do n't have to be astute observers , but even the very cursory of glances will show to us that were nothing like it , if God made you and me to be in his image , then something has gone wrong , but that 's how we started , that is how he made us and in making us to be like himself that does something tremendous because it gives to men and women , it gives to human kind a status and a responsibility in creation , he did not make you and me like the animals , no matter how wonderful their abilities are , they 've got tremendous instincts , they 've got tremendous homing instincts , how that tiny bird weighing , weighing less than an ounce can fly thousands and thousands of miles , for the first time and come back , six , nine months later to the very spot where it was hatched out of an nest , now you ca n't do it , I ca n't do it , but for all wonders that God has put into the , into his , to his creative to his , in , in his creation , in animals , in birds and in other creatures , he has done something that marks you and I humanity out above and beyond all his others creation , he has given to us a status and a responsibility
11 My father had er , horses at that time and my uncle out at Holt , he had some horses they were talking about this one day and uncles would say well a horse did n't work nearly as hard with that road 's were nice and solid .
12 I had to discard my friends , my teachers and my life over and over in order to move .
13 Probably because it 's as close as I have ever come to seeing myself and my friends up on the screen .
14 Seaweed and my parents back from the dead and objects come alive and sort of leer at me and sometimes I joyfully feel as if I 'm going to sink to the bottom of the ocean forever , but I wake up and then I do n't know what 's real .
15 Her claw-prints are all over this Anya debacle , and the only physical attentions from me she 's likely to receive in future are a piece of my mind , the rough side of my tongue and my boot up her backside . )
16 And my lenses in .
17 Shove my dreams and my Walkman back into the bag , and get off the train .
18 I 'd got my toast and strawberry jam , I 'd treated myself to a doughnut as well , and I 'd got my bag and my money and my dreams back .
19 Erm so we walked in and out of carriages as he sought a pair of seats together and erm squashed down , he had me like penned into the window , like I 've got my bag and my umbrella in between ha , and I 'd already told him I was going out with someone .
20 trying to get my taste back and my smell back
21 As soon as I had the door closed and my jacket off I found a road atlas and turned to the Cambridge area .
22 ‘ I have my house and my car up for sale to help pay for costs when I 'm over there .
23 I hang my shirts and my T-shirts up .
24 ‘ But I would like enough money to have a nice home of my own — and to be able to set my mother and my brothers up somewhere else .
25 ‘ Maybe now after 20 years that person may want to relieve his or her conscience and help put me and my husband out of our misery by coming forward .
26 Next day my father went back to the war and my mother back to the boarding school where she was on teaching practice as a French assistante , and spoke to the future wives of doctors and civil servants : Je suis , tu es , il est , nous sommes .
27 Occasionally she has behaved like this when I am with her , and my mother out .
28 At the end of the article he writes : ‘ We may say , if we like , that the introspected mind is just a body and its goings on as they appear to the body in question and not to anybody else .
29 And , with the present government 's abolition of the local-authority Parker Morris house-building standards and its pruning down of the building control system , the standard of new homes may fall .
30 But I was completely impressed by Charlie 's big con trick , by his having knocked on the door of opportunity and its opening up to him , its goods tumbling out .
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