Example sentences of "[coord] [art] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 review the needs of the elderly person and/or the carer at intervals of not more than twelve months , until or unless the review considers this to be unnecessary ;
2 Whether in a large institution , a small restaurant , a bakery , a take-away food shop or the kitchen at home , those who handle and cook food must adhere strictly to the rules of food hygiene .
3 ( Do you concentrate on a large or small area of the brain ; if the latter , which one , if the site of the clock has not been established beyond all doubt ? ) ( a ) Do you follow one person only throughout your observation time(s) or choose , instead , a single place to see which of the family , if any , are there ? ( b ) If you choose to observe a single place , then do you study a place that is large or small , say , the front garden , a single- room , or the exit at the end of the drive ? ( c ) If it is a single room , which one ?
4 He was master now ; a fine control , his cock , or the gland at least , in Anton 's mouth .
5 Therefore the great extent of one or the other at various times in the past , might be no more than a measure of the width of the contemporary climatic belts .
6 In any event , they are adjusted one way or the other at the next meter reading .
7 In 1984 six freeports were established in areas near airports or the sea at Liverpool , Birmingham , Cardiff , Southampton , Belfast , and Prestwick .
8 For me , it 's all part of the " Great Divide " — separating stylised news presentation at HTV from that bit of daily banter on the local pavement , or when having a half with one or two cronies at the White Lion , off the Common , or the Crown at nearby Hambrook .
9 Greg was extremely interested to see whether Viola Machin would be represented in the flesh or the flower at the interment , and he got permission from his Principal to take the morning off and attend .
10 But it 's well , ’ he said seriously , ‘ that you should have a token about you that will get you in to me or the prince at need , and stand you in good stead if ever you should fall foul unawares of any of his officers or mine .
11 The centre of the discussion was the school curriculum ; and it was frequently observed at the time that this was the first occasion on which politicians or the public at large had concerned themselves with what had hitherto been a wholly professional matter .
12 It is to protect non-smokers from the health risks of passive smoking — risks which all those concerned with the welfare of employees , or the public at large , are having to face up to .
13 It can come from various sources , bosses , colleagues , customers , clients or the public at large .
14 Do they depend upon changes in the popularity of families of different sizes ( ‘ quantum ’ ) or the pace at which parents produce their children ( ‘ tempo ’ ) ?
15 The basic situation which I contemplate is a patient in hospital refusing all but nursing attendance , or the patient at home refusing all care , even if it means that he will be left alone .
16 An exchange can publish the quotes that are being made for future business , or the price at which historic business has been done .
17 I mention this struggle within the ‘ profession ’ because whenever some particularly disgraceful scandal occurs , such as the New Mills dispersal , or the dispersal at Brent , there will always be a tendency to blame the ‘ professional ’ involved .
18 I do n't know whether this will be acceptable to Policy and Resources Committee or the Council at the end of the day , but essentially what is showing there is something that , taken over the three years meets er , a figure equivalent to the annual but it does n't do it uniformly over the three years .
19 A yearly tenancy is determinable by the landlord or the tenant at the end of the first or any subsequent year of the tenancy by six months ' notice unless the agreement between the parties provides otherwise .
20 However , at the centre of the understanding must lie an awareness that schools and colleges have always been in the business of change , created by responding to the needs of individual children and students and that the child at school or the student at college must continue to be the central focus of all educational activity .
21 ‘ Then sell some land , ’ Angel 's father would say , and go back to his latest mistress or the gambling tables or the racecourse at Longchamps .
22 Further details from the N.D.O. or the Office at Epsom .
23 Further details from the N.D.O. or the Office at Epsom .
24 They came from the big houses down the loch or over the pass towards Loch Lomond , or the castle at Inverary , from miles and miles , little girls in furred and caped coats and dresses gathered into heavy bows behind the cascades of ringlets .
25 If they leave during this period they will be entitled to redundancy pay provided that the industrial tribunal considers their leaving was reasonable or the job at the new location was unsuitable .
26 You may need to remind the Chair of the length of the agenda or the point at issue if a speaker is not keeping to the matter at issue .
27 Some mythic elements seem to be transformations of this cult practice , for example the episode where the young goddess Britomartis leaps into the sea to escape the clutches of Minos , or the contest at Aptera between Muses and Sirens which ended in the defeat of the Sirens , who then threw themselves into the sea .
28 The company , which makes polythene bags and which also has a recycling programme , believes a plan by Germany will not help the rest of the EC or the environment at large .
29 If there 's a choice of options , ie more than one button or buckle hole , mark the one she needs or the place at which she should start using stickers or a drop of nail varnish .
30 In making an apology one accepts blame for what has happened , but at the same time one tries to convince the injured party if there happens to be one , or the world at large if not , that the error is not to be taken as representative of the real self .
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