Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Dorian Gray describes moments when ‘ the passion for sin , or for what the world calls sin ’ is utterly overwhelming
2 However , some forms of analysis — those carried out infrequently or for which the determinand is especially complex or poorly defined — are not amenable to conventional approaches to analytical quality control ( AQC ) .
3 though the contract is not in itself unlawful , the purpose for which it is made or for which the subject matter is to be applied is unlawful or the intended method of performance is unlawful ; or
4 There is often a fast turnover of patients especially if the surgical ward is one which deals with a large number of minor procedures , which involve only one night in hospital or for which the patient is admitted as a " day case " .
5 It is not like glucose , which has a controlled concentration between well-defined limits , above or below which the effects of hypo- or hyperglycaemia are readily apparent , as all diabetics know .
6 Bankruptcy proceedings must be commenced in the High Court ( in London ) if : ( i ) the petition is presented by a Government department , and either in the statutory demand an indication to petition in the High Court is stated or the petition is based upon an unsatisfied execution ; or ( ii ) the debtor by or against whom the petition is presented has resided or carried on business within the London insolvency district for the greater part of the six months immediately preceding the presentation of the petition or for a longer period during those six months than in any other insolvency district ; or ( iii ) the debtor is not resident in England and Wales ; or ( iv ) the petitioning creditor is unable to ascertain the residence of the debtor ( tr 6.9(1) and 6.40 ) .
7 and in addition to the foregoing such other risks as the Landlord from time to time in its reasonable discretion may think fit to insure against or against which the Tenant may reasonably request the Landlord to insure
8 Section 4 provides : ( 1 ) A person applies a trade description to goods if he ( a ) affixes or annexes it to or in any manner marks it on or incorporates it with ( i ) the goods themselves or ( ii ) anything in , on or with which the goods are supplied ; or ( b ) places the goods in , on or with anything which the trade description has been affixed or annexed to , marked on or incorporated with , or places any such thing with the goods ; or ( c ) uses the trade description in any manner likely to be taken as referring to the goods .
9 A number of branches have been formed both at home and overseas and many more graduates who are not currently members of the Association , or with whom the association has lost touch , have been enquiring about membership .
10 Toil , weather , human character and the quirks of animals are all graphically rendered , as well as the way in which newly-lifted potatoes glow ‘ like children 's shoulders after a day in the sun ’ , or in which the voice of a once-active young man now crippled by an accident becomes ‘ far-away , like a priest 's voice at the altar ’ .
11 A national industrial relations system formulated with labour organisations which are an adjunct to a successful nationalist movement , which has secured independence , may be expected to show some characteristics different from [ one ] in which national independence antedated the union movements or in which the union movements played a minor role in the nationalist movement .
12 The main argument is summarized by McKendrick : ‘ In a society in which the social distance between classes is too great to bridge , as say between a landed aristocracy and a landless peasantry , or in which the distance is unbridgeable , as in a caste society , then new patterns of increased expenditure on consumer goods are extremely difficult if not impossible to induce ‘ ( 1983 : 20 ) .
13 the sale or purchase of goods , being goods either usually employed by the firm for its own business , or in which the firm deals , or goods belonging to the firm ;
14 Considerable attention is currently being given to the production of H-H objects by jets that precess or in which the jet velocity varies .
15 Although it has disadvantages , it is a great deal better than the kind of society in which there is no free press , or in which the press is gagged by more and more complex and frequently unworkable rules .
16 The fact that a growing proportion of diplomats were now laymen whose fluency in Latin was often limited helped to accelerate this process , as did the fact that different nations pronounced the same Latin words in markedly different ways ; but as the language of treaties , especially those which involved a large number of states or in which the German states were concerned , Latin survived longer than as the language of negotiation .
17 Proceedings begun by originating application or petition may be subject to specific enactments or rules , but otherwise they may be commenced in the court for the district in which the respondent or one of the respondents resides or carries on business or in which the subject matter of the application is situated , or if no respondent is named , in the court for the district in which the applicant or petitioner or one of them resides or carries on business ( Ord 4 , r 8 ) .
18 The basic requirement is that within 21 days after setting down , notice is to be given in a form which varies according to which section applies to the statement sought to be admitted ; more often than not this will be s 2 , seeking the admissability of a statement otherwise than in a document , when the notice must give particulars of the time , place and circumstances , at or in which the statement was made , the person by whom , and the person to whom , it was made and the substance of the statement or , if material , the words used .
19 In all these cases there is no guidance as to their application , or indication as to the procedures for establishing the necessary facts , or upon whom the burden of proof lies .
20 Ministers are more subtle , describing the review as ‘ seeking to identify areas where better targeting can be achieved or from which the public sector can withdraw altogether . ’
21 At this point , a side glen comes in on the right with a path leading to the dominating heights of Carn Eige and Mam Sodhail , or from it the bealach between Tom a' Choinich and Toll Creagach may be reached and a fine view seen over Glen Cannich to the mountains of Glen Farrar .
22 A solicitor employed by a non-lawyer may not carry out professional work for any person other than his employer ( ie working directly with the employer 's clients is not permitted ) but may act for a company or other organisation controlled by the employer or over which the employer has substantial control or for a company in the same group as the employer or which controls the employer .
23 Being vain , however , and temperamentally unable to reject outright any of his earlier pronouncements , he could not admit , to the world or to himself the contradictions in which Schopenhauer involved him .
24 The therapist must also determine whether the patient feels able , with support , to tackle his present difficulties , and whether another person ( such as a partner , confidant , social worker , or general practitioner ) is available who might give help now , or to whom the patient could turn if necessary .
25 ‘ Background ’ shall mean any inventions designs computer software reports drawings and other works and information made available before or during the Project but not generated under the Project and either belonging to the contributing Party or to which the contributing Party has the necessary rights for the purposes of the Project .
26 By writ dated 6 August 1991 the plaintiffs in the first action , Barclays Bank Plc. claimed £389,431 from the defendants , Glasgow City Council , being moneys had and received to the plaintiffs ' use as having been paid under void contracts ; or contracts for which the consideration had totally failed ; which were traceable by the plaintiffs into the hands of the defendants , the retention of which would be unconscionable ; which would cause the defendants to be unjustly enriched ; or which the defendants held upon an implied or resulting or constructive trust in favour of the plaintiffs ; or to which the plaintiffs were entitled on the grounds that the defendants had spent the money on their lawful activities or applied them towards the discharge of their liabilities .
27 SECOND SCHEDULE Rights granted The tenant must make absolutely certain that there are full and sufficient rights available to it so that the premises can be enjoyed for the whole of the term for any purpose currently permitted by the lease or to which the premises may be put with the landlord 's consent .
28 Where he is the occupier of premises in or on which the chattels ( not attached to the premises ) are found and , before the finding ‘ he has manifested an intention to exercise control over the [ premises ] and the things which may be upon it or in it ’ .
29 A further extension through this horizon is then possible up to the next surface on which or at which the space-time again splits into two separating gravitational waves which are the time reverse of the initial approaching waves .
30 Fury at the behaviour of the other , or at what the other symbolizes , can be a desperate attempt to get physically and emotionally closer by sharing the experience of what it is like to be battered .
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