Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [adv] an " in BNC.

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1 Maybe the purely locomotive-hauled coach could be obsolete or at least an enthusiast 's treasure by the end of the nineties .
2 The Crime and Punishment notebooks expend considerable effort trying to establish an overarching reason or at least an empirical scatter of factors , and failing .
3 Even the indignation of satire might assume the same moral perspective as that of the order being challenged , or at least an alternative to it .
4 Firstly Muslims ( like Christians and unlike Hindus ) have set prayers which should be said during the day , so that Christian prayers can be regarded as a threat or at least an alternative to Islam , and secondly , while Hindu and Sikh parents often regard Christian prayers for their children as so much water off a duck 's back , Muslims , again like Christians or religious Jews , object to any other religious influence on their children .
5 Important : This relaxation exercise is most beneficial if practised once or twice a day on an empty stomach , or at least an hour after eating .
6 ’ This is the , or at least an , autograph manuscript of Pippa , meaning that it is genuinely in the poet 's hand .
7 Such pressures can lead to lack of environmental awareness or at least an understandable questioning of whether spending time or money or both on improving classroom ecology justifies the effort involved .
8 Realism signifies a love , or at least an acceptance , of diversity .
9 In his influential Le Même et l'autre Vincent Descombes has described the entire history of twentieth-century philosophy in France as a succession of moves which attempt to get out of this Hegelian dialectic : the recent phenomenon of poststructuralism is part of a long philosophical story and distinguished only by what appears to be a certain success , or at least an avoidance of failure to the extent that it has at least managed to keep the game with Hegel in play .
10 The press , who had been alerted by an anonymous call to Reuters the previous day by one of the assassins , were out in force , waiting and hoping to get an exclusive of an assassination , or at least an attempted assassination , for the morning papers .
11 The second attribute is that each paragraph should have as a first sentence a brief statement or at least an indication of what the paragraph is to consider .
12 If that were so , there would scarcely be a government in the last 100 years which could be regarded as legitimate , but it is those uses of power and law which seem to betray or which can only be reasonably explained by a contempt for or at least an impatience with the principles of limited government and a belief that the rightness of the policies to be executed excuse or justify the methods whereby they are executed .
13 Learning , then , is a misnomer , or at least an inadequate way of construing higher education .
14 There was always a subsidiary social and political objective behind Philipps 's reforming zeal , to combat crime and disorder through a reimposition or at least an encouragement of religious discipline .
15 Actors throughout history had staggered on to stages in various states of alcoholic debility , but they had almost always got through the lines , or at least an approximation of them .
16 Nevertheless I consider it essential that we try and reach an agreement or at least an understanding before the report is considered by the Finance Committee .
17 Obviously this is not relevant if you have a tiny galley kitchen , or a slit of corridor space , but if you can add a chair or two , or at least a couple of stools where there were none before ; and some sort of bar , or at least an enlarged counter top if you ca n't fit in a decent table , then you are well on the way to making your kitchen a more welcoming place .
18 Whilst the purchaser may wish to elicit the vendors ' considered expectations before giving any indication , it is doubtful that much progress will be made in satisfying the above objectives without the purchaser giving a suitably caveated valuation range or at least an indication of the band of earnings multiples/net asset premiums it may be prepared to apply .
19 HMIs had already expressed a view that there was a prima facie case for the proposal , and the Council agreed that it would mean setting up a music board or at least an exploratory committee — and the DES music panel had offered suggestions of possible members .
20 Then Julius glanced up at her , and for just an instant Jessamy seemed to see right through the protective shield with which he had surrounded himself .
21 ‘ Ready , ’ Fabbiano said , and for just an instant Caroline felt a clutch of something that was very close to panic .
22 They had played in the mound of and for over an hour .
23 About twelve midnight the German positions in the village were over-run , and for about an hour the enemy mortaring in the farm area ceased .
24 Melissa spat out the word derisively and with quite an excessive amount of venom .
25 In the larger towns many parish priests were singing the majority of their masses for the dead with no family member present and with only an altar server to chant the responses .
26 Recent surveys have suggested that parents want their children to learn about these things at school , and from quite an early age .
27 But a neighbour wrote an anonymous letter about them to the DHSS and before long an official was knocking at their door .
28 The two goals and five points he conjured up against Antrim leaves him nine points clear of Wexford 's Tom Dempsey in the scoring charts , and in virtually an unassailable position .
29 They were told to keep the volume very low , there was no proper lighting rig and at 10.45pm an announcement was made while they were on stage : ‘ Last orders at the bar now please ! ’
30 All have been inspected and found to offer high standards of cleanliness and at least an adequate range of equipment .
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