Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [adj] than " in BNC.

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1 The 1970 Act required the EPA to prescribe NAAQSs which were not to be exceeded in any region more than one day per year , or during more than a limited period within that day ( table 8.1 ) .
2 They may bear grievances about the fact that they are locked up in prison , perhaps for longer than they feel they deserve or for longer than other offenders whom they regard as comparable .
3 Dismissing the taxpayers ' appeals , Lord Justice Nourse said that the ordinary meaning of ‘ release ’ comprehended both a release given for full consideration and one given gratuitously , or for less than full consideration , and there was no warrant for putting the limitation , as contended by the tax-payers , on the word ‘ releases ’ in s 287(1) .
4 ‘ It is sufficient to say that in Maskell v. Horner Lord Reading C.J. , referring to these authorities , and in particular to the advice given by Willes J. in Great Western Railway Co. v. Sutton — where that learned judge said that he had ‘ always understood that when a man pays more than he is bound to do by law for performance of a duty which the law says is owed to him for nothing , or for less than he has paid , there is a compulsion or concussion in respect of which he is entitled to recover the excess by condictio indebiti , or action for money had and received ’ — said that ‘ such claims made in this form of action are treated as matters of ordinary practice and beyond discussion . ’
5 ( b ) Money paid to a person in a public or quasi-public position to obtain the performance by him of a duty which he is bound to perform for nothing or for less than the sum demanded by him is recoverable to the extent that he is not entitled to it .
6 ‘ when a man pays more than he is bound to do by law for the performance of a duty which the law says is owed to him for nothing , or for less than he has paid , there is a compulsion or concussion in respect of which he is entitled to recover the excess by condictio indebiti , or action for money had and received .
7 Last year Ford UK took a major step in banning staff members under 21 or with fewer than three years ' driving experience from using the fast models .
8 This provides banking services through your local post office , which is normally open six days a week ( including Saturday mornings ) , and for longer than normal banking hours .
9 Thereafter , and for more than a generation , Germany was the stage on which the rival powers played out their conflicts .
10 And for more than an hour they heard about the glory of steam and engines and old stations .
11 MPs did have the opportunity for dalliance , away as they were from home for the best part of the week — and for more than half the year .
12 And for more than a mile they threaded their way around the standing pools that reached from the verges out into the drying roadway .
13 One day , he hinted , he would insist she did , and for more than just a holiday .
14 And for more than a century they were home to livestock .
15 Reliable cause of death statistics are woefully lacking for developing countries and of less than desirable quality for many developed ones .
16 To land on a spot consistently by this method , the round out and early part of the float must be made without too much excess speed and with less than full airbrake .
17 Solo and with less than half tanks , ‘ IL was light and showed almost 800 fpm climb at full power and 80 mph .
18 The modern practice of flailing the remaining hedges with crude machinery has not only destroyed the possibility of such views , but has also led to a considerable reduction of bird and animal life The landscape is much poorer both visually and in content than it was thirty years ago .
19 As a result , there has been a steady growth in the number of companies that have an audit committee — around two-thirds of the top 150 UK listed industrial companies and the great majority of UK listed financial institutions now have audit committees , and in more than half these cases , the committees were established within the past five years .
20 The engine leapt , shouted , and was tamed , and in less than a minute we had taken off from the little beach and were circling the island .
21 Considered uninspired , highly-priced and in less than perfect condition by some , Andrea Previtali 's ‘ Portrait of a young Gentleman ’ ( lot 6 ) still went to £150,000 ( $240,000 ) while ‘ The Piazza San Marco , Venice ’ attributed to Francesco Guardi ( lot 24 ) reached £130,000 ( $208,000 ) against an estimate of £30,000–40,000 .
22 It was abandoned when the new church was built in 1909 and in less than severity years has fallen into complete ruin — a good indication of how severe the Dales weather can be and how quickly buildings succumb to its assault .
23 The wind turned colder , with a scatter of rain , and in less than an hour it was dark .
24 And in less than a year after that the Secretary of State may make it clear that our client group is radically changed and moved
25 And in less than no time the weeks passed and the memories of that dreaded party were only a vaguely uneasy thought in the sealed-off recesses of Robyn 's mind .
26 Cytomegalovirus was associated with AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis in only two of the present patients in whom cryptosporidiosis was not also implicated and in less than a third overall ; these represent less than 10% of all cases of cytomegalovirus enteritis seen during the study period .
27 As soon as Luce had been helped in and settled the gondolier plied his oar , and in less than a minute they were on the Grand Canal .
28 This sum is equivalent to about one third of the Government grant to Radio Tanzania for the same period , and to more than the entire sum allocated to the development of information and broadcasting services in the first Five Year plan .
29 So this week we 're offering your family another chance to buy these brilliant mountain bikes — and at less than half the usual price for machines of this type .
30 The researchers found that levels of ultraviolet radiation doubled on certain days in September and October 1992 , but by only 9 per cent in the whole of September , the worst month , and by less than 1 per cent for the year as a whole .
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