Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] a [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Variations to these customs can be made when there are no bridesmaids , or parents , or for a second marriage where the couple are paying for their own wedding .
2 All the cases discussed in this section have been ones in which words addressed to one person were held to make another person a trustee either for the first person or for a third party .
3 The manufacturer may provide the consumer with a warranty of quality either directly or through a third party .
4 But their strength as vehicles for practice or as a first amp for a budding shredder would be difficult to challenge .
5 Potted game is most delicious and delicate with hot thin crisp brown toast for tea or as a first course at lunch .
6 2 × rinse with diluted household bleach ( or as a last resort washing-up liquid ) .
7 is that a person who acts as a representative of another is in a conflict of interest situation if , either at the time when he accepts appointment or subsequently while he acts as a representative , there is a material interest of his own or of a third person for whom he also acts , and the pursuit or protection of that interest would create a substantial risk that he may not act in the best way to pursue or protect the interest of the person he represents .
8 ‘ 2(1) A person 's appropriation of property belonging to another is not to be regarded as dishonest — ( a ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he has in law the right to deprive the other of it , on behalf of himself or of a third person ; or ( b ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other 's consent if the other knew of the appropriation and the circumstances of it ; or ( c ) ( except where the property came to him as trustee or personal representative ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that the person to whom the property belongs can not be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
9 It will be seen that Category 1 , which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years , is confined to the malicious infliction of grievous bodily harm with intent to have sexual intercourse either with the victim or with a third party who is present or nearby .
10 According to the draft rules , a candidate would need to win at least 200 out of 300 votes to secure election in the first round or in a second round five days later .
11 The Assembly had 386 seats and under the country 's complex electoral system ( approved in October 1989 — see p. 36961 ) , there were 176 single-member constituencies , where results were decided either by overall majority in the first round , or in a second round to which candidates would go forward if they finished in the top three or obtained over 15 per cent of the vote .
12 Although the proposals contained within Roh 's message were not made public , it was confirmed that the South Korean President had requested an early meeting with Kim — in Pyongyang or Seoul ( South Korea ) or in a third country — for talks aimed at normalizing relations between the two states .
13 Having failed to consult the residents about their future , the report argued , the UK had a moral obligation to guarantee them the right of abode in the UK or in a third country .
14 In Roman art or in an 18th century Temple of Worthies ( such as the one at Stowe ) the rules of rhetoric might be invoked to argue that the bust functions as synecdoche , the head standing in for the whole physical and active domain of the body .
15 Those pupils wishing to continue their education have either to transfer to a school which does have a sixth form or to a sixth form college , or to move outside the secondary school system into a tertiary or further education college ( see below ) .
16 f ) Wandering , leading to the risk of outside damage either to the dog or to a third party .
17 And , if the owner consents to transfer property to the offender or to a third party , the offender does not appropriate the property , even if the owner 's consent has been obtained by fraud .
18 As in previous economic crises , capital expenditure was hit hardest , but on a scale not experienced before — cut to a half or to a third of previous levels in some cases .
19 A retired solicitor will not be treated as continuing to hold himself out as a partner merely because he has neglected to ensure that revised letterheads are used by the firm from the date of his retirement , but there could be more of a problem when he has been party to a lease of partnership property and steps have not been taken to replace him as one of its lessees/trustees. ( e ) Sureties Section 18 of the Partnership Act contains a special provision which applies , in the absence of contrary agreement , whenever there is a change in the membership of a firm : A continuing guaranty or cautionary obligation given either to a firm or to a third person in respect of the transactions of a firm is , in the absence of agreement to the contrary , revoked as to future transactions by any change in the constitution of the firm to which , or of the firm in respect of transactions of which , the guaranty or obligation was given .
20 And not just ACT 's code , but modules developed internally or by a third party .
21 If the indemnifier is a natural person , the death or personal injury in question could either be suffered by the indemnifier himself , or by a third party who has suffered it by reason of the indemnitee 's negligence and is claiming against the indemnitee in tort .
22 They saw municipal ownership and its efficient management as a means of improving public services and as a first step towards public ownership of the entire economy , and improved administration to prevent or cure social ills .
23 If the new work is given to you in a lecture , you can assume that you require two hours of study for each hour of lecture — for reading of the subject before the lecture , and as a first review ( " within the first 24 hours ) .
24 Underlying the FMI is a belief that better use of resources requires a clearer definition of the objectives of expenditure , and as a first step all departments were obliged to specify their objectives as a basis for determining priorities and measuring achievement .
25 Hundreds of delegates from around 25 political groups amended a charter presented by the EPRDF , and as a first step towards its implementation elected an 87-member Council of Representatives .
26 And as a first step we should demand three things essential to give any chance to retain ship building on Tyneside .
27 Unfortunately , certain landlords tend to abuse rights of access and as a first step the tenant should ensure that the right is subject to reasonable notice and may only be exercised at reasonable times , except of course in cases of emergency .
28 And as a first resort , come and bug m .
29 But it seems to be widely accepted as inevitable that indiscipline will not be eradicated , no matter how positive or imaginative the school tries to be ; hence the need to be able to apply sanctions and punishments , ‘ to register disapproval of unacceptable behaviour and as a last resort to protect the necessary authority of teachers and the stability of the school system ’ .
30 The Big Bang may have encouraged a greater familiarity among companies with search firms , simply because it was the first occasion when they had called on their services , often reluctantly and as a last resort .
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